C# - Updating Different Parts Of An MVC Page At Once?

Jan 16, 2010

i want to update different areas of my MVC page after one action (say a click) occurs.

how, i use ajax, and wrapping the entire area where all these parts need to be updated is counter intuitive as the ajax data being sent back would be close to the entire page.

so, i have a few partial views, - but the problem is, each action only returns one view! how can i return multiple views from this one action?

i know a popular solution is to just hammer the server with multiple async javascript ajax requests for each "part" of the view, but this really is unnecessary and inefficient, reconstructing and destroying the page (say) 5 times for just one action, when it should just occur once, and once it does, the server should manage all the partial views then and there.

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How To Three Panel Web Parts Page Accomplished

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I am setting up an asp.net web parts portal for some stuff. I have a [hopefully] really easy question. How can I make the page have 3 major columns?

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C# - How To Repeat HTML Parts With Minor Differences On A Page

Mar 19, 2010

I've got HTML code like this :

<img src="image1.jpg" alt="test1" />
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="test2" />
<img src="image3.jpg" alt="test3" />

The data is comming from a DB (image name, alt text).

In JAVA, I would do something like :

save the info in array in the back end.

For the presentation I would loop through it with JSTL :

<c:foeach items="${data}" var="${item}>
<img src="${item.image}" alt="${item.alt}" />

What's the best practice in ASP.net I just don't want to create a string with HTML code in it in the "code behind",

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Web Forms :: Web Parts Page Error / Personalization Is Not Enabled And Modifiable?

Mar 26, 2010

I am working on a VWD Walkthrough: Creating a Web Parts Page in VWD, [URL]Here I created a user control, DisplayModeMenu.ascx. Somehow, when running this webpage, the DropDownList of this user control showed only a Browse selection, no Edit selection. Clicking the "Reset User State" link showed the following error message.

The Walkthrough did not list any information on setting up the "ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool" or additional tags on Web.config. How can I fix the errors?

BTW, is it true that User Control is not recommended for VS 2005/8 any more.

Personalization is not enabled and/or modifiable. The Enabled property must be set to true, and a registered personalization provider must be selected. The current user must be granted the right to modify personalization state.

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Web Forms :: Define Reusable Master Page Type To Reuse Parts Of The Master Page?

Jan 5, 2011

My Project is a normal web site, not a Web Project, and I am using VS 2005.

I am trying to define common Master Page Type in app_code which has an area to display error messages and the like. Very simple.

I added the following in app_code:


Also, I added the following in Master Page Source Declaration:


Also, I added the controls tblrowErrMsg and lblErrMsg as server controls to the Master Page.

Why I am doing this ?

This will allow me to display error messages from nearly any where inside the code in code-behined, app_code, and other core Class Projects (DLL).

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May 24, 2010

Let's say you had a page like an eBay auction, where some of the content (top bidder, bids, history, etc) needed to be up to date but other sections would likely never change, like the description. I'd like to know the "right" method for getting that static section cached.

The "cheezy" solution would be to code it up in a separate javascript .js file as a bunch of "document.writeln()" calls, but that's plain evil and ugly.

If I made it a Content section of a master page, that might get it cached at the server, but the client has no way to know that this particular section of the page will never change.

I could IFRAME it but I don't always know the dimensions.

I'm sure this has all been done before, and as much as I love my own wheels, I'd rather not reinvent this one :-)

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Web Forms :: Updating A Master Page Label Per Page On Site?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a label within my master page that is part of our footer. In the footer, we are wanting to display page specific information. So as you make your way around the site, the footer will contain content about that page along with other data that is universa on the entire site.I had a somewhat similar question some time back that i posted here..

http://forums.asp.net/t/1615850.aspx it was for a shopping cart of sorts..

cartct.Text = ShoppingCart.Instance.Items.Count().ToString() + "";

If Label is in master page, you have to use FindControl to get the Label and udpate its text

((Label)Master.FindControl("cartct")).Text=String.Format("{0}",ShoppingCart.Instance.Items.Count() );

once you select another page, you dont have it anymore,If you want to share data across different pages, consider using Session to save Items count.

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Web Forms :: Page Not Updating?

Mar 10, 2010

no idea whats going on and cannot figure it out.I have a ASPX page, which inherits from the masterpageI have 3 div's. in each div, there is a usercontrolI can toggle the visibility just fine for the divs.problem is, (this is like a checkout process/page) when the first usercontrol has been "completed", the main page will hide that div, and make the 2nd div visible. when user completes the 2nd user control action, it should then set the visibility of the usercontrol/div to false and show the 3rd onebut this doesnt do it! it works fine for the first user control, but not the 2nd! any ideas? the code is very simple, just setting the visible property to true or false. that is all.

AJAX/Updatepanel is used on the 2nd user control for doing some async postbacks in that control but dont understand why setting the visibility of the control on the main page should affect it?Pressing the "next" button AGAIN on the 2nd user control that is showing throws a runtime exception about the nableEventValidation (invalid postback)

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Updating Only Part Of The Page?

Jul 16, 2011

i have on a page a text box and a button(button1) and another set of text boxes and another button(button2). i have put a requiredfieldvalidator on all the textboxes. what i want to do is that if i click button1, only the first textbox should validate and if i click button2 then only the set of textboxes should validate. right now whether i click button1 or 2 all of the textboxes will validate. i have tried to place the first textbox and button1 in an updatepanel and the set of textboxes and button2 in another updatepanel but still its not working.

