I have a page that performs a long-running task (10 to 15 seconds) in the page_load method.
I have client-side javascript code that will display a decent "page loading" animated gif to the user.
I am able to invoke the JavaScript method from the code-behind, to display the "page loading" animated gif, however, the long-running task is hanging up the UI such that the animated gif doesn't actually display until after the long-running task is complete, which is the exact opposite of what I want.
To test this out, in my page_load method I make a call to the JavaScript method to display the animated gif. Then, I use Thread.Sleep(10000). What happens is that the animated gif doesn't display until after Thread.Sleep is complete.
I have update panel on the page to avoid postback and placed a dropdownlist control within that update panel. DrodownList is filled with Category names and also it's autopostback set to True.
Now whenever dropdownlist index change's on select, untill page loads complete data it should show mesage as "Loading.... in center and middle of the page and background should become bit transparent". And when page load completely with data then that background and message should get disappear.
My web application is make time to open First page due to various data control on the page and values are coming to that control from database so i want to show the loading message of gif image during page loading delay. I have written this code in my master page but that image is not showing the application.
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#(No AJAX) in my project. In a particular web page, when the a button is clicked, some server intensive C# code runs before the same page is displayed again with the results. While code execution happens on the server in response to Button_Click event, a blank white page is shown to user on his browser in between post backs. How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait? I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page? How do i show a processing Message while the page is loading upon on Post Backs to the same Page.
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#(No AJAX) in my project. In a particular web page, when the a button is clicked, some server intensive processing occurs before the same page is displayed again with the results. While code execution happens on the server in response to Button_Click event, a blank white page is shown to user on his browser in between post backs.
How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait.
I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page ?
I do not even know what to call it, but I would like to add something to show my page is loading. I have not yet figured out why, but sometimes they load almost instantly. And sometimes they take up to 15 seconds, giving the impression that nothing is goingto happen. I see a little clock face ticking on some websites. I don't care what it is, as long as I can suggest that the site visitor be patient
When I click Submit button in my Registration form it should be open a (div) progress bar Showing processing.... (or) loading and block background.how to display a progress bar loading.... in div after Submit button click??
I have a website with a menu, when menu item is clicked I display the page for that menu in an iframe(iframe is set to display home page initially by default). sometimes it could take few seconds to display the page for the selected menu item (for example reports) and I would like to display a loading image while the page is loading. how to do this using javascript or jQuery
I have to use progress bar when page postback. in my application report section is there. it's taking some time to generate the report. so i want to show some progress bar.
When page load progress bar should show. and when page load finish the progress bar should hide.
I googled many thing mostly they are using thread.sleep method but i don't want that.
The progress bar should fully depend on page loads.
how can i display the last record of the table in asp.net. i have button(Cparts) on status webform when you click this two events takes place1.A pop-up window will appearon on the screen which has 4 textfield,pop-up window comming with blank fields i want to fill all the 4 fields with current/last record of the corresponding table.2.Also tranfering the primary key value (WONumber in status) of status webform into textbox of the pop-up window(CParts.aspx) which is a hidden field.here i am inserting values into different table(Cparts table) based on WONumber which is not an unique column in this tabl
if users press the browser's back button to reach the prior page..then page should display a message like "web page expired" in asp.net can i use javascript for this?
for example..
there are 4 pages in web sites. 1,2 and 3 can be back. but when the 4th page run then 4th page can not be back... when the user press browser's back button , diaplay ma message "weg page expired".
I am making a web application, this is my first application.I want to know when there is not a matching catch block for the exception generated and I don't want to display the exception generated, instead I want to display some message or want to forward to some other link or page, where should I write that message or how should I display this? Please elaborate me on this.
We have installed a web site written by others which is compiled with Visual Studio 2008 and hosted in Windows server 2008 R2.
The IIS connection timeout is set to 120 seconds. But for some pages, the first page loading fails with HTTP 404 error but sequential refresh can bring the page up. The same problem happens for some images which fail to load in web pages. We are not very sure it is network related issue or hosting issue.
I want to display message content when i click on subject without refreshing the page, what controls i should use, it should like inbox mail, when i click subject messages will hide and aontent will display like that i want.shoould i hide the grid and display the content????// or using i frames should i call???which controld i should use, like update panel, and iframes.if i use iframe any problem.
I want to display a confirm/ save message to user when he clicks the this works great. But instead of "are you sure you want to move" type option, I want to give the user the option to save changes now. So I want to call a sub in code behind which saves changes. This sub is currently fired by a seperate "Update" button. So either call the sub or fire a button click event.
Protected Sub gvMyGrid_RowCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvMyGrid.RowCreated If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then Dim pager As Table = TryCast(TryCast(e.Row.Controls(0), TableCell).Controls(0), Table) [code]...
It has a part where it sends new users their first password in email.. and yes I'm getting that annoying cannot access CDO.Message object error traced back to the "Error loading type library/DLL" message. but I remember that it used to work fine with my old computer I started the development on.
1. It isn't a permission error.. like most cases (tried granting admin access to the ASPNET user)
2. I have the required dll files registered (checked them several times and even reinstalled them a few times)
3. Tried putting only that piece of code in a new application to be able to experiment.. Started commenting out blocks of code until it finally "worked" (I didn't get the error). So it seems like I only get the error if I add a mail field (which is bad since I need those for authentication..)