C# - Can Set Desired ClientID Of Dynamic Generated Controls

Jul 17, 2010

I want to set desired ClientID in dynamic generated controls. ClientID is read only if you have any idea to set desired ClientID to controls than tell me

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Form - ClientID For Control Generated For A BoundField?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a form with BoundFields in it and I need to get ClientID(s) for control(s) associated with each BoundField I have in the form.How can I do it?UPD: I do not have control id. All I have is bound field which can not have an id.UPD2: I'm trying to write a code like this:

public IDictionary<BoundField, string> GetCliendIDs(FormView formView)
// How to find Client IDs for controls which were created for BoundFields

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Forms Data Controls :: RowDataBound Event Calculations-sum(field) Where ClientID=@clientID; Date + Int = Date?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a databound gridview that displays basic customer information. I have added a template field to the gridview, but I am having trouble with the coding for the RowDataBound event. I need to take the sum of all payments made by the customer in each row and store it in a variable for further calculation. Also, I need to take an integer value (say 30, representing 30 days) and add it to a date, and return a date.

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Web Forms :: Rendered ClientID Is Different From Programmatically Retrieved ClientID

Sep 26, 2010

I get the ClientID of a control in ItemCreated event like this: 'ctrl0_spanLoader'

and when it is rendered like this (from view source of IE): 'CtlCategory1_ProfiledBasedSearchResult1_ListViewSearchResult_ctrl0_spanLoader'

This happens in Asp.Net 4 and I have no problems in Asp.Net 3.5.

How do I get the real clientID from ClientID property of my control? Is it a matter of configuration or anything else?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Not Getting Generated Locally But Not When I Put The Page On Server.

Mar 18, 2010

I have following code and Javascript in my aspx page and my aspx page has a master page:-

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
function GenerateNew() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = document.createElement("td");
var txt = document.createElement("input");
var theValue = document.getElementById("theValue");
theValue.value = parseInt(theValue.value) + 1;
i = theValue.value;
tr.setAttribute("id", "tr" + i);
function RemoveRow() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var Val = document.getElementById("theValue");
for (var i = 1; i <= Val.value; i++) {
var RowToBeDeleted = document.getElementById('tr' + i);
if (RowToBeDeleted != null) {
<asp:Table ID="tblRow" runat="server">
<input type = "hidden" id = "theValue" value = "0" /> <input id="Button2" type="button" value="Insert Record From JS" onclick = "GenerateNew()" />
<input id="Button3" type="button" value="Remove From JS" onclick = "RemoveRow()" />

This JS code generates a dynamic textbox and adds it to the existing table <asp:Table>. It works perfectly when I run it locally, however it doesn't work when I put it on the server.

This issue is only with IE, other browsers like Firefox and Chrome works perfectly fine locally and at server but IE works only locally not at the server. I am using IE 8 (OR 8.0.6001.18702 to be precise) and IIS 5.1.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Get Dynamic Generated Dropdownlist Item

Sep 22, 2010

i'm using asp.net 3.5 and what im trying to do is create the dropdownlist item dynamically base on value in each datarow, then user select from dropdownlist and click button to postback, when postback system should be able to know what value has been selected by user. the problem with following code is during postback, event of "OnItem_Created" get fired and e.Item.DataItem return null, therefore the dropdownlist will not get populated with the items and that caused the dropdownlist unable to return value selected by user. am i missing anything? is "OnItemCreated" the best place to dynamic create the dropdownlist item?


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Access Values From Dynamic Generated Textbox In A Gridview?

Aug 31, 2010

In my asp page when press a button, a gridview will be populated with data from db, but beside the columns from database i need a new dynamic column in gridview, to contain only dropdownlist with items number from 0-n.

This far i managed to do it, with some research on internet (i used an intemerdiet datatable to apply ItemTemplate from GridViewTemplate class, and than merged it to datatable containg the result from query, so the gridview's datasource si the merge of this 2 datatables).

The issue is that i don't now how can i access the values selected by user in the dinamically dropdownlists, 'cause i have to save them in DB.

Attach is my GridViewTemplate class code, and .cs and .aspx code.


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generated Dynamic Menu Items Width?

