C# - Unsure On How To Generate Table?

Aug 23, 2010

Given the following HTML:

<asp:content id="Content1" contentplaceholderid="mainContent" runat="server">
<div class="scrollRow">
<table width="100%">


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myTable = new


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Attendance table
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passenger details:- want to inserted simultaneously

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I have 2 tables:

- Salesmen with Pk.SalesmenID
- Appointments with Fk.SalesmenID and busy(bit)

How can I check if every salesmen has at least one appointment

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Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token

ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int row = 1; int i;
string strcmd = null;
string Connection = "Data Source=....";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection);
string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID";

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That will be rendered as this:

I want the table to be rendered like Excel would render a table with inner and outer border.

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Nov 18, 2010

I have an Access 2010 DB that I have a table of RAW data in. In my scenero when table 'a' has been populated all the rows with the updatedate of Now() get moved to another table... the SQL is like this...


As you can see it is a very simple query but it does NOT return any rows. There are actually 404 rows with todays date in teh Append_Date column.

I am stumped as to why it does not return rows?

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