C# - Rendering HTML Content From AJAX Result?

Jan 12, 2010

I am writing an application that renders a list of "Job" objects from an AJAX JSON response.

What is the best way to Render the markup from the returned data. Now I'm pretty convinced that its a bad idea to generate HTML markup on the server side and return that from the AJAX call. From experience it makes the HTML hard to maintain and re factoring the content is a nightmare, so I am returning a collection of Job objects as JSON.

The question, then, is how to render the HTML based on user input? I've seen some examples of having your markup template on the page then use JQuery to clone it and populate with the relevant data the insert it into the DOM.

The problem with this is that the template contains visible content (images and suchlike) and the application needs to degrade, so I have a repeater on the page that the severside code and populate on page load if JS is not available.

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Jquery Ajax Not Rendering HTML?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm returning some preformtatted data from the server as a string. this is passed to the ajax results. For some reason the html is just displayed as a string rather than links etc.

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<a href='#'>test</a>

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<a href='#'>test</a>

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How To Return A Rendered Panel Control Content From Server-side As A Result Of JQuery.ajax()

Jun 22, 2010

At first, I should confess that I am not sure if it is a good practice or not. I have came out with the idea due to my practice of jQuery.ajax().

What I want to achieve is depended on this design:

//Server Side; an .asmx file contains a method like this:
public string NewContent(string parameter)
string renderedHTML = string.Empty();
case ("person"):
// create an asp.net panel with
// some controls in it that has form elements to enter person data
// render control and assign its html to renderedHTML
case ("department"):
// create an asp.net panel with
// some controls in it that has form elements to enter department data
// render control and assign its html to renderedHTML

And from the client I want to do this:

// Some html in the page
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function(returnedPanelContent) {

Question is:

How can I make it work? Briefly to have a webservice method that returns different asp.net Panel control content created programmatically so that I can get this control rendered as HTML in my client-side and insert it to my web page?

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AJAX :: How To Use Editor With HTML Content

Sep 24, 2010

I have a AJAX editor and I want to put the HTML content in a database and I want to get the HTML data from the database to put in the HTML editor, in HTML mode.

So I do:

Editor1.ActiveMode = AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ActiveModeType.Html;

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AJAX :: Loading HTML In HTMLEditor Content?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a website where I'm trying to use an HTMLEditor to allow users to alter the body of email text. The text is stored in a database and looks like this:


I load the current email body into the Content property of a new HTMLEditor.Editor object. When it loads the HTML, though, it looks like it does above; it doesn't "process" it. Can the Editor process the HTML?

Also, when I do edit HTML in the object and submit, the Editor's Content includes "<" instead of "<", etc. Do I have to manually deal with that?

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C# - How To Read HTML Content Of Ajax Based Website

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Content On Another Page?

Apr 7, 2010

I am using the HTML Editor with a database, which works fine. All the instructions I find show the output on the same page as the Editor - which to me doesn't make much sense... at least not for how I want to use it. I believe I need to use the Literal control, but I can't find a clear example.

If I have Editor1 on page "edit.aspx" which submits the content to database db.mdb, using fields "id" and "fldContent", how can I display the content on another page "view.aspx"?

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AJAX :: Reference To A JavaScript File To Use In HTML Editor Content?

Jan 6, 2010

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Here is my setup:

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- I referenced to "myscript.js" via <script src=....> tag (and also tried using Script manager's ScriptReference Path, same result).

- In my default.aspx page, I have a button which call "test" on mouseover event, which works call "test" correctly whenever I mouseover.

- In my default.aspx, I have the HTML Editor, with the this HTML content:

<span id="0001" onmouseover="alert('ok');">OK</span>
<span id="0002" onmouseover="test('not ok');">Not OK</span>

When I mouseover "ok" alert() script executed, but it give "object expected" error on I mouse over "not ok", it look like the browser cannot find "test" in myscript.js.

How do I reference this a script file inside the HTML Editor content?

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AJAX :: How To Save Editor Content As An HTML File To A Disk

Jun 2, 2010

How to save Ajax Editor content as an HTML file to a disk?

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Mar 18, 2010

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1. when saving content to sql server which dataype do I use?

2. Since they changed this site, I am unable to find access the videos. there was a video about custom editor control, but it was in VB and I need the code in C# does anyone know how to access the videos and sample code on this site anymore?

