C# - Proxy Object References In MVC Code?

May 6, 2010

am just figuring out best practice with MVC now I have a project where we have chosen to use it in anger.My question is.If creating a list view which is bound to an IEnumerable is this bad practise?Would it be better to seperate the code generated by the WCF Service reference into a datastructure which essentially holds the same data but abstracts further from the service, meaning that the UI is totally unaware of the service implementation beneath.or do people just bind to the proxy object types and have done with it ?My personal feeling is to create an abstraction by creating a model and placing the Collection in that and referring to the collection in the UI code from the model.

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Add Web Reference Does Not Generate Asynchronous Proxy Code?

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I am trying to add a web reference to an ASP.NET 2.0 application in Visual Studio 2008.However, the generated proxy classes do not include BeginXXXX and EndXXXX methods.Hcan I get these to be generated? Do I need to manually use wsdl.exe?(Incidentally in ASP.NET 3.5 apps, there is an option in the Add Service Reference box which lets me specify that Async methods should be generated. However, I am limited to ASP.NET 2.0 implementation).

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C# - SQL Server Reporting Services: Web References Versus Assembly References, Poor Performance

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Configuration :: Using Proxy Through Code Instead Of Modifying The Hostfile Of The System?

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I've get a nullreferenceexception where the car entitity does not have a reference towards manufacturer. I'd like to output a " " if no manufacturer exists.

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. Error Will Shown In This Code?

Dec 1, 2010

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""Object reference not set to an instance of an object.""
Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.Load
Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 EmployeeId FROM a1_admins Order by Id DESC", SQLData)
Dim label11 As Label = CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Label11")
Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
If dtrReader.HasRows Then
While dtrReader.Read()
label11.Text = dtrReader("EmployeeId")
End While
End If
End Sub
End Class

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JavaScript - Mvc Script And Style References / Include Script And Style References That Will Not Break On Deployment

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to include script and style references that will not break on deployment, however I can not even get the references to work locally. I have tried using Url.Content() and MVCContrib's <%=Html.ScriptInclude("")%>.

My scripts are in a Scripts folder on the root of the site; my styles are in the usual Content/css/ folder.

The scripts render like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js" ></script>

This will not work in a view page in the Views folder. What am I doing wrong and what is the best way to handle this?

I would have thought Url.Content() would at least work for styles but used in my master page, the link rendered

<link href="/Content/css/Site.css rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This does not work, because the Master Page is in a Shared folder, so what is really the way forward with this?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: URLHandler Code / Getting "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object." Error

Feb 8, 2010

Everything works fine on my dev machine which is running Windows 7. However, when I deploy my app to my production server at MaximumASP running 64 bit Windows 2008 R2 Standard, I just can't access those pages that are handled by my URL Routing logic. I'm getting the infamous "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error.

The code below is my URL handler for Mailbox module in my application. I've defined mail folders in my database. All this does is if user is looking for /mailbox/Inbox, it looks up the folderID and sends the user the mailbox.aspx page which is expecting a folderID


And this is the part in Global.asax


And finally, the code in the mailbox page:


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Difference Between Object Code And Embedded Code?

Aug 26, 2010

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Converting Old Active Directory Code To New Namespace References?

Jun 24, 2010

I am updating some CS code that was written in 2004, and that references some assemblies which extract user data from AD by query filtering on the user's title. I can't test my updated code in VS2010 because the assemblies no longer compile - the references are no longer valid (I can't create a DirectoryEntry or DirectorySearcher) so I need to work out how to replace the code with current directoryservices.accountmanagement namespace properties and methods. I have searched around but don't seem to be getting anywhere. give me some code that will work with vs 2010 to replicate the following:


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C# - Set Object Param Tag From Code-behind?

Feb 8, 2010

I want to embed video in object tag and I want to put the value of param from code-behind. But I'm not able to put the value from code-behind. Any idea where I'm getting wrong?This is my code so far:

<object runat="server" id="object1">
<param name="param1" value="www.youtube.com?id=123" runat="server" id="video1" />
<param name="size" value="large" />
<param name="category" value="wide" />

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How To Hide A Object To Some Particular Users Without Using Code

Feb 6, 2010

i need to hide an object(any control)on .aspx page for a perticulat user,

For Example::

I have two controls one is a lable control and another one is a button control on my Default.aspx page, and there are two users A and B, Lables control can be visible for A and B. But Button control is only visible for A but not to B. to do this i dont have to use any C# or VB code.

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Web Forms :: Object Not Found In Code Behind?

Aug 20, 2010

I've got a vs08 web site project that was recently added to tfs2010. now when i look at the code behind on a user control, a form object is not found in the code behind.



The name 'txtbxSearchWorkOrder' does not exist in the current context

why this is not working on this page? I've got other pages with textboxes and no issues.

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Setting Object Parameters Via Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2011

I have the following code to playback video clips.. we are getting to the point where i need to get this setup and populated from our table.. i already have the data i need to put into the needed parameters, but cant figure it out.. i have tried to add runat="server" and add an ID to the parameters i need to control, but when the page loads, the video window is displayed, but no video is available. and at the moment i have the video hard coded to test, but will need to replace that with video links stored in the table.. what am i missing or doing wrong?


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C# - Handle A Null Object In Code Block?

Feb 22, 2010

Given the following simplified code block in ASP.NET

<% foreach( item in Model) { %>
<%=item.OriginalText.OriginalText1 %>
<%} %>

OriginalText is a class which may be null. I am looking for a simple (clean) way to check for this null and return an empty string ("") instead.

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Web Forms :: Can't Access Profile Object In Code Behind?