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Web Forms :: Updating Master Page

Jan 2, 2010

i have a usercontrol which fires a mehtod in the masterpage, the method does fire but the placeholder i want to unhide does not until i refresh the page, how can i get around this?

if (this.Page.Master is Whoops)
Whoops barMasterPage = (Whoops)this.Page.Master;
public void bindBasketSummary() {
plhLoggedIn.Visible = true;

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Is Not Updating Page?

Mar 5, 2010

I've the following html


and my server code is:

the sever code is executing correctly but the page's html is not updating.

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Updating An Image In Master Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an Image control (for logo) on the master page as follows:

<asp:Image ID="imgLogo" ImageUrl="~/Images/logo.jpg" runat="server" />

I am allowing my users to upload their own logos. So on the page where they upload their logo I want to replace the existing logo with the newly uploaded logo. I tried the following but none of them worked:

1) Did a Response.Redirect back to the same page and it didn't work.

2) Tried the below code after the image upload is complete and even this didn't work:

Image imgLogo = (Image)Master.FindControl("imgLogo");
imgLogo.ImageUrl = "~/Images/newLogo.jpg";

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Updating Common String By Different Users In Same Page?

Mar 14, 2010

I am newbie in asp.net . I want to develope a chat app by my own for my website. Registered users can chat one on one. My logic is pretty simple....

I have an string msg="";

When a user submits a textbox, textbox's text is added to msg. and then msg is displayed to both the users who are chatting. Then, next user submits his textbox , his textbox's text is also added to the msg, and then msg is displayed to both users.

My problem is this, how can I implement this in asp.net ? How to maintain a global (common) msg (string) to both the users who are chatting. Can I implement this in asp.net?

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AJAX :: Master Page Control Not Updating?

Feb 1, 2011

I have master page that has a Telerik radmenu control.


On the content page, I populate this control with menu items.


This part works. The menu items are populated with the correct navigate URLs. The content page allows users to change parameters that are inside an update panel.


After the values are updated, the LoadShareMenu function is called again. I have verified through the debugger that the function is being passed the updated values and that the returned RadMenu is populated with the correct NavigateURLs. However, the RadMenu control on the webpage remains unchanged. The original NavigateURLs remain.What final step do I need to do to cause the RadMenu to update?Here's the code for the FindControlByID function:


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MVC :: Database Not Updating With Edit Page Data?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to build something like the MVC music store for learning purposes,

creating and deleting entries works great, but updating does not work -

for some reasoen after clicking the update button, i go back to the index page but no changes are saved.

I'v put a break point right before the SaveChanges(), i see that the form colection shows the new data, but it's not geting into the db?

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Using App_offline.htm To Take An App Offline While Updating Dll's Fails While Updating Dll's?

Sep 17, 2010

So I sometimes use app_offline.htm to take an app offline while I upload a new version.However, while I am in the process of uploading larger dll's, I get the yellow error-screen saying the dll could not be loaded.This seems to be out of sync with my expectations of what app_offline.htm does (stops the app entirely), and also provides the users with errors in stead of the nice app_offline.htm I put up.Am I doing something wrong or is this behavior by design?

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Web Forms :: Updating Master Page PlaceHolder With UpdatePanels?

Aug 30, 2010

I have an ASPX page with two columns. The left column has a GridView control that contains a list of article titles as LinkButton controls. When a LinkButton control is clicked, the content of the article is displayed in the right column. Each of the columns
is wrapped in an UpdatePanel. So far everything is working .

Each article title has further descriptive text that is defined in the code-behind as labels within a Div object. Each Div is added to a PlaceHolder object on the master page. References to the Div objects are added as attributes to the LinkButton so that JavaScript is executed when the user rolls over the title and the Div object with the descriptive text is displayed.

The rollovers are working fine and displaying the correct text for the first GridView page. However, when I click a button in the GridView's paging row to advance to the next page of the GridView list, the rollovers are not updated. The text is what was defined for the first GridView page of titles. How should I get the PlaceHolder objects to update when the UpdatePanels are updated?

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AJAX :: Animation On Page Load And Updating / Updated

Feb 9, 2011

I have a webpage with multiple updatepanels on. One of the panels takes a long time to load. I therefore start a timer on page load and the timer.tick event populates the accordion control within the panel. Because of the amount of data I have used a paged data source and have link buttons to scroll through the results.

I need to implement animation, both on the initial page load and each time the button is clicked to move through the pages. The animation is, show a loading icon and hide the accordion/grid, once the data is loaded, display the accordion/grid and hide the loading icon. I have tried both the PageRequestManager and AnimationExtender, which I fail to get working for both the initial page load and Updating/Updated events.

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Updating Div After Full Page Refresh Following AJAX Request?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an AJAX controller action which returns JSON. The returned JSON is handled via jQuery and contains a message displayed in an update div. The JSON also contains a flag which indicates a change in state. If this is true the entire page needs to be reloaded from a different url. This is currently performed in the jQuery using window.location.replace(url). In the situation where a full page refresh occurs, I still want to display the message from the JSON in the update div, but after the page has fully reloaded.

How can I ensure the div is updated with the message after the window.location.replace call and the page has been completely reloaded? (I realise AJAX is not intended for full page refreshes but I can't think of a simple way of avoiding it in this scenario. Normal behaviour here is updating the div with a status message.)

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Javascript - Avoid Page Flickering When Updating A YUI DataTable?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using jlinq a library for extending linq to json and hence i filter my json data. Consider i have a json data that draws a yui datatable on page load with 100 rows. I am doing a clientside filter which will reduce my json data and i am now redrawing the same datatable. What happens is it works pretty well but with an annoying flickering effect...

I call the below method from onkeyup event of the filter textbox,


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