C# - Is Having A Global Config Class A Bad Thing

Mar 6, 2011

Currently in my personal website I'm building I'm using a global static Config class to hold everything configurable I might need to change that is semi-global. So right now it looks about like this:


Is using a global config class like this an anti-pattern of some sort? Also, I prefer for my connection strings to be outside of web.config. I like my web.config to be as minimal as possible.

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Which Redirection Is Better - Web.config Or Global.asax

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Difference Between Using Global.asax And Web.config For Error Handling?

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I'm working on a small web application, and I wanted the user to be redirected to a simple error page anytime an exception was encountered. So I wanted to redirect the user to generic Error page "Oooops.aspx" that will log the error in page_load.

I'm thinking that I can use Application_Error in Global.asax, where I can redirect to "Oooops.aspx" so that it displays a friendly error page and it logs the exception (through Server.GetLastError()). I can also use web.config and add "<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Oooops.aspx"/>" It'll redirect me to a friendly error page and it will also log the exception. What's the difference between these two? Should I use both of them, or just one? And which should I use?

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Web Forms :: How To Set And Check Global User Class Or A Var

Apr 6, 2010

I have a .NET 3.5, C#, Silverlight 3, and LINQ Solution. My issue is this:

When a User goes to login I want to set a global class User; it has the properties of UserName and SecurityLevelId.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Not Working For Assembly Registered In Global Web.config?

Nov 3, 2010

I made a custom server control library that all of our websites will be using. I have registered the dll in the global web.config of our production and development servers, and everything runs fine in the browser. The only problem I have is Visual Studio/Intellisense not recognizing my control. I get the error message "Unknown server tag...", which in turn throws other validation warnings. Does anyone know how to tell Visual Studio to include dll's registered in this location? Our sites are .net 4.0 and below is an excerpt from the web.config located in %SystemDrive%WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Config on the servers.

<add assembly="[assembly info]" tagPrefix="irnrControls" namespace="IRNR.Controls"/>

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Edit: I can't debug the site and it fails when I try to build it. The Output window displays "Unknown server tag".

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How To Access Public Global.asx.cs Property From A Business Class

Feb 2, 2011

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public partial class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static ProxyGenerator Generator = new ProxyGenerator();
Business class (in a separate business project)
var generator = ((Sei.Osp.Web.Global)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance)

This obviously doesn't work and I don't want to reference the whole web project in the business project as it will create a circular reference (the business project is already referenced in the web project)


To clarify - the property I'm creating holds an instance of the Castle Dynamic Proxy Generator class. I've read that you shouldn't just create this all over the place. So I thought I'd create it in my Global.asax.cs and then just use that instance wherever I need to create a proxy class (I'm using it to do AOP) Is there a better way of doing this?

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Web Forms :: Access Class / Import Namespace In Global.asax

May 31, 2010

I have added global.asax file in my webservice project. in webservice project i have one class file name as 'Class1.vb' in this class contain some methods() , i want to access those methods from 'class1.vb' in global.asax.vb file. any body knows how to access those methods in global.asax.vb. file

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Way To Override And Inherit Default HttpApplication Class From Global.asax

Oct 19, 2010

am currently working on a web application, whereby I want to add code to the Application_BeginRequest method of the Global.asax file, without adding code to the Global.asax file, which sounds a little crazy, let me explain a bit more.If anyone has ever developed in sitecore before, they would have seen that the Global.asax file has empty methods, however it has 'using Sitecore;' and the global.asax file provided does not inherit from System.Web.HttpApplication.

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C# - Declaring Global Variable/class In Application Scope 3 Ways - Which One Is Best

Mar 3, 2010

I am looking for differences between those 3 ways of using static class in asp.net application scope.
Will all of these point to the same class?

Which one is preferable >object< defined declaratively inside global.asax or static class ?


<object runat="server" scope="application" class="classname" ID="objID"></object>


public static class classname {}


Application("a") = new classname();

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State Management :: Keeping Application Variable Or Static Class For Global String?

Nov 18, 2010

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I read that Application was mainly for classic ASP, but I also read that a static class cannot be instantiated at runtime (e.g. when the user has logged in).

So, have I got something wrong here and which solution do I use?

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Class In App_Code Not Accessible By Global.asax.cs Error - Namespace Name 'MyClass' Could Not Be Found

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namespace Site {
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() {

this is my Global.asax.cs


The error is in: MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

The type or namespace name 'MyClass' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Now,how do i use/set dsn in this type of scenario.

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C# - Encrypting Class Library App.config File?

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share your thoughts if there is any way to encrypt app.config section with out changing code? I know that we can use aspnet_regiis.exe to encrypt the web.config file.

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Is That Really The Possible Thing To Happen When Hiding A Datafield

Aug 23, 2010

My code below has a drawback. The scenario is this, i have two user roles - Approvers and Encoders. The encoders are not allowed to view the price only the approvers. Using the code below, i can now hide the Price column. but the problem is, when the encoder modified the quantity column, the Total Amount (Quantity * Price ) is zero. Giving zero value for price. When the approvers view the transaction,the Total Amount is zero. Is that really the possible thing to happen when hiding a datafield?

HTML Code:

For Each colField As DataControlField In colFields
If TypeOf colField Is BoundField Then
Dim bField As BoundField
bField = CType(colField, BoundField)
If bField.DataField = "ReceivPrice" Then
bField.Visible = False ' Hide Price Column
End If
End If

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Domain Validation Almost There But Some Thing Is Missing

Mar 24, 2011

I have a form where it checks the users mail ids for a particular domain like gmail.com so my code


Now I want to accept the Yahoo.com domain as well what I did was


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WCF / ASMX :: Hard Code App.config Settings In Class?

Oct 19, 2010

I wonder how to hard code the configuration below in a class. I have a case where I cannot use app.config (due to creation of dll). The code below is probably not enough.. hard coded in class

ContractDescription contract = new ContractDescription("Common.MyInterfaces.IConnector");
Binding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
binding.Name = "net.tcp.binding";
EndpointAddress endPointAddress = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:9001/Connector");
ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = new ServiceEndpoint(contract, binding, endPointAddress);


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