Working With URL Query Strings In C#?

Jul 25, 2010

I can get the current value of a URL query string by using Request.QueryString["UrlKey"], but can I actually modify the URL with code, without doing a form GET submission?

If the user is landing on the page for the first time, what is the easiest way to programmatically create the ?UrlKey=value through the Page_load method? Or am I better of doing this with Javascript or building a redirect Like: string redirect = "" + MyKey + "=" + MyValue;

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MVC :: Default Values On Query Strings?

Sep 18, 2010

I have alot of query strings on one of my seartch pages. The problem is that even if the corsponding setting is not set by the enduser it will be visible in the URL. Is there a way to avoid this?

In this case the Controller actions take an object of the following class :


Is it possible to avoid setting all the values in the URL when it is the default values that are used?

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Security :: Forms Authentication And Query Strings - .Net 4.0 Iis 7?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm completely lost as how to resolve this issue, I'm not sure if it's occurring in iis or it's my .net

I have forms authentication and a login.aspx page using iis 7

I'm trying to achieve the following url:[URL]

How do i resolve this issue? I really need the id to be used as part of the login process

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C# - How To Process The Values Of Optional Query Strings

Nov 3, 2010

I'm pretty new to C# and ASP.NET, so bear with me on this one. I'm setting up a page that receives query strings from the url. It then passes these strings to another method (in another class, actually), which goes on to do lots of things depending on the value of the query string.

The general structure looks something like this, where DoSomething() is actually part of another class that will be used by lots of different pages:

pretected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
DoSomething (Request.QueryString["name"]);
public void DoSomething (string UrlVariable)
// if UrlVariable isn't set, initialize it to some value
// do stuff with UrlVariable

Here's what I'm wondering:

If the query string "name" isn't defined in the url, what does Request.QueryString return? an empty string? null? If it returns null, what happens if I try to pass null to a method that is expecting a string? Does the whole program fall apart, or can I check for null inside the DoSomething() method (after receiving the null string)?

The "name" is optional, so if the user doesn't set it, I'd like to detect that and initialize it to some default value. If possible, though, I'd like to put any validation inside DoSomething(), instead of doing the check on every page that requests the string.

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C# - Alternative To Query Strings To Pass Data Between Webpages?

Jan 20, 2010

I am currently using a number of query string parameters to pass some data from one page to a second page (the parameters hold confirmation/error messages to display in the second page), that due to a third party product can no longer work correctly in the production environment. The user completes an action on the first page, and is then transferred to the second page. What are the possible alternatives to use instead of a query string and GET - session variables, POST data, or something completely different?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datanavigateurlformatstring - Passing Multiple Query Strings?

Jul 12, 2010

I am using the datanavigateurlformatstring within a datagrid property with the property set something like;


Unfortunately, when the new webpage opens, the url contains lots of spaces and I'm struggling to remove all of the spaces. The code actually works but looks a bit messy, see below.

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2& dip=5 & iid=3 &tid=3"

but should look like this

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2&dip=5& iid=3&tid=3"

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Configuration :: 404 Not Working For Complete Strings?

Apr 30, 2010

I have configured in my web.config the 404 error message and the page to be displayed. This works fine if I enter in a non existant page for example: sure enough it redirects to my 404 page. However if I type in: I get, what I assume, is a standard Windows server 404 page. If you try each of those links you will see what I mean.

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Configuration :: Connection Strings Not Working Once Deployed?

Dec 14, 2010

I have just deployed my entire website onto my hosting provider. My databases worked fine whilst I was testing the website on the local host. They use Plesk Control Panel. Here is my connection string:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True (nothing is omited from this string)

Why isn't this working when the website is online? I get the error Invalid value for key 'attachdbfilename'. I have retargeted my website for .net 2.0 at the providers request because they do not support .net 4.

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Query String Can A Query String Contain An Url That Also Has Query Strings

Nov 22, 2010



I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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Forms Data Controls :: Query Working In Query Builder But Not In Webpage?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm encountering a strange problem. Here is the scenario. I have built a query that accepts a parameter (WHERE LIKE clause).

I've tested this within the query builder and it returns exactly the number I would expect.

I then go back to my webpage and add the following controls:



the user to make a selection from the dropdown. Postback on the dropdown is enabled so the page reloads and the Gridview displays the filtered results (via an objectdatasource). I've set the parameter to the dropdown control.

