C# - Custom Control VS Dynamic TemplateField Checkbox

Jul 31, 2010

I work on a custom server control that contains two grids with dynamic templatefield checkbox , the 1st one binded by SqlDataSource, the 2nd grid filled with selected rows in the 1st grid, all is clear, the 2nd grid filled appropriatly but when a button(out of the custom control) click event fired the grid disappear , Second and what is important is how to save state of the checkbox while after postback I must create the field and bind the grid ?

for Template field :

class CheckBoxTemplateHandler:ITemplate
void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container) [code]....

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How To Access Control In Templatefield Gridview With Custom Id

Dec 31, 2010

i have a customized gridview.my grid is able to sort for each column just by 1 click in the header without any setting and overloading methods such as sorting,etc by user(programmer).(i do this successfully and work fine)users(programmers) maybe add each column in grid.such as template field,hyperlinkfield,boundfield... .for sorting, i must access datafield of columns.i can access boundfield column by this code.i can access datafield and header text and ...

for (int j = 0; j < this.Columns.Count; j++)
BoundField bf;[code]....

but i can access control in the templateField.such as ColumnBound.

sample: <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>'></asp:Label>

i want access "Name" (Bind ("Name") or Eval ("Name")) .how can i?there is a point: i dont now what is the ID (in this case "Label1") of control in templatefield.

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Custom Server Controls :: TemplateField [TextBox] Binded To DataSource (Custom Server Control)?

Jul 28, 2010

Case : a templatefield Text Box created by class TemplateHandler and added to the composite

control Grid .how to bind it to the DataSource Object of the Grid Class ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Dynamic Templatefield Control In A Gridview?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a gridview where I in codebehind add a templatefield


In my update command when i try to find the "Result" textbox I get a null object

In the gridview there is another templatefield "Name" that consist of two boundfields("Firstname" and "Lastname") This column is added in the design phase and not in the codebehind.I don't have any trouble finding these controls using the ID added in the markup
[Code]....My issue is with the result column that I add in codebehind.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Checkbox Control 'checked' Property Is Not Working?

Sep 3, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Checkbox Control 'checked' Property Is Not Working ?

Oct 15, 2010

Iam developing a custom checkbox control deriving from the 'compositecontrol' which i need to use it for a composite control purpose.

TngCheckBox :

i have written the required properties which are working fine except the "checked" property. here is my code for 'checked' property. i tried both the below ways (commented one and not commneted) . the problem is the 'checked' value is not setting the value at the get set part of the property.its assigning the value at the design time , but when i check and uncheck its not updating the property value.which is resulting me wrong .


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C# - Gridview Rowediting Event-dynamic Checkbox,datetimepicker Control?

Jun 28, 2010

i have a gridview with columns as datetime name status

i need to update the column record , so i used:

<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="true" ButtonType="Link" EditText="Edit" ShowHeader="true" HeaderText="Edit" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" Visible="true"> <HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" />

and in rowediting event:
protected void GrdDynamicControls_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GrdDynamicControls.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;

if i hit edit command by default it is showing me oly textbox, but i need datepicker and checkbox to be displayed in edit mode. how to bring that.

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Dynamic Event Handling Within A Custom Control?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a custom control which contains (amongst other things) an imageButton.

I'm adding a handler to the "click" event of the imageButton however when the button is clicked the handler routine is not called. where I am going wrong with this? should I be handling the click event in some other way?

here is my code:


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How To Use Dynamic Columns Boundfield And Templatefield In Gridview

Aug 10, 2010

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Loading Of Custom User Control

Jul 28, 2010

so I have this custom user control, just some data inside divs with a fancy css.

So inside my page I need to add it multiple times, and I do so in code behind within loop.

Now, this code doesn't work


and of course it works fine now. My questions would be - why? can I do it without pecifying file name and just creating control the normal way like in first example?:S

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Sep 13, 2010

have this piece of code which paint an ImageButton and show a dynamic ModalPopupExtender (with 2 buttons btnGuardar and btCancel).

The issue is neither btGuardar.Click nor btHidden.Click events are raised but ImageButton Click event is raised correctly.


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Data Controls :: Change Column Text - GridView When CheckBox In TemplateField Is Checked

Jun 21, 2012

Below is the snapshot of the gridview .i need to insert checkbox in my first coloumn of gridview before Transaction id.on checking the checkbox of a particular the status column of that particular row should changed from "Pending to "Sucess"...