Sep 21, 2010

I have the following Menu:



It's being loaded from a dynamically generated XmlDataSource Item:


The XML of which looks something like this:


I can't seem to figure out a way to make the width of the drop menus consistent (they're following the padding conventions I have outlined, I get that). What I'm interested in is a way to make the DynamicItemsStyle width on all items the width of the widest one.

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How To Update Dynamic Table In Database Through Dynamically Generated Text Box

Oct 17, 2012

I am creating a dynamic database table, inserting some records in dynamic table and generating update command dynamically. (This part is running ok)

// Create Table
public void createtable()
string sql = "CREATE TABLE " + txtTableName.Text.Trim() + "(" + "InfoCode nvarchar(MAX) NULL, UserName nvarchar(MAX) NULL, Mobile nvarchar(MAX) NULL, Email nvarchar(MAX) NULL";

[Code] ....

And in another page i am displaying the list of all the dynamic database tables. Here user selects table from gridview and the data is displayed to him in dynamically generated HTML Table with Dynamic textboxes. (This part is also running ok)


// Display data
protected void getTableInfo()
int RowNo = 0;
string NotCmd = "Select * From NTL Where InfoCode = @InfoCode";

[Code] ....

Now the problem is how to update the record in database through this dynamically generated html table and texboxes. When I run my dynamically generated update command, all the dynamic controls is lost in postback.

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DataSource Controls :: Outer Join In LINQ Getting My Desired Result?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm trying to achieve an outer join in LINQ but I'm not getting my desired result.There are two relational tables between Fruit_Name and Fruit_Ripe.The Fruit_Ripe table has a boolean field (IsRipe) that I use in my condition.The condition let me show all fruits that is not yet rippen (false) or fruits that isn't inputted yet in Fruit_Ripe table.

Dim fruit_salad = From myFruit In _DataContext.Fruit_Name
Group Join myRipeFruit In _DataContext.Fruit_Ripe On myFruit.fId Equals myRipeFruit.fId Into Group
From fruitty In Group.Where(Function(d) Not d.isRipe =


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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Button Column At Desired Location?

May 12, 2010

can we dispalay autogenerated edit button column at a desired location in gridview columns?

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Web Forms :: Bug Of 4 Controls ClientID?

Jan 16, 2011

found that when I get the Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") on a postback and compare it to Control.ClientId it is not equals.


My Code:


This line "If ctrlName = DropDownList_CantidadAcompanhantes.ClientID Then" is never equals.

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C# - Get Controls ClientID / UniqueID Between DetailsView And UpdatePanel?

May 26, 2010

I like to know how to get the ClientID/UniqueID of a control inside a Detailsview controls EditItemTemplate element and when DetailsViews changing to Edit mode and DetailsView is inside a AJAX UpdatePanel. Without UpdatePanel, during PostBack I can get the ClientID's control, but now with an UpdatePanel.


As you see, the EditItemTemplate contains a Checkbox control. So i'm trying to get the ClientID of this checkbox when Detailsview is changing to the Edit mode. I need this value for handling Javascript.

Catching the events ChangingMode/ChangedMode doesn't work; chkbox is null:


Maybe i'm using the wrong event? Someone can give me a tip about this?

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Request.QueryString[] Does Not Return Desired Value?

Feb 27, 2010

I have the following URL: /Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=Default.aspx#/mydesign

Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] only returns "Default.aspx".

Why doesn't it return "Default.aspx#/mydesign"?

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Limit A String If It's Larger Than Desired?

Jul 22, 2010

I currently have a string that I want to limit to 200 characters.

I don't know how to format it so if it's less, it wont change, but if its more, it will trim it.

This is in a ListView Control, NOT a Repeater.

<div class="portfolio_title">
<div class="custom_title">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%></div>
<asp:Literal ID="LiteralArticle" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Article")%><br />
<a href="NewsFull.aspx?id=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "id")%>">Read Full Article...</a>
<div class="page_line">

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Security :: CreateUserWizard Not Continuing To Desired Page?

Apr 19, 2010






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Security :: After Login Redirect To A Desired Page?

Aug 30, 2010

Just a simple question. After I click login button, I want to page be redirected to display.aspx.

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SQL Server :: Desired Rows Not Returned Because Of Null Values

Sep 26, 2010

I have a property table and an image table.

