C# - Using The Same Class In Both Server And Web Service?

Apr 13, 2010

I have classes that are needed in both my web service and my server. For example, I have a class named Order that I'd like to send from my server to the web service and vice-versa.

Problem is that the class in the server is Order and the one on the web service is localhost.Order, and it is impossible to convert between them, even though they are built from the very same code. Error is cannot convert from 'Order[]' to 'localhost.Order[]'.

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Is Url Of Web Service Fixed, When Reference For Web Service Is Implemented In Class Library

Feb 9, 2011

<Application architecture>I'm developing ASP.NET Web Application by Visual Studio 2008.(.Net Framework Version = 2.0)I put followin two projetcs in the solution.a. Class library which implements all the buisiness logic for application.
(I'll call it "ClassLib" in the followin sentence)b. ASP.NET Web applicatoin which presents UI.(I'll call it "WebApp")ClassLib uses Web Service which located on other server. So, I set web reference in it. Method for url settings for this web reference is "Dynamic".

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AJAX :: Add A Class To A Web Service?

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I have a problem i cannot solve. I searched everywhere the web but nothing.How can i expose a user defined type(class) in the web service definition?. Im not refering as a parameter in a web method, what i want to do is expose the type itself so any client that consumes it have the type definition and can instanciate it any example code!This is what i want to achieve consuming the reference in the clientVB




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C# - Consume Web Service In App From A Class Library?

Feb 16, 2011

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C# - Dispose A Web Service Proxy Class?

May 13, 2010

When you create and use a Web Service proxy class in the ASP.Net framework, the class ultimately inherits from Component, which implements IDisposable. I have never seen one example online where people dispose of a web proxy class, but was wondering if it really needs to be done. When I call only one method, I normally wrap it in a using statement, but if I have a need to call it several times throughout the page, I might end up using the same instance, and just wondered what the ramifications are of not disposing it.

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Send A Class Instance To Web Service?

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WCF / ASMX :: Property In Service Class

Jan 18, 2011

If i want to use Property & Method in same class then how to use it. I want to keep separate class only for interface , not for property.
Also we have tried with [OperationContract] before get ,set in Service class . it solved our issue but throws error while run a .svc file

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WCF / ASMX :: Consuming A Class Library From A Web Service?

Apr 19, 2010

I've created a class library, now I'm trying to use it in a webservice.If I try and use it via a web method like this:

<WebMethod()> _Public
Function GetStaffList()
As List(Of ClassLibrary.Staff)

I get this error:You must implement a default accessor on System.Security.Policy.Evidence because it inherits from ICollection. And I can't seem to find any coherent instructions on remedying this issue.If I copy the Staff class into the web service (app_code) it works hunky dory, so it must be security..I can't be the only one attempting this! MSDN doesn't explain this one too well :(

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C# - How To Use Proxy Class Generated By WSDL In Web Service

Jul 7, 2010

Disclaimer: My experience/knowledge of web services is very limited.

There is an existing web service WSDL that I have reverse engineered with wsdl.exe to create a C# proxy class.

Using Visual Studio 2008 I created a default web service template.

How do I reference the generated proxy class so that it will work in the web service?

For example -> calling http://localhost/webservice/service.asmx?WSDL will return the details from the proxy class.

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating Class Library From Web Service?

Dec 17, 2010

We are consuming third Web services.

Instead of using datatypes from web service proxy we need to create our own class which will take the values from web service output.

Since the web service data types are so much deep,we are facing lots of problems to create our cutom classes.

Is there any tool available to create classes directly from web services in ordered way....

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Service1 And Service2 - Name Space Is Different From Service 1 Class?

Apr 27, 2010

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Specify CLR Namespace Of Auto-generated Web Service Proxy Class?

Sep 10, 2010

When you add a Web Reference in an ASP.NET project in Visual Studio the web application's root namespace is always added.So, if I add a web reference called MyWebService and the default namespace of the application is MyApplication the namespace of the generated proxy class will be: MyApplication.MyWebService.

However, I want to be able to specify which namespace to use for the generated class (to skip the default namespace and have the namespace be called simply MyWebService).Is using wsdl.exe through the command line the only way of accomplishing this? I don't want to manually edit the generated class (since it can get re-generated).

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Deploying Web Application Which References Class Library With WCF Service?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a separate environment for development. On my production server, where we mostly host web applications, we deploy the precompiled version of the web project. While doing development I work on three projects. One is the WCF Service. Two, is the class library project. This library has classes which makes calls on the WCF service. And the third, is a web project which consumes the class library.

The last two projects come under one VS solution. I host the wcf service in the development environment. This service is added as service reference to my class library. I am unable to visualize what will happen once I add the DLL (viz output of the class library project) to my web project, and, the web project has to be deployed. At the time of deployment I have to change the service reference (the url of the svc file will change as it has to point to the production wcf service). How to go about this? What must I take care when adding the dll to the web project?