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Custom Server Controls :: Dynamic User Control Rendering - How To Do It

Jun 8, 2010

I am using two user controls in my page. The controls are loaded dynamically one at a time. I'm just referencing the user controls in the page and loading them dynamically using 'LoadControl()'. Everything is working fine till now and the user can switch the controls one another.

Here the issue I found is eventhough the controls are working as expected and the data is visible, the rendered HTML contains only the first loaded user control's markup.

Even if the current control displayed is 'usercontrol2', the source shows 'usercontrol1' markup. How can I force the page to render 'usercontrol2' markup and remove 'usercontrol1' markup while loading'usercontrol2'?

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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic BoundField And TemplateField Columns In GridView

Aug 24, 2013

How to add dynamic columns in Gridview?

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C# - How To Write A Custom Templatefield Like DataControlField

Jan 22, 2011

I am using a GridView to display data where one of the data columns has type DateTimeOffset. In order to display dates & times in the user's timezone, I save the user's timezone preference to his or her profile (property value key "TimezoneOffset"), and need to access it when formatting dates & times.

If I were to use templatefield, then I would need to write:


but whereas the article sets the Text property of the TableCell instance, I would like to render a partial view into the table cell. Is that possible?

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Custom Server Controls :: Dynamic Nested Control Not Persisting Data?

Sep 21, 2010

how to make a control that can have controls nested inside it. I've made a jQuery tab browser class which uses a hidden field to remember which tab is selected and create the relevant client script to re-select it on postback...it works fine...

This is for web part development so all controls are created dynamically.

The problem is when I add a control to one of the tabs, the values set in that control disappear on postback..I understand there is a lot of information about user controls, viewstate and control state but nothing seems to give me access to those values...

I've boiled it right down to the basics and still can't get it to work unless the custom control has all its controls added in OnInit...which is bad news for me because I need to instantiate the browser, the use a 'AddTab' method to add tabs and controls to them, which occurs after the OnInit event and therefore I can't access the postback values!!

I get the feeling I'm missing something big here, I must be lol...here's is an example:


These controls have to be dynamically created, so I didn't see the need to make the ascx user controls..

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Templatefield Disappear During Gridview Rowcommand?

Sep 8, 2010

I already implemented the dynamic templatefield which will re-created in every postback. Everytime I make a postback in the page I see no problem but when I click my imagebutton inside the gridview then the dynamic templatefield disappear.

To double check if it is really gone at all I just select the second page of the gridview using my customize paging using dropdownlist outside the gridview and the templatefield with its correct data reappear again.

I already put a variable inside the rowcommand to see if the number of columns are the same with the number of columns the gridview render together with the dynamic templatefield during debugging and it is there but cannot render that templatefield in the client.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView TemplateField Vanishes On Second Postback With Some Dynamic Content?

Dec 23, 2010

(Example code below)

I have a GridView. It has a 'static' TemplateField (in the .aspx page). I add and remove BoundFields to it depending on user preferences on postback. Affter the second postback, the template field appears empty.

Here is a stripped down mockup of what I'm doing. You can click the "Regular Postback" button as much as you want, and nothing bad happens. But if you click the "Recreate" button once-- it's all ok. Click it again, and the "one" column goes on Christmas break.

So is there something else I should be doing, or is this going to be a "halcyon1234 to code interface" error.


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create A Server Control With A Listbox And Dynamic Control Using Server Control

Oct 12, 2010

I need to create a reusable custom control,which is like a form containing a listbox and some fields.The fields can be either textbox or combobox as needed for different applications,which can be selected on the property of the form onwhich page that i am using it,also i needed to specify the number of fields in that property.And also need place 3 buttons below for edit and delete the selected item in the listbox and a button to save.Data will be binded from the database as needed for different applications.

tell me with code how to create it using asp.net server control in C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Lable Control In ItemTemplate In TemplateField In Gridview Control?

Jan 12, 2011

I am using lable control in itemtemplate tage in templatefield tag of gridview control for showing a field of my database .

I want if the lenght of string data is higher than 100 character the lable control doset show all of it ,

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Lable Control In ItemTemplate Tag In TemplateField Tag In Gridview Control?

Jan 12, 2011

I am useing a lable contorl in ItemTemplate tage in TemplateField tag in Gridview Control to show a field of data of my database .I want if a lenght of data is higher than 100 charachter the lable control dosent show all of data .