The trouble is when I run the page I make the selection in the dropdown no results are displayed. Even though the text displayed in the dropdown control is exactly the same as I inputted into the query builder when testing it.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query Not Working When Using Query Builder To Configure Table Adapter

Jan 15, 2010


This query works perfectly on the query analyser.

But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.

What could I be getting wrong in this case.

NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.

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.net - LINQ-Query Is Not Working?

Dec 13, 2010

Table User (UserID, Username)
Table Admin (AdminID, Username)
Table PM (PMID, SenderID, Sendertype, RecipientID, RecipientType)
Get all Information from PM
if SenderType == 'A' join SenderID to Admin-Table, get Username
if SenderType == 'U' join SenderID to User-Table, get Username
if RecipientType == 'A' join RecipientID to Admin-Table, get Username
if RecipientType == 'U' join RecipientID to User-Table, Get Username

someone have an Idea how to solve in 1 query?

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SQL Server :: Select Query Not Working

Oct 14, 2010

i have been having trouble trying to find out what is wrong with my sql select query... i wanted to select a sessionID by comparing the tourID and dates. the dates datatype at the database is datetime and the value of itemSessionDate is in string. i tried to convert itemSessionDate to date and dateAndTime but it gave me mm/dd/yyyy while the date in my database is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. so i thought i can try using the itemSessionDate string as it has the same value as the one return from the database. but it keeps on goin to the if not reader.hasRows and quit the statement


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ADO.NET :: Query With Seemingly Ok Logic Not Working?

Jan 28, 2011

I am just a student so sorry if I sound amateurish. I am doing developemnt for a web application that uses LINQ to SQL (even though apparently its going to be depreciated soon) and this query always returns 0 results. I have lots of experience with LINQ to SQL and have applied it to the entirety of a huge site; this one query isn't working right though.


so I emailed myself stuff for debugging and sure enough, the parse to datetime and accesssing year worked fine, it grabbed 2010 from the db, month and day as correctly in the DB.the querystrings were in the URL and i verified that they are the values from which there would be many results

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource Query Not Working?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a strange problem...I am programatically adding an SQL SELECT query to my SqlDataSource that my GridView is bound to. If I use the follwing statement it works fine:


But if I use the following one, the gridview fails to load. The only way that this is different is it uses RTRIM and CAST on one of the fields:


I don't understand why this can be. If I try the statement exactly how it is in the query builder and run it it returns the rows no problem.

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Cannot Get The Linq To SQl Query Return Type Working(C#)?

Apr 14, 2010

I am trying to fill a gridview with the data from Product table selecting few columns . I am using 3 - tier architecture and in DAL getproduct(userid) I am writing the query but cannot figure out exactly how to get that working .. here is piece of method I wrote

public List<Project> GetProjectList(int ownerId)

View 11 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Multi Insert Query Using Scope_identity Not Working

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to create multi insert query in single stored procedure along with scope_identity variable. while execute the aspx page getting error "Procedure 'sp_seller_ins' expects parameter'@new1', which was not supplied." I have created stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_seller_ins]
@txt_n_properity VARCHAR(50),
@txt_t_properity VARCHAR(50),
@txt_prop_for VARCHAR(50),
@txt_flat_no VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_country VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_state VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_district VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_town VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_area VARCHAR(50),
@txt_loc_locality VARCHAR(50)
declare @new1 int
declare @new2 int
INSERT INTO dbo.sel_pro_details( nature_property, type_property, property_for, flat_no) VALUES ( @txt_n_properity, @txt_t_properity, @txt_prop_for, @txt_flat_no);
set @new1 = scope_identity()
INSERT INTO dbo.sel_loc_details( country, state, district, town, area, locality, pro_details_id) VALUES (@txt_loc_country, @txt_loc_state, @txt_loc_district, @txt_loc_town, @txt_loc_area, @txt_loc_locality, @new1);
set @new2 = scope_identity()
code behind aspx page
sqlconn mySql = new sqlconn();
mySql.Command = mySql.Connection.CreateCommand();
mySql.Command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
mySql.Command.CommandText = "sp_seller_ins";
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_n_properity", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_n_properity"].Value = txt_n_properity.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_t_properity", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_t_properity"].Value = txt_t_properity.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_prop_for", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_prop_for"].Value = txt_prop_for.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_flat_no", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_flat_no"].Value = txt_flat_no.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_country", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_country"].Value = txt_loc_country.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_state", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_state"].Value = txt_loc_state.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_district", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_district"].Value = txt_loc_district.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_town", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_town"].Value =txt_loc_town.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_area", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_area"].Value =txt_loc_area.Text;
mySql.Command.Parameters.Add("@txt_loc_locality", SqlDbType.VarChar);
mySql.Command.Parameters["@txt_loc_locality"].Value =txt_loc_locality.Text;

