C# - Add Multiple Commands To One Item Template?

Feb 9, 2011

I stripped this example to make it simple. I have a gridview with a template field. The template field contains two buttons and a label (They must be in the same template field). I want the first button to set the label text to "Win", and the other button to set the label text to "fail". The onrowcommand doesnt seem to be triggered by buttons in a template field. How can I accomplish this?

My gridview code is below:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" EnableModelValidation="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">


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Data Controls :: Use Multiple Eval Fields In GridView Item Template

Apr 16, 2014

Iam using the below code in ASPX for displaying images that are present inside my website project folder

<a href=""><%# Eval("Columnname","Foldername/{0}") %></a>
<%# Eval("Gallery","ImageFolder/{0}") %>
Now my question is I want to call the foldername itself from database its column name is GalleryFolder

How to use eval inside another eval or is there any other options??

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Multiple Values In A Control In Item Template Field?

Aug 5, 2010

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Mar 3, 2010

I have a formview with various templates set up for a database that has 255 columns. I need the insertitemtemplate to pre-fill values based upon a specific selection by the user (just like the edit item template) but when the template is switched to insertitemtemplate every text box is cleared. The idea is that a new entry is usually made by making minor changes to an existing entry. With 255 fields I don't want to require the user to enter every field when only three or four need to change.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Item Template In The Template Field?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a gridview which the columns are created programmatically.

When a button is click i will clear all columns and add the columns that I want. Im adding a boundfield which is not a problem. When I add a template field, I must add also the item template which is my problem.

How can I add a item template in the template field I created which is binded in my datasource. Also what event handler should I use to do this.

Here's the part of my code:


Someone know how can I bind a label item template from the datasource. The label item template should be firstname + middlename + lastname.

If im not doing it programatically, it will be just concatenating eval(). But how can create item template and bind it programmatically?

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DataSource Controls :: Editable Gridview With Multiple Select Commands

May 14, 2010

I am trying to write an app that has one gridview, but I change the select on my sql data source to show different information on the same grid. For example I start showing units, but when price is selected I reassign my select command from Select sales.[sales1] to Select (sales.[price] * sales.[sales1]) as sales1.

However, this is causing a problem that I cannot understand with the built-in edit functionality of gridview. Whenever I click on edit, all the data in my gridview reverts back to the original select and displays only units. Am I missing something? When I change my select command the only things I am changing are my gridview.datakeynames, sqlsource.selectcommand, and sqlsource.updatecommand. What do I need to add to make my gridview edit using the current selectcommand?

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I realize that it will not be at all difficult to cut and paste each of these lines, and making the minor edits for each one. I just would like to keep my code behind file thin, as well as only limiting the chance for mistakes by using multiple commands.


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I want to be able to show the record that was just inserted after add_button_click event. I run the insert from mycommand and then set mycommand2 to run the read to populate a details view. I have a feeling I am going about this the wrong way. The insert fires correctly but the details view does not populate.


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Data Controls :: How To Make Bound Field And Template Field Read-Only In Edit Item Template Of GridView

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i am implementing a update query module.i am displaying all fields from a table for a term searched. well now i am implementing update option for the record which are displayed, i have like 70 columns in my table, and i want to know how to restrict some selected fields to be only read only while the form can be updated ?Like if user select to update a record then some selected field such as "Timestamp, UID etc some selected fields" remains READ ONLY !

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Something likes: ${itemIndex}


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Feb 10, 2011

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SELECT TOP (1) ProductName, UnitPrice FROM Products ORDER BY NEWID()

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Show Hide Div's In Repeater Item Template?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm displaying summary and details customer info in each repeater row - inside the repeater .

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(id="divHistory_details" )

The details div is hidden by default with inline style: display: none;


I don't have the jquery.js file in the head of my app, so I hope it's ok to call the script right here. This app has many nested master pages, and didn't know which one to put the call to jquery file.

The page loads, repeater populates, the details stuff is hidden. When clicking the summary div, nothing happens - the details stuff won't show.

