Access Config File In A Test Environment?

Jul 9, 2010

Im writing unit tests for an mvc project, I have a config file that I use in my tests, for some reason , the config file has to be in in the bin folder in order to be found , Is there another way to do this as I dont feel it is best practice having config files in bin

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Installation :: Access Denied To Machine.config - Windows 7 Development Environment

Mar 14, 2010

I have just ported my VS2008 development environment to a new computer running Windows 7. One roadblock I'm having is that when I edit machine.config in VS2008, I cannot save it back to its location - I get an error saying Access Denied. I am logged in as Administrator and have tried to set myself up as owner but the crazy security rules in Windows 7 are frustrating this operation. (I could do this on my previous system - VS2008 running XP.) I set the Administrators permissions to Full Control and made this file's owner Administrators (vs the previous SYSTEM)

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Configuration :: Error 1 Could Not Open Source File: Could Not Find File 'C:11-22 EstobjDebugCSAutoParameterize RansformedWeb.config'. 0 0 Test

Nov 24, 2010

I have built an ASP.NET (.NET v4) application in VS 2010. It is working just fine. But when I try to create deployment package (so I can deploy it in our test IIS 7.5 Server), it gives me error like this,

Error 1 Could not open Source file: Could not find file 'C:11-2 estobjDebugCSAutoParameterize ransformedWeb.config'. 0 0 test

Thing is in past, I had deployed the SAME application using the SAME method.

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Setting Up Dev Environment / Publish The Project Without Manually Changing The Web.config File?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm working on different windows machines and virtual windows machines on a mac. I have a project wich uses SQL server and AD for autentication.

Right now I have to be connected to VPN so that the web application can connect to AD using LDAP string to autentivate users, I also have the SQL server on the other side of the VPN connection.

Is there any way to setup my enviroment so that I can work locally without the AD, and on a local SQL server and be able to publish the project without manually changing the web.config file?

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Configuration :: Get The File Path Test.config?

Mar 9, 2011



I want to I get the file path test.config.How do find the the path to that file ?I tried something this but it appears an error:Object reference notes Set to an instance of an object.

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Security :: Delete File Error -- VS Dev Environment. Cannot Access Directory

Jan 26, 2011

Running winXP and Visual Studio 2005. Using only the Development server at this stage:

Have added machine user in Windows for the directory in question

Have set up web config as


Problem: In test environment using VS development server, want to allow all users (will change to specific roles when implemented) to add and delete files from the directory App_Data. I can successfully upload files, but when I attempt to delete a file I get the error....

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Documents and Settings.......App_Data' is denied.

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Development And Test Environment Practices?

Jul 7, 2010

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Ideal Dev / Test / QA Environment For Development?

May 26, 2010

I am working to rebuild my company's dev/test/QA environment. We have 10-15 programmers that are involved in a number of projects. They currently all develop locally on their PCs and use the dev environment for testing. We currently do not have a QA environment, so deployments are frequently a pain because bugs are usually found after something has gone live. Here's what I envision:

Doing away with everyone's local admin privileges and making everyone develop on a dev server. Create a QA environment that is identical to our production systems. This will allow them to test deployments. Create a new test environment that is more locked down than the dev server so that proper testing can be done. What are your thoughts? What is the best way to set up an environment like this? We develop ASP .NET applications using MS Visual Studio 2008.

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CommunicationObjectFaultedException Occurring Only In Test Environment?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a WCF service than in my development and production environments works without any trouble but in my test environment it will occasionally throw a CommunicationObjectFaultedException. This has been very difficult to track down but it seems to happen only after going a long time with out calling it.client is a web applictaion running on two load balanced servers, the WCF service is hosted in IIS and running on two load balanced servers.There is no difference in the WCF configuration between the three environments so I believe there must be something different in the way the servers are set up. What are some things I can ask my server admins to check? (I don't have proper access to these servers to check stuff myself).

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Jul 26, 2010

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State Management :: Cached Dataset / Unable To Test In A Live Server Environment At Present

Nov 17, 2010

I'm currently developing a website using VS2010 Express/SQL Express 2008, and am using the applications development server to test.

I have created an access layer which effectively takes all my cachable data and creates datasets.

I've also created a system wheras for each dataset, For each dataset I also create a token cached object (a string), which is set to expire before the dataset. The theory behind this is that when my token expires and is removed from cache, it calls a routine to rebuild the dataset, and re-caches the new result, then creates a new token. Think of it as a poor mans SQL dependency.

What this allows me to do is rebuild datasets behind the scenes with little interruption/delay throughout the day. It all works great - for instance when a user updates a table containing 100,000+ records on the site, the dataset rebuilds at hourly intervals reworking and consolidating the data in the background before representing it in a smaller cachable form.

What I would like to know is this. If I was to replace the database during the usable day (only updating the tables that users don't update), lets say adding 50 new records, would it cause the cache to be dropped. The reason I ask is because it the cache remains until its exipry time, I can replace the database and rebuild datasets incorporating new data in the background when the token expires. If the cache is dropped when I update the database, it will mean interuption whilst I reload the datasets and will change my strategy on uploading new data.

I ask the question because I'm currently working on the development server and unable to test in a live server environment at present.

