MVC :: Default Values On Query Strings?

Sep 18, 2010

I have alot of query strings on one of my seartch pages. The problem is that even if the corsponding setting is not set by the enduser it will be visible in the URL. Is there a way to avoid this?

In this case the Controller actions take an object of the following class :


Is it possible to avoid setting all the values in the URL when it is the default values that are used?

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Default Null Session Values To Blank Strings In C#?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm used to using for web programming.Often, I have something like:

Dim s as string = Session("s")

I get a string value for s from the web session. If there is no value in the web session, I get a blank string.However, AFAIK, in C#, I have to have something like the code below to do the same thing.

string s;
try { s = Session["s"].ToString(); }
catch { s = ""; }

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C# - How To Process The Values Of Optional Query Strings

Nov 3, 2010

I'm pretty new to C# and ASP.NET, so bear with me on this one. I'm setting up a page that receives query strings from the url. It then passes these strings to another method (in another class, actually), which goes on to do lots of things depending on the value of the query string.

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pretected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
DoSomething (Request.QueryString["name"]);
public void DoSomething (string UrlVariable)
// if UrlVariable isn't set, initialize it to some value
// do stuff with UrlVariable

Here's what I'm wondering:

If the query string "name" isn't defined in the url, what does Request.QueryString return? an empty string? null? If it returns null, what happens if I try to pass null to a method that is expecting a string? Does the whole program fall apart, or can I check for null inside the DoSomething() method (after receiving the null string)?

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I am using the datanavigateurlformatstring within a datagrid property with the property set something like;


Unfortunately, when the new webpage opens, the url contains lots of spaces and I'm struggling to remove all of the spaces. The code actually works but looks a bit messy, see below.

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2& dip=5 & iid=3 &tid=3"

but should look like this

"http://localhost:34354/website1/editrecords2.aspx?rid=2&sid=2&dip=5& iid=3&tid=3"

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Feb 5, 2010

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Should i send the values to be inserted as strings to the DAL, and then i create the object there or should i create the object in View Layer and then send him to DAL?

Example 1 (DAL):


Example 1 (View Layer, on a click button for example):


Or should i receive the strings in DAL like this: public bool NoticiasInsert(string tituloPT, string tituloEN, string descricaoPT, string descricaoEN)

Then i create the object cdcModel.noticias and set the fields there with the strings values.

What do you advice me to do? I know that both ways works, but i'm trying to develope with better patterns (i don't know if this is the exacly word, sorry my bad english)

cdcModel.noticias campos = new cdcModel.noticias();
campos.tituloPT = "a";
campos.tituloEN = "b";
campos.descricaoPT = "a";
campos.descricaoEN = "a";
if (DAL.NoticiasInsert(campos)

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I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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Sep 2, 2010

I am using the query listed below which includes multiple joins, in the result of the query I need to do some value replacement valuesExample: db.ASSETS.BUILDING_ID=300 that ID does not exist in db.BUILDINGS, in that case I need to return BUILDING_ID=0, db.BUILDINGS.NAME="Unassigned"


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Run A SQL Query With A List Of String Values Using The "WHERE [columnname] IN [values]" Format?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a SQL query I'm running in an ASP.NET page. The final parsed SQL needs to contain a list of string values in the WHERE [columnname] IN [values] format. For example, the final query might look something like this:


However, the string values in the WHERE clause need to be dynamic. Normally I use parametrized queries to make my code convenient and safe, so conceptually I'd like to do something like this:

String[] productCodes = { "ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL" };
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductCodes", productCodes);

However, this sort of functionality doesn't appear to exist in .NET. How should I go about implementing this? I could use a foreach loop on the array and run a query with a single value as a parameter for each value, but there could potentially be a hundred or so different values in the array and it seems like querying them separately would be very inefficient.

I've read another question where someone suggested a solution for strongly-typed int parameters, but that method would make me nervous about SQL injection when used with String values, especially since the client may very well be able to influence the input values.

How would you implement this query functionality?

EDIT with DB Details:

The database is SQL Server 2005.

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ADO.NET :: Default Values In SQL Syntax / MVC?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a repository function called getList which retrieves certain information that gets posted to it from a form. My form has 6 fields, and a user can enter searvh criteria in any or all the fields. According to what he has entered, I must execute a SQL string to retrieve matching information.

I have the following:


But, if a user enters only a surname, my query will return no results. Is there a way format my sql string to allow default values, or maybe build the sql string at runtime. In MS-SQL it was easy to do, but how would one do it in LINQ??

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how to read these values from .NET code, preferably VB.NET, though C# is fine.


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Jan 28, 2010

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new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id="" }

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new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id="" }

"Home_MyAction_" doesn't work (404 error).

Why is it so?

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Jun 17, 2010

i am creating inintalizing a viewmodel with the following code in an create action;


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AJAX :: Display CascadingDropDown With Default Values?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a user input form with a cascading dropdown. The code is:


Once the user submits the form, it goes into a temporary table, pending admin approval. On the approval page, I display a GridView of all pending records. Is it possible to use a CascadingDropDown in the GridView, with each Dropdown set to the value stored in the database for that specific record?

If I can't do this with a gridview, how about a dynamic ASP table?

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How To Load A Page With Its Default Values After A Postback

May 14, 2010

I'm creating user controls that i will put into an update panel and make them visible only when required using triggers. Once visible it will float in a dialog box so it has a close button which will just hide the control on client side.

The controls have multiple post back states, like a wizard, i'm using a multi view control to accomplish that. My problem is that once the user is at step number two in the control, if the user closes the dialog, than opens the dialog again, (note that the control is made visible on the server and reloaded by updating the updatepanel) the second step will still be displayed. The reason is . because whenever there is a postback the control will load its state using the viewstate, even if EnableViewState is false it will still load it using the LoadControlState method. so my quesion is how can i force a user control to load fresh with its default values without any postback data.

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