I want this query to return all distinct properties and a thumbnail image. However some properties don't have thumbnail images and they don't get returned by the query. If the imgid is null I still want to return the property. Not sure of how to do this.



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AJAX :: Open Modelpopup Extender At Desired Location?

Sep 18, 2010

I have three button on my web page,after clicking each button a popup is opened. Now i want open this popups just below the button and also stop the scrolling of popup with parent page.

i give one example: i just want to create a functionality just like [Edit Tags] below in this forums that is when i clicked on [Edit Tags]one popup is appear at desired location how could i opened my modelpopup just like [Edit Tags] click.

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AJAX :: Can't Select Desired TabPanel In TabContainer On Load

Aug 2, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET application that has a tab container with 5 tab panels in it. There are 2 'admin' user tabs, 2 'regular' user tabs, and a 'receipt' tab. Now, depending on what kind of user is accessing the page, I am enabling or disabling/hiding 2 of the tabs (regular or admin), but I am always showing the receipt tab. So, in essence, there are only ever 3 tabs visible - either 2 'regular' tabs and a receipt tab, or 2 'admin' tabs and a receipt tab.

Now, when a user logs into the app from the login page, and is directed to the page with the tab container and 5 tab panels on it, I would like to have the receipt tab selected by default, and to have it shown to the user. This tab is the fifth in the container (TabIndex = 4), and so in the OnLoad event for the page, I try setting something like this up

tabContainer.ActiveTabIndex = 4

...but it shows nothing. So I am thinking that maybe, since 2 of the tabs are hidden, I need to set the index to 2 (for the 3rd visible tab, which should be the receipt tab). Well, when I do this, the 3rd tab in the tab panel control at the top is indeed selected - but the actual content in the tab is still the content from the first tab (TabIndex = 0)....? Is there some sort of event I need to call to "flush out" what is being displayed in the actual panel, or am I missing something else?

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Web Forms :: Place Html Table At Desired Location In Pdf Doc Using ItextLibrary?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a requirement where I need to generate a pdf doc.I am using itextlibrary for that condition.I am able to generate pdf doc but alignment is not correct.The table is getting divided in to two equal parts for two columns in pdf doc for what ever width I specify.For ex if I have set width as 650px its not taking that width in pdf doc instead it is taking full doc.How to set the table at desired location in pdf doc and set width of columns.I tried to set width of column in the html table but its not working.

StringBuilder strHTMLContent = new StringBuilder();
trHTMLContent.Append("<table style='font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:18px;'>".ToString());
strHTMLContent.Append("<tr><td width='100px'>column1</td><td width='300px'>column2</td></tr>");


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Adding Google Maps To Web Page - Search For Desired Location?

Jun 21, 2011

I'd like to add google maps to my web page. I am looking for a way that user will seach for desired location. In google's page [URL] .... there is a really nice search mechanism, by simple typing location in a text box. Is that mechanism available for sites or do i have to create mine..

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Custom Server Controls :: Pass Javacript To Custom Control With ClientID?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a custom control that I have created. I want to be able to pass in a Javascript snippet for a callback function. I am able to do this by passing a string back. The problem is that in the Javascript, I need to reference another server control that is not related to my custom control. So, I need to be able to pass in the ClientID of that control for use in the Javascript. Here is a snippet of what I am trying to do:


Now, I realize that '<%= chkStartDate.ClientID %>' will not be parsed. But, I need it to be parsed so the OnClientOnChangeEvent property of my custom control can take any Javascript for use as a callback. In this instance, I need to pass in the ClientID of the control for the Javascript function to find the control to work with; and this seems to be the one issue that I don't know how to handle.

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JQuery :: WebMethod Validations Are Not Performing Desired Action On Button Click?

Aug 30, 2010

i am using jquery and passing my data to webmethod,but asp.net validation are not performing their desired action on button click,if i enter wrong data,they still post the data,how i m going to stop that???

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Web Forms :: Can't Force Radio Button List To Select The Desired SelectedValue

Apr 7, 2010

I can't get my radio button list to select a desired value. What am I doing wrong?

Dictionary<int, string> rbl_list = new Dictionary<int, string>();

rbl_list.Add(1, "Home");
rbl_list.Add(2, "Tables");
rbl_list.Add(3, "Graph/Export");[code]....

I'm using c# and the above is written in the Page_Load event.

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