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WCF / ASMX :: Passing A Web Service To A Method In Class Library?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a web service called service1. Is it possible to pass the parameter related to the service to a class library so for e.g.

Service1.service ws = new Service1.service();
Service1.UserDetails ud = null;

now if I call a method that exists in a class and pass ud. Cam i do that because I am trying to do this and I am getting an error. Do i need to add a web

reference to this service in the class library My method call is like this

authenticateUser.Authenticate(ud, UserName);

and in the class libary I have

public void Authenticate( Service1.UserDetails ud , string UserName)

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WCF / ASMX :: Can Access Referenced Web Service From Web Form Code Behind But Not From A Class In The Same Web

Jun 16, 2010

Web service is referenced fine (called "tuWs") and I can refer to it in standard web form code behind:

Dim myWs As tuWebSvc.tuWs = New tuWebSvc.tuWs

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C# - Using Web Service In Class Library Which Is Referenced In The Website Project Of Same Solution?

Nov 18, 2010

How to access proxy class of a web service which has been referenced in the website project of a solution within a class library project in the same solution?

I mean no web-service reference/setting is added to the class library and instead it needs to be picked from the web project.

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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service Can't Make An External Call To A Class Library?

Feb 10, 2011

I have an asmx web service, and every time I try to call a static method in another project (which is a class library), I get an internal server error 500.

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WCF / ASMX :: Error When Call Service Reference Client Class

Apr 28, 2010

when svc.getLookupList(reqobj) will call i get following error.

"There was no endpoint listening at http://rets.newjerseymls.com/rets that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action."

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WCF / ASMX :: Class Library For Service (ServiceLibrary) To Access Data Form Database?

Jan 11, 2011

I created a Class library for WCS service (MyWCFServiceLibrary) to access data form my database. The database connection strings have been defined in Properties->Settings.settings. The endpoints are defined in the app.config. Tracing and logging is set to write to files on local server. This service is hosted by a .net web service. This webservice refrences the WCF service using MyWCFServiceLibrary.dll and MyWCFServiceLibrary.pdb. The web service is hosted in IIS. All this setup is working fine on the development environment.Now I want to deploy this in the QA environment. Since I am a newbie with WCF, I would appreciate some help on what needs to be done for deploying this on the QA server.1. Do I need to recompile the MyWCFServiceLibrary.dll after changing the connectionstring to point to QA database and tracing and loggint paths to the new server?2. Is there anything that needs to be done with end points or anything else?

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WCF / ASMX :: Web Service To Inherit From A Custom Base Class That Inherits System.Web.Services.WebMethod Inste...

Oct 18, 2010

Recently, I tried to get my Web Service class to inherit from a custom base class that inherits from System.Web.Services.WebMethod instead of the System.Web.Services.WebMethod directly.

However, I've been getting Error 500.

Public Class Service1
Inherits BaseClass
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetSessionID() As String
GetSessionID = Me.Session.SessionID
End Function
End Class

public class BaseClass
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
public property Property1 as string
public property Property2 as string

End Class

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Security :: Service Call From Application Fails In Server 2008 (worked In Server 2003)

Jan 5, 2011

We have a web application that makes a call to a remotely hosted ASMX service that worked in Server 2003 under IIS6. We are now migrating it to a Server 2008/IIS 7 setup and it doesn't appear that the application makes the call to the remote web service anymore. We ran Wireshark and don't see any traffic to the service URL. It seems to throw a 404 error without trying to connect.

Is there some security policy or restriction in Server 2008 or IIS 7 we need to set to allow an ASP.NET application make a call to a remote web service? We are using Network Service as our application pool user, but also tried using Local System as a troubleshooting step. In addition, the same code works if run from a console application on the server instead of the web application.

Is there some setting under IIS7 or server 2008 that would be causing this?

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WCF / ASMX :: Writing A Web Service To Call The Proxy Server From The IIS Web Server In Vb.net?

Feb 6, 2011

How to write a webservice to call the proxy server through IIS webserver?

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SQL Reporting :: Service Configured To Access Report Server Db On Other Server

Mar 23, 2010

I have one application in that there are two server

1. Application Server
2. Database Server.

I have install MSSqlserver 2008 on DB server , but i dont want to give report server URL as business dont want to expose IP of DB server. Hence i install Reporting services component on Web server. I configure Successfully to Database reportserver Database.

but when i clicked on report services URL it gives error: The report server installation is not initialized. (rsReportServerNotActivated) what extra needs to configure report server?? what are the steps to configure report server ?

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C# - How To Convert Json Object To Custom Class Object In Web Service

Aug 30, 2010

I've scenario where I want to insert data into database without post back. there are around 12 to 13 fields which i need to insert. I'm passing DTO from the client side which is actually Json object. Now the problem which i'm facing is how to convert that Json object which i got in webservice to the "class" (in my case class name is User) object.


In the above case AddNewUser method takes the object of User class. But i'm getting casting error. So how do I convert Json object to the "User" class object?

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