May 11, 2010

I'm having trouble accessing custom profile properties that I've declared in my web.config using the TableProfileProvider available at [URL] I set everything up according to the instructions but keep receiving an error stating "The type or namespace name 'Profile' could not be found" whenever I refer to the Profile object in my codebehind. My web.config is:

<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="TableProfileProvider">
<clear />
<!-- below is the asp.net default provider -->
<!--<add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="WebPortalDb" applicationName="/" />-->
<add name="TableProfileProvider"
applicationName="WebPortal" />
<add name="FirstName"
customProviderData="FirstName;nvarchar" />
<add name="LastName"
customProviderData="LastName;nvarchar" />
<add name="EmailAddress"
customProviderData="EmailAddress;nvarchar" />
<add name="LastUpdateDate"
customProviderData="LastUpdatedDate;datetime" />

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Web Forms :: Dbl-Clk On Button Does Not Expose Object In Code-Behind?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a Web Site project in VS2008, C#, .NET 3.5 and the Access to the Code-Behind has lost it's functionalilty.

i.e. I have a Button on a page... dbl-clk on button should take me to the Click Event of the button. It does nothing?

I tried exporting the Tools|Import Export Settings and re-setting them to the Default for Web Site... still no change...

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Architecture :: Code In Object Oriented Pattern?

Oct 4, 2010

I am creating an authentication service. This service has one of the methods to validate username and password and return a status based on it.

The validation method has bunch of things to check before it can say user is valid. This method has a pseudo code similar to this:

If UserName and Password is correct

If User Account is Locked (due to invalid attempts)


As you can see there are lots of if else statements that I am writing. It looks more like a procedural programming rather than object oriented.How can I fit such kind of code in object oriented pattern?

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Error: Object Expected Code 0 Char 1 Line 474

Feb 18, 2010

done some html code updates on my company's asp.net website and the above error appears.

i dont have a line 474 on the errored file.

this error only on IE, and not FF.

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Web Forms :: HTML Source Code In Response Object?

Jan 1, 2011

I am creating a web application that allows a user to download a csv file of a gridview. However, after looking at tutorials online such as http://www.aspsnippets.com/Articles/Export-GridView-To-Word-Excel-PDF-CSV-Formats-in-ASP.Net.aspxand such, I successfully got the table I wanted but there are HTML content appended to the table as well.There was also a similar problem being brought up on the forum,http://forums.asp.net/p/1528174/3692826.aspx. The solutions didn't help me much though. However, I am not really sure how Handlers can benefit this. Furthermore, I don't want the user to be navigated to a blank page just to download the csv file. I tried to debug and insert removal code to remove the html code before the response object is being wrote out but seems even at the end of the writing method, the response object seems to be holding just the table content only.

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State Management :: Profile Object / Properties Not Accessible In Code Behind

Oct 29, 2010

i have defined profile properties in my web config file but unable to access them in code behind. even profile object is not available. i have to writer fully qualified name like System.Web.Profile. below is my web config


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State Management :: Class Object Available To Multiple Events In The Code Behind?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to incorporate AJAX in my web project for the first time and it isn't working. I don't know how to instantiate a class once and use AJAX to update the dataset numerous times before updating the database changes using a postback.

My project is to learn AJAX with a class object. Clicking the button is supposed to increment a count by one using a class to store the count. Here is my class:


Here is my HTML code:


And here are my button click event code snippets:


My problem is that as I step through the code (after clicking on the second button) it instantiates a new class object each time which returns a value of 2 every time. I have tried to fix the problem by putting my counter class instantiation in the pageload event using "If Not IsPostBack Then ..." but my probem there is that the button click event block of code would not recognize the cCount class - it put the blue lines under the cCount

My goal is to have the class object available to multiple events in the code behind: especially using AJAX to build records in one of my DataSet tables Does anyone know how to handle this?

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C# - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Expected After Using Code

Aug 4, 2010

i am getting this error when the below condition match, i am using the below code in Content page and in my master page i have this

<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" EnablePageMethods="true" ID="smgr" runat="server" />

Error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

if (lstRecipient.Items[i].Text == ddlRecipient.SelectedItem.Text)
isDuplicate = true;
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertAdd", "jAlert('Recipient name is already in the list.', 'Duplicate Entry!');", true);

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Rewriting This Linq Query To Move It From Code-behind To DAL As Reusable Object?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm working to move my simple asp.net website to a three layer architecture. Currently I have Linq queries like the one below in my code-behind files. Basically this code snippet retrieves a collection of customer data from the database and then binds it to a grid control.

I'm wondering if someone can guide me on how to rewrite this in order to move it to my newly-created data access layer. I'm thinking I will turn it into a class (e.g. GetUserBoxesByStatus()) that can be reused throughout the site.

var boxes = from p in sbm.Packages
where p.UserID == CurrentUserId && p.StatusID > 1 && p.StatusID < 3
select new { p.PackageTag, p.PackageName, p.DateReceived, p.DateShipped }; [code]....

Some of the options that I've investigated but have not had success implementing are the following:

DataTable --- returning a DataTable seems like the best solution but it also appears to require a lot of potentially unecessarry code to define a table (isn't the data source already mapped in my Linq 2 Entities dbml?)

IEneuerable --- I think I could pass an IEnumerable list between the layers but after reading many tutorials about Linq I'm still a little lost DTO --- Conceptually I think I understand what a DTO is but I am not clear on how to begin implementing this approach POCO --- Again, the concept seems logical enough but I don't know how to put this into practice

how they would tackle this using one of the above or some other solution.

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