Apply Cycle To The Div Block With Dynamic Content?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to apply cycle to the div block with dynamic content. This content will be generated after a click event. Once i click the image it is working after that it is not working.


$("div.cls img").click(function() {
.... Adding the content
fx: 'scrollHorz',
speed: 3500,
timeout: 0, continuous: true,
pause: 1, sync: 1


<div id="myDiv">
<a id="i1"> abc</a>
<a id="i2"> abcd</a>
<a id="i3"> abce</a>
<a id="i4"> abcf</a>
<a id="i5"> abcg</a>
<a id="i6"> abch</a>
<a id="i11"> abc1</a>
<a id="i21"> abcd1</a>
<a id="i31"> abce1</a>
<a id="i41"> abc1f</a>
<a id="i51"> abcg1</a>
<a id="i61"> abch1</a>

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Second way:


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using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;


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//Create a Dynamic Panel
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[Code] .....

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I have a problem which i can not figure it out on my own, because i do not know where to look. Here's a brief description of my problem;

I have a treeview on my aspx page, when user clicks on one node, i read an html code ( such as <html> <body> sample page</html> ) from database and i just want to show this html content on the same page, say that on the right side of the treeview.

I have used freetextbox control for letting the user to input some html enabled articles.

A treeview on the right side -> (Users selects one node) -> HTML content created on the right side.

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Dynamic Content Switching Based On Stylesheet?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm making a new design for my website, but I want to keep the old one and possibly switch between the two.

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What I was thinking was to keep separate master files for each theme, and then just determine which one to server based on which stylesheet is loaded.

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Alternatively it might be easier to do something similar, but instead of serving a whole different master page, set a specific stylesheet to use.

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how can i store dynamic generated WORD file to Hard disk.

here is my code

StringBuilder strBody = new StringBuilder();
strBody.Append("<html " +
"xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' " +
"xmlns:w='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word'" +


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I have a Label Button that needs to be clicked and then a modal popup needs to pop up - that's easy.

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Design - Add Dynamic Content To .net Webforms Application?

Dec 2, 2010

i am working on a webforms app, and i have to create 'dynamic order lines'That is : you select a product and a quantity, and the amount is calculated.

To visualize: this is on one 'line', so forst product dropdown, next to it the quantity textbox and next to that the amount label.

Then you click 'add another product', and another 'line' is added with a product dropdown, quantity textbox and amount label.

So you can click add and add and add....

Now i was thinking how to implement that, and i came up with two choises:

'add html client side' and 'add user control server side'

The first looks more fancy of course, but i also have to create some server side code to generate the lines again, when the user says 'go' but after validation i have to warn the user for example the amount was over credit or the quantity was to high. Then i get the 'client side' added html, and i have to reproduce that in my code behind, am i right?

On the other hand (add user control server side), i have to create a new user control on 'and another product' postback, which might look easier in the beginning because it's all strong typed, and the client side (jquery / javascript) isn't?

And one more thing: there is a possibility (they are not sure yet) that this functionality is wrapped within a 'section', with an address box and call it an order.And then: the user can add that 'section' also multiple times, so he can create multiple orders in one page, so i have to create multiple sections for an order, and within that order have the possibility to add another product.It looks like it will be hard to do this client side, especially with generating id's?

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Web Forms :: Creating Layouts With Templates And Dynamic Content?

Jan 7, 2011

i am working on a project in which i have to create newsletters. We wish to give user functionality of editing the complete layout ( drag and drop if possible) I am able to achieve drag and drop with web parts but can't customise them much like adding richtext box and saving multiple copies of same page with different layouts. I then wish to enable user to send the html only part of page which contains dynamic layout.

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VS 2008 - Dynamic Content Consists Of Text And Images Only?

Sep 29, 2010

IF we look at the 4guysfromrolla web site [URL] , each article corresponds to aspx page with unique name.

I too have a similar requirement.

1. I have a fixed page design, content of which will be dynamically loaded. The dynamic content consists of text and images only ( no user interaction controls) . Each content when rendered is like a document and each document has a unique documentName.

2. The content can come from a database , html file , XML file or stream as the case may be.

3. Home page of the web site lists the hyper links which navigates to the particular aspx page ( the document which is rendered dynamically as mentioned above).

4. Because the formatlayout is fixed and only the content changes , I don't want to create a separate aspx page for each document. Besides there are over 1000 such documents and will increase in future.

So I had created a page which receives document name in QueryString and renders the content for the particular document.

5. But the condition is that the document should open with unique name shown in the addressbar , like [URL] and it should also appear in google or any other serach results as [URL]

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