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How To Deny Access To A File With Web Config

Mar 3, 2011

I have a problem with ASP.NET web configuration file. I want to deny some users or roles to accessing a specific PDF file. I am using ASP.NET membership and role management system. So I added this lines of codes to a Web.config file:

<location path="myfile.pdf">
<allow roles="admin"/>
<deny users="*"/>

and put it to the directory witch the file is included in it. Now when I run the project in local system I can not access the PDF file wile I login with "admin" role. But when I publish the project on the web server I can not brows the folder but I can view the PDF file when I browse complete path to the PDF file. So:

I can not access : [URL]

but I can view : [URL]

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Read Environment Variables In Web.config?

Feb 18, 2010

Is there a way write code in web.config file using preprocessed function. Say I created environment variables like %Temp%, %WINDIR%. order to read these I can use the configurationManager class. But I dont want to use it. I woudl like to use a preprocessed function similar to timeStampPattern="{timestamp(local)}". Here timestamp(local) retrieves the value directly. So in a similar way can i read the environment variables %temp% and %windir% using preprocessed function if any exists?

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Security :: How To Set Anonymous Access To IIS 7 From Web Config File

Aug 30, 2010

I have developed 2.0 website with crystal report now what my problem is whenever i go to crystal report page its by default going to login.aspx or default.aspx though i didt set any login to my page..

I talk with my hosting provider they said that the impersonate is enable..

I think in IIS 7 authentication if i set anonymous access enable, will it work fine?

so i need to know how to enable anonymous access from my webconfig ..

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Security :: How To Protect Web.config File From External Access

Jun 18, 2010

How to protect our web.config file from external access.

I mean some sort of password protection.

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Access :: Multiple Connection Strings In Web.config File

Jan 12, 2010

Is that possible to add two connectionstrings in web.config and Can I call those two web.config in my aspx.cs file?

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Configuration ::access The Second External Config File From Same Webconfig

May 11, 2010

how can i access 2 external config files from web.config file.

i have done it for one external file like this in webconfig:

<appSettings file="........">

Now how can i access the second external config file from same webconfig.

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Configuration :: Environment Variable To Point To Web Reference Using Web.config?

May 17, 2010

I have an 2.0 website. I have an appsetting in the web.config to point to which environment I am in (Dev, QA, Production). Each environment has it's own web reference for calling web services to get data.I currently have all 3 web references added to the project at the same time and manually change the name of the current environment I want to use. Is there a way I can use the appsetting environment variable I have setup to decide which web reference to use? Does anybody have an example or can point me in the right direction to get started?

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Security :: How To Limit User To Access Database And Web.config File

May 6, 2010

I know I can use [assembly: FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.RequestRefuse, Unrestricted = true)] to limit user to access disk files, now I hope to limit user to access database and web.config file, how can I do?

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Configuration - Have Settings In The Web.config (and Access Them Using ConfigurationSection) Or In A Separate XML File?

Sep 20, 2010

I have few settings which I could place in a separate XML file and have them accessed in the Web app. Then I thought (thinking of one additional file to deploy), why not have them in the web.config itself. However, just because I need to have custom nodes, I can not have the settings under . So, I am thinking of creating a custom config handler following this. Would that be better than having a separate XML file? Is It going to be an overkill or performance wise? Is there a better way to go?

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Web Forms :: Declare Url In Web.config File And Give Them A Name And Access From Code Behind?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a project that has 4 pages and from each page have several link buttons to go each of the other pages. I would like to declare these url in the web.config file and give them a name and access from code behind.

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Databases :: Trying To Access Mysql Database From Aspx.pages Using A Web Config File?

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to access Mysql database from aspx.pages using a web config file.

My web.config connection string is:

<add connectionString=";uid=xxxxx;pwd=1234;database=Mydb"
providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />


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Configuration :: Access ApplicationSettings Keys In Web.config (not AppSettings) From Aspx.file?

Apr 21, 2010

Does somebody knows how to access applicationSettings-Keys in web.config (NOT appSettings) from aspx.file like "<%? applicationSettings:Keyname %>? This seems to work only with the old "appSettings".

From code I can it access it with "Properties.Settings.Default.Keyname", thats clear.

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Reading / MailSettings / Smtp From Web.config In Medium Trust Environment?

Jan 5, 2011

I have some inherited code which stores SMTP server, username, password in the section of the Web.config.

It used to read them like so:

Configuration c = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);
MailSettingsSectionGroup settings = (MailSettingsSectionGroup)c.GetSectionGroup("");
return settings.Smtp.Network.Host;

But this was failing when I had to deploy to a medium trust environment. So following the answer from this question, I rewrote it to use GetSection() like so:

SmtpSection settings = (SmtpSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(""); return settings.Network.Host;

But it's still giving me a SecurityException on Medium trust, with the following message:


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Security :: Encrypting Connection String In Web.config In Shared Hosting Environment?

May 27, 2010

My problem is that I'm going to have a SQL Server database and website that accesses that database via a hosting provider, most likely, using ASP.Net. I need to make sure the connection string in the web.config file is as secure as possible, because the database will actually be storing trivia questions for a game I'm developing, and the clients will be accessing these questions, saving specific state related details, and other details, to the database, so every player that plays the game will have their details stored in this database. I need to ensure hacking is very difficult to accomplish.

From my research it appears as though the only viable solution for your web.config when you've got a hosting account with something like is to use SQL Server security to connect to your SQL Server database and place those details in the web.config file. Is this correct? It seems that this is the most likely scenario for most users, because we don't have access to our hosting providers IIS servers in order to use Windows authentication with SQL Server access and then use DPAPI encryption from there.

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