<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="label4" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' Width="200px" Font-Names="B Nazanin" EnableTheming="false" Height="24px" BorderStyle="Dashed"></asp:Label>

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C# - Add Reference To Method In Custom Control To A Child Control Created In That Same Custom Control

Feb 3, 2010

I have a custom control that is based off the gridview control located at: here The control is basically a gridview that automatically creates a column of checkboxes that can be used to "check" individual rows in the gridview. During the gridview's "CreateColumns" event, the "checkboxcolumn" is created dynamically. The checkboxcolumn also contains another checkbox in the header that is used to "select/deselect all" checkboxes in the column. Since the gridview does not automatically remember the state of the checkboxes in the checkboxcolumn on postback, I added a method to the control called "SaveCheckBoxState" which stores the indexes of the checked rows in Viewstate, and then I modified the "OnRowDataBound" event to check the Viewstate and reset the checkboxes based on the Viewstate.

I then added a call to "SaveCheckBoxState" in the gridview's OnSorting and OnPageIndexChanging events. This works great so long as I'm sorting or changing pages. However, I need it to update the viewstate everytime someone clicks or unclicks one of the checkboxes. At this time, the checkboxes are rendered with an onclick event that calls some javascript to highlight the row, or in the case of the checkbox in the header, to select/deselect all checkboxes. I need to call the "SaveCheckBoxState" method from the javascript used by the customcontrol, or I need to find a way to modify viewstate from javascript and perform the same action as "SaveCheckBoxState".

I've tried adding the "SaveCheckBoxState" to the onclick event declaration in the checkboxes, but when run, it simply tells me that the method is undefined. It doesn't exist in the parent page, and I don't think I should have to make an event for the parent page to pass the click to. It seems to me this should be all self contained within the custom control. Does anyone know how I can acheive this? Here is the code for the gridview OnPreRender event where the onclick event of the checkbox is set:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
// Do as usual
// Adjust each data row
foreach (GridViewRow r in Rows)
// Get the appropriate style object for the row
TableItemStyle style = GetRowStyleFromState(r.RowState);
// Retrieve the reference to the checkbox
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)r.FindControl(InputCheckBoxField.CheckBoxID);
// Build the ID of the checkbox in the header
string headerCheckBoxID = String.Format(CheckBoxColumHeaderID, ClientID);
// Add script code to enable selection
cb.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("ApplyStyle(this, '{0}', '{1}', '{2}')",
// Update the style of the checkbox if checked
if (cb.Checked)
r.BackColor = SelectedRowStyle.BackColor;
r.ForeColor = SelectedRowStyle.ForeColor;
r.Font.Bold = SelectedRowStyle.Font.Bold;
r.BackColor = style.BackColor;
r.ForeColor = style.ForeColor;
r.Font.Bold = style.Font.Bold;

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control's Constructor / User To Set That variable In The Properties Window After They Drag The Control Onto A Form?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a custom control which inherit from the Table class and in the constructor, it takes a an integer as an argument. There is no empty constructor.

Is there a way for the user to set that variable in the properties window after they drag the control onto a form.

I know some .NET controls, you can set the source for the parameter to different things like another control's property, QueryString using just the properties window.

Right now, I have to create the control dynamically. I read the query string and then created the object.

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How To Bind DataGrid Checkbox To Another Checkbox Control On The Page

Dec 31, 2010

I just developing my web design skills.

I have a Datagrid with 2 textbox template columnsand two checkbox template columns. I have two other Textbox controls and two CheckBox controls. I have an Add button.

I want to be able to use the add button to update Datagrid Record inserting the Textbox control texts and the Checkbox Control status.

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Custom Server Controls :: Paging And Sorting Gridview Custom Control Inside Of A Wizard Control?

Dec 24, 2010

here's a situation and I would appreciate your response.

I have programmatically created the Wizard control:

Page_Load(obj s, evargs e)
Wizard ClaimDetailWizard = new Wizard();
foreach(int item in selectedItems)
//create new step
//added custom control to new step
//add step to wizard
//added wizard to a placeholder on a page

Based on List I get from Session i added new steps to my wizard To each step I had added a custom control

Each custom control in tern contains another custom Gridview Control in it.

So here's the problem when the page loads for example for two steps. All is good Wizard does what it's supposed to do.

But when I try to use sorting or paging in that custom Gridview. Somehow it displays the gridview I should see in the next step of the wizard.

Also what I'm noticing through debugging. Is that when I press next in the wizard I go back to the original page where I do all of the code specified above, and it recreates the wizzard. But it goes to the next step. Is this the way wizard supposed to work? Just doesn't seem very efficient.

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