JavaScript - Mvc Script And Style References / Include Script And Style References That Will Not Break On Deployment

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to include script and style references that will not break on deployment, however I can not even get the references to work locally. I have tried using Url.Content() and MVCContrib's <%=Html.ScriptInclude("")%>.

My scripts are in a Scripts folder on the root of the site; my styles are in the usual Content/css/ folder.

The scripts render like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js" ></script>

This will not work in a view page in the Views folder. What am I doing wrong and what is the best way to handle this?

I would have thought Url.Content() would at least work for styles but used in my master page, the link rendered

<link href="/Content/css/Site.css rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This does not work, because the Master Page is in a Shared folder, so what is really the way forward with this?

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<target name="Compile">
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5" />
<csc target="library" output="DocSysAppCode.dll" debug="true">
<include name="D:InetpubDocSysApp_CodeCommon*.cs" />
<include name="D:InetpubDocSysApp_CodeDocSysSiteLegislation.generated.cs" />
<include name="D:DocSysQueueWeb ReferencesWS_DocSys*.*" />
<include name="D:DocSysQueueapp.config" />

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and my html


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<style type="text/css">
img.TN {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5.294%;
cursor: pointer; }

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Bad Example

Here is my code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="NO-CACHE" />
<meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE" />


For my page (an '.aspx' page, if that makes any difference) I have all the images in the image folder one level below the css file, just as it is in the example folder, and the script files are all together in another folder. Is there something I need that I don't have. I shouldn't need the "demo.css" file, should I? Is there a special naming convention for items in the form of the site? Is there some special way that I need to have the folders/css files/source scripts set up, like a certain folder configuration, to make it work? Kind of lost on this one. Probably a really simple fix, but I'm pretty new to using this.

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Date Amount
1 Nov 300
22 Nov 500
30 Nov 200
Total 1000
5 Dec 100
28 Dec 200
Total 300

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$("#myRadioButton1").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); });

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Opinion On Indirect References?

Feb 17, 2011

I was comparing SharpArch to Spring.NET earlier, and had some thoughts.Both contain Core, Data and Web namespaces (as well as others). While SharpArch maintains them all in one assembly, Spring.NET does so in separate assemblies.Initially, I liked this concept, because one could reference the Core without indirectly referencing something they didn't need, like System.Web.However, it later occurred to me that whether or not things were combined, they still operated within the .NET space and have equal access to the GAC.So why not put things in one assembly, as long as individual elements in their namespaces do not make use of certain things?Of course, I'm talking about a base-line assembly, not an actual business solution.

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VS 2010 How Do References Really Work

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If have a folder (say "binaries") and place all the 3rd party dll's you are going to use in there. When you reference the dll in your project, what is the use of setting "Copy Local"?If you dont set Copy Local, does your code reference the dll in that folder and the folder have to be deployed with your application?

I just had another "something new" and that was a dll just have to be present apparently in the web project's bin folder.The "easy way" suggested was adding a post build like this:

Quote:xcopy "$(SolutionDir)binaries/*.dll" "$(ProjectDir)bin" /y
xcopy "$(SolutionDir)hibernate.cfg.xml" "$(ProjectDir)bin" /y
xcopy "$(SolutionDir)Log4Net.config" "$(ProjectDir)bin" /y

all that dll's get copied over, and I dont even know what is really required.Btw, I noticed with the above script that say "NHibernate.dll" get copied over, but "NHibernate.Caches.SysCache.dll" not.

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Where Are Components (dll) References Stored

Mar 18, 2010

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Nov 29, 2010

in one of my project I have to add System.ServiceModel.Web namespace. I try to add reference in this way:

(1). Right click on references in the project solution explorer

(2). search for System.ServiceModel.Web name space.

But it is not here. How can I add this name space to my project and .net pannel?

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Web Forms :: Looking For Format References?

Mar 9, 2010

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This is a reference. This reference can be several lines long, and all the lines after the first one need to be undented like this.

Assume this is taking up the width of the screen, I'm trying to not have to type more than I really need to. The width is dynamic, so there is no fixed width. Otherwise this would not be a problem.

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How To Improve CM.AppSettings References

Mar 3, 2010

ASP.NET 3.5 Classes throughout our solution referenced ConfigurationManater.AppSettings[""] to get appSettings (from web.config).

We decided we weren't happy with that. Folks were mistyping appSetting key names in code (which compiled fine), and it was cumbersome to track usages. And then there's the duplicated strings throughout the codebase as you reference the same appSettings all over the place.

So, we decided that only one class would be allowed to reference the ConfigurationManager, and the rest of the solution would reference that class when it needed the value of a certain appSetting. ConfigurationManater.AppSettings[""] was static, so we exposed a bunch of static read-only properties off of our single Settings class.


And now we're injecting the ISettings instance as a dependency of the objects which use settings values (the class/interface are in a project that everyone can reference without problems).

In places where we can't inject an existing instance (e.g. Global.asax), we construct a new instance into a static field.

Given all of that, what would you recommend we change, and why?

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WCF / ASMX :: Add Web Service References?

Feb 23, 2011

i had generated a Service Contract interface by using wsdl.exe (VS2010 command prompt). After that i create a WCF method which inherit from the interface class which was created by the wsdl.exe. And then i host the web service to local IIS.

When i use the simulator provided by vendor, the method is working fine.

But when i created my own project and add service reference (by key in the url), and using the code below:


when i type client. , i cant found the method inside the intellisence box. Which supposely got 2 methods inside this service references.

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Store Three References For One Jobseeker

Mar 16, 2010

I am developing job portal, i have one


in this table i am stroring job seeker information i strucked where i want to store 3 refrences for one jobseeker in each refrence i have refernce_Name, refrence_Mobile like while jobseeker registration he can enter 3 refrences forhim eg: jobseejer form look like this

FirstName: sachin
Last : Kumar
refrences : refrenceName referMobile
xyx +9198888
abc +91988555
dfd +915858855
Save Cancel

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C# - Matching .NET References To Namespaces?

Apr 8, 2010

im creating a class library, and adding all the necessary references for the source files contained in it.

Now, off the bat, there were over 300 compiler errors complaining about missing namespaces.
The library will now compile after i just added all of the System.* references, however this is obviously not the best way.

I.e. if a classes needs using System.Web.Script;, there is no System.Web.Script reference, how would i find out which one of these references contained it? System.Web didnt.

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