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Nov 12, 2010

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gvData.HeaderRow.Cells(8).Text = "Hi" But when I do this I can not sort this column when add SortExpression="Hi", i not have clickable header. How can I do this

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Aug 11, 2010

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<asp:Label ID="lblPurchasedDate1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("purchaseDate") %>'
<asp:Label ID="lblPurchasedDate" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("purchaseDate") %>'></asp:Label>

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Sep 23, 2010

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firstname lastname middlename
xyz xyz1 xyz2
Pqr pqr1 pqr2

i want to it display like this format in datalist

firstname xyz Pqr
lastname xyz1 pqr1
middlename xyz2 pqr2

i am not able to set this table formate in item template of datalist.

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Localization :: Display Russian Character In Item Template

Jan 7, 2010

I have a problem to display some russian characters into a formview but only in the Item template.

I change my insert statement adding an N' .The data are well stored into my SQL table

I have add into the web.config

<globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8"/>
<authentication mode="Forms" >

The data appear well into the EditItem template but when switching into the Item template I have ???????? in place of the russians characters.

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I am trying to call a javascript function which will set forecolor and backcolor of a control when the control is loaded

But this function is not raising.


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Using The Item Template To Bind Values From 3 Dropdowns Into A Single Value?

Feb 24, 2011

I am using an asp.net details view. I added an entry into the details view like so...

<asp:BoundField DataField="DTMON_F" HeaderText="Monday Start:" InsertVisible="False"
ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="DTMON_F" Visible="false" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="*Monday Start: " SortExpression="DTMON_F">


Now I need to FIRST concatinate the values from the dropdown then bind the data gathered in the edit template form the 3 dropdowns. How might I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Item Template Format?

Feb 15, 2011

I have the following line to display a piece of data and I want to know how I can format the output.

Text='<%# Eval("DOH") %>'

The data list displays the correct data, but I want to format it. The output I want is just a small date format instead of date and time. I have tried every combination of a format function I can think of, but can't seem to make it work. Am I stuck with the raw format provided by the database? I wouldn't think so, but maybe that is the case.

expected output should be 02/15/2011 instead of 02/15/2011 09:45:

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Index Or Id Of Gridview Item Template

May 23, 2010

i am working on grid view that have an item template contain a linkbutton that should delete its row so my broblem is how to get the index of the row which i have clicked its linkbutton i tried to search online msdn and asp but no answer helped me or may be its just me i was able to delete row by using enable deleting from the smart tag of the grid view but i was using sql data source which brings data from sql table but later i had to replace the sql table with sql view after i did that i couldn't enable the checkbox of enable insert,update and delete statment in advanced sql generatiom options in configure sql data source wizard and this is the other proplem and i not asking this for delete the record only ,it could help in send emial button which is placed the in item tamplate too and i am using C# by the way.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Row In Gridview Of Changed Template Item?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a dropdownlist as a template item in a gridview - it populates fine and with the right values. I have an SelectedIndexChanged on the dropdownlist, and has set it for postback. In the SelectedIndexChanged event, I would like to know where the control that fired this event is, - which row in the gridview is it in? How do I get this info? If the row was selected it would be easy, but the only thing that has happened in that row is that the dropdown has changed value and consequently the SelectedIndexChanged event has been fired - is that enough to know which row the event has been fired from?

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GridView Making A Single Edit Item Template Take The Entire Row?

Jan 6, 2010

I've got this gridview. The gridview uses TemplateFields as the number of fields in the database's table. What I do next is use an ItemTemplate to present the correct column info.

Now, problems rise when the user click's Edit. Since I can only use EditItemTemplate to edit I am resulted with a control in each column. What I really want is to have a single row with no columns so I can easily style the edit mode (having a table with a different layout for example).

Is this possible?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Item Template Of Gridview?

Mar 14, 2010

I am using Asp.net with C#.

I have one gridivew, which is showing 20 records. And also, in item template of Gridview, I used one dropdownlist. It means there are 20 dropdownlist with all the 20 rows. That dropdownlist is already binded, means showing the records/items - 8 items. No issue with this.

Now, what I want is, when ever, I select any item from the drodownlist against each row in that gridview and click on the button "Save", it will save the id of all row with all the values of dropdownlist.

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