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query Via LINQ Not Working As Expected?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a form that gets populated by LINQ and I want to be able to update the database using that same form. The form is populated by grabbing a querystring (for example, "edit=10") and searching the primary key for that record. So far so good. I have a button attached to the function below which is supposed to use LINQ to update the database with data from the form. I get no errors, but for some reason, it is only updating one field (Last_Updated) instead of all of them.


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Ms Access - Display The Values Of A Stored Query - Dconcat Not Working

Jul 24, 2010

i am trying to display the values of a stored query i have created in an access database. the stored query uses a number of other stored queries to calculate the results. Everything was working fine until i used the dconcat function of access in order to concatenate the values coming from some records.

The strange part is that access is working correctly providing the correct results for the query while when trying to execute the new stored query on i get an "Undefined function 'DConcat' in expression" error. i know that my query is working correctly since i get the right results every time i execute it in access but i get the problem described above when i try to get the results through an web page i have created.

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DataSource Controls :: Select Query Not Working / Getting An Invalid Column Name Error?

Jul 9, 2010

i have the following select staement which deosnt work, can anyone advise me whats wrong with it:

string _name = ddl_Name.SelectedValue.ToString();
string cmd =
"SELECT ID, Telephone FROM User_List WHERE Name = '' + _name;

i keep getting an invalid column name error? and i know the syntax next to _name isnt correct. how are the single quotes meant to go?

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Web Forms :: Bind Multiple Query String Parameters From Database When Working With Eval

Aug 26, 2012

I have the following Repeater, I need to bind multiple querystring parameter inĀ  HREF

<li class="current">
<a href="house.aspx?H_name=all"></a>
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMenu" runat="server">


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SQL Reporting :: MDX Query Parameter From SSRS / Setup @from And @to As Parameter But Not Working?

Aug 21, 2010

I've a MDX Query that has where clause as shown below.I'm designing report using SSRS 2008. How can i pass date as parameter? I tried to setup @from and @to as parameter but not working?

WHERE ( {[Date Central].[Calendar Date].[2010-04-01 00:00:00]:[Date Central].[Calendar Date].[2010-08-30 00:00:00]} )

need it to work as
WHERE ( {[Date Central].[Calendar Date].[@From]:[Date Central].[Calendar Date].[@To]} )

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DataSource Controls :: Select All The Customers From "customers" Table From A Specific Country - Query Is Not Working

Feb 23, 2010

I want to select all the customers from "customers" table from a specific country. I write the following query but it is not working. why?

select *
From customers
where country = @country;[code]....

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How To Compare Strings

May 11, 2010

I want to compare the strings. Its about Disambiguate Doctors profile... If there are four or five members having same name i have to check whether they are same person or not ... If i have smith for five times in my table then i have to check all the five persons like,by having their lastname as comman. check attached form.

Attached Files String (2.4 KB, 4 views) ThatThatGuy EB Join Date: Jul 2009 Location: INDIA (MUMBAI)
Posts: 424
May 11 '10

re: How to Compare Strings
String.Equals() will check for same string

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Web Forms :: Quotes In Xml Strings

Aug 26, 2010

I need to post an xml string to another website. I can't create an xml file, because some of the content is dynamically created. The two lines that are causing me problems are

sPostData = sPostData & "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
sPostData = sPostData & "<?qbmsxml version='4.1'?>"

The receiving site expects to see

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?qbmsxml version="4.1"?>


<?xml version='1.0'?>
<?qbmsxml version='4.1'?>

The conversion from double quotes to single quotes isn't being accepted. So how can I send the string so that the versions are surrounded by double quotes?

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