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Jul 16, 2010


I know there are a couple of posts about this already, but I still can't figure it out.

I'm using Table Adapters method called GetBBNewsByNewsID with the following SQL query:

SELECT Description
WHERE (NewsID = @NewsId)

The table has columns: NewsID, Header and Description. I only chose Description cuz that's all I wanted to show.

This is my code (aspx.cs):


The error I keep getting is:

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

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Some Map Silverlight Control Content Rendering Disappeared When Page Gets Refresh

Mar 31, 2010

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Bing map control renders perfectly.

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May be it is issue of browser caching content or Bing map control rendering issues on various browsers.

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Jan 30, 2010

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Jul 17, 2010

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<%: (Model.Blog.BlogDetail)%>

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MVC :: Rendering Encoded Html?

Aug 13, 2010

I cannot seem to get over this problem. Im sure it is just a simple newbie question but I just cannot find the right answer on my own.

Im using MVC 2 and ASP. NET 4.0 to biuld simple CMS. Im storing encoded HTML in XML file which then i am passing to front page controller for display.

I understand that before inserting HTML from XML into the page, it should be decoded using HttpUtility.Decode() function.


I expected that this sould result in inserting decoded HTML into my index.aspx page. Then browser could render my decoded content for example in bold face.

What happens is quite awkward. In page source I have encoded HTML but it renders HTML with tags. For example I see "<strong> Lorem ipsum </stong>", instead of Lorem Ipsum.

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Html - Rendering Of .net Controls?

Mar 10, 2011

I find it hard when using asp.net controls, to make proper css files because I don't know what the html output for the different controls end up as. For example, if I want to add a div tag using a asp.net control, it's not easy to know what kind of control I can use.

Are there any documentation that shows for each asp.net control, what the rendered html for that control will be? I understand that some controls will probably change it's output due to how it's configured, but most controls will at least follow a pattern here.

The best would of course be a service on the web where you can put in the asp.net control definition and get the rendered html out. Currently I have to put a control into my webform, run it and check the source in the browser, and if it's not the correct html tag, try another control and repeat. That get's tedious quite fast.

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MVC Html Helper Rendering?

Jan 20, 2010

I was wondering if it's possible to render an Html Helper in a View inside a codeblock. So instead of:


And have this render. Of course as it is, it wont render, so is there a way to programically decide if a textbox can be added without having to have a million delimiters in the page to accomplish this?

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Web Forms :: Rendering HTML As An Image?

Aug 10, 2010

What I am dealing with is a collection of data from 3rd party sites, some xml, some thumbnail images already.I essentially have an asp page that uses vb to collected the data and display it with some minor formating in a <div>, I use a literal control and a stringBuilder to put together the html and output it to the literal.

Here is my asp.net code

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Literal ID="Info_literal" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

So what I've been trying to do without any luck is have the output dump into a stream, then render the html into an image from that stream.I have looked at most of the links that have been posted in simular threads, and none of those are simular to exactly what I am looking for.

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C# - Content Page Dynamic Content Comes Out At The Top Of The HTML Output

Feb 25, 2011

I'm very new to ASP.net. I have a c# content page, in which I want to inset this code half way down within the HTML:

HttpResponse r = Response;

But when I view the page, this content comes out first, before even the tag.

how to get this code inline instead?

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Big ViewState Content Result A HTTP Error 504 - Gateway Timeout?

Nov 16, 2010

I have one asp.net page which seems to return a very big content (5,648,733 bytes and that is mostly consumed by VIEWSTATE) ending with a 504 Gateway timeout error. I am tracking the http request/response by using Fiddler.

And basically, when I post-back the same page -by clicking a button- the post-back fails with thoose errors shown in IE and in FF:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage --> in IE

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. --> in FF

Question: Can this be because of the big size injected in VIEWSTATE; and if yes, what is the main
reason so that it loads the page but cannot post the page back after?

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MVC :: Rendering Line Breaks From Code To HTML?

Apr 26, 2010

Objective:take string from "code-behind" writen in C# language and display it in html <p> element using ASP.NET MVC.


string xyz = "message1" + some line break character(s) + "message2";

ViewData["Messages"] = xyz;[code]..

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