C# - Building The Ability To Browse A Subversion Repository From Web App?
Feb 12, 2010
I'm researching the feasiblity of building the ability to browse a subversion repository from my web app. I'm developing in asp.net. I've read some mentions of WebDAV, but nothing that seems particularly concrete. Does anyone know anything about the protocol that is used to communicate with SVN? Or even better, a .net library that can do so.
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Apr 29, 2010
this is likely a naive question, but I want to do this right the first time.
I have a MVC solution which has the following:
Data project - C#
Services project - C#
MVC Web Project - ASP.NET MVC
Test Project
Currently, I am using the MVC2 source as a means to debug my own code. I do not plan on checking that in, but I realize once I go back to the MVC2 DLL, my solution will change.
I'm pretty sure I just shouldn't check in stuff that changes with each build: the bin folder on the Web project, for example.
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Mar 19, 2010
I've Googled, Binged, and here at StackOverflow, looked through the related questions and searched, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I've also searched documentation on DNN.
What I'm looking for is any guidance (tutorials, blogs, step-by-step instructions for setting up a repository) etc from people who are experienced in using DotNetNuke with SVN.
We use SVN for all our source control, and have no problem with standard applications, because we pretty much built the repository and directory structure to work with our processes. This means when we do web sites, in Visual Studio, we do file based web sites, rather than setting them up in the local IIS. It just makes things easier for us.
However, with DNN, it appears that even if you get the source code, it is expecting to be set up in the local IIS, which means additional headaches for us.
For example, we are moving all of our source code off our local C drives, and onto a shared drive on a server. This is to enable backups in addition to our normal source control. (This was a management decision). So that means that we need to change the virtual web app when we make the move.
Has anyone come up with a good way to work around this? Can DNN be set up so that the developer web server in Visual Studio can be used, so that we can treat it just like any normal web app? Am I missing something obvious?
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May 8, 2010
I am developing a custom Web Interface Browser for Subversion Repositories with C#/ASP.NET and SVNKit (Converted to .NET assemblies using IKVM.NET). Is there any clean way to locally add a new subversion user (that is added by the administrator) using C# code?
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Sep 10, 2010
I would love to have some guidance in this topic and we didn't really where to place this question.One of our clients is asking us to create a web page, embedded in a system we are about to start building, to be able to do some document versioning, he needs that the application would be able to store documents and keep their history, this is simple if we try something like subversion, CVS..etc, but he needs that the application masks (no matter the underlying service, Subversion, CVS or even sharepoint) all that things under the hood. So, he wants that the web page could do something like sharepoint or subversion does.
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Aug 4, 2010
I inherit an ASP.Net web site from my predecessor, it does not have a .csproj file or .sln file and it's not controlled by version control system. I install SVN server from CollabNet and use AnkhSvn as client since it integrates with VS.Net well, but when I try to open a subversion project, it must be a solution or project, can not be a website, are there any workarounds?
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Mar 12, 2010
My company has several class libraries we use in multiple website projects (not web application projects). Website projects don't have .sln files, but I'm sure I've read in my past research that you can make a blank solution and put your website and class library projects in it. After answers to my previous questions, this is the direction that I'm going (based slightly on [URL]
Then I planed on using svn:externals to copy /library1, /library2, and so on into the working_copy/websites/website1/ folder. I want my team members to be able to checkout the /trunk folder for website1 and get a .sln file, /library1 external, /library2 external, etc. I want that .sln file to contain the website1 website project, and all of the library external projects. Hopefully that would look something like:
/library1 (svn:external of libraries/library1/trunk/library1)
/library2 (svn:external of libraries/library2/trunk/library2)
So, at the end of all of this, the goal is that my teammates check out the trunk, open the solution, and everyone has the exact same solution. When we commit, everything is committed appropriately to subversion (the website code, and the libraries are committed to their appropriate place on the repo). How have others solved these issues? How can I make a .sln file that my team members and I can share in this manner?
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Jan 26, 2011
Just wondering, in an ASP.NET MVC3 environnement with entity framework. Should the Unit of Work point to the service layer or the repository (and then the repository point to the service layer) ?
Ive saw two example:
* One where the unit of work and repository both have an instance to the service layer..
Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable
Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.
* Second where the unit of work have an instance to the repository which have an instance to the service layer..
What would be better ?
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May 28, 2010
I need a few options on how I will allow a user to post simple text comments to my website page(s). I will require login to post comments in order to prevent spam posters.
I'm using Visual Web Developer 2010 to design my website. I'm not real familiar with it and do not know if it includes the tool I need to accomplish this task easily.
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Feb 16, 2011
I'm new in the WCF and in the web developing ..
I wrote WCF service and i by creating new Web Sites - i added new WCF service that will host my WCF service.
In the 'Web location' i define the service to be HTTP and the URL to be "http://localhost/MyService"
Now i want to access thru some other machine ( in the same network ) to my machine and get using the Service method that my WCF service exposed - but i fail each time ( calling from the second machine "http://a.b.c.d/MyService/interfaceMethodName")
If i try to call the web service thru the same machine - i get the right response.
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Jun 8, 2010
I want to qualify my users ability to use javascript when they enter my website so I can manage any depreciated functionality properly.
I found some code on the web which effectively appends the quesrystring, then runs a javascript redirect. On the second page the querystring is rechecked - if its go &js=1 then they're good, else they're not good. The result is put into session so I can carry it throughout the site.
The problem I have with this is that firstly I have to load the first page twice. However I then need to be able to get the session variable back again, which means this happens on the first page:
round 1 - page loads, checks if javascript has been tested or not. If not run redirect to itself.
round 2 - get querystring value and put into session.
However the page may then go on to load some javascript dependent controls, but session isnt picking up the javascript (probably due to the page life cycle)
I supose I could then go on to test the querystring as well, but it doesnt seem too elegant a solution.
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Feb 15, 2010
How do I give user's the ability to sign in using either their username or email address? How do I implement profile URLS so that domain.com/username Server.Transfers to ViewProfile.aspx?userID=342 How do I implement a multi-domain auth system for a single web app so that users can create the same username at different domains?
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Feb 3, 2011
I just read the MSDN Magazines article on Dynamic Data and it got me wandering, could I use this in MVC3? Then with a little research the answer is yes, but you have to copy all these assemblies, modify the global.asax file etc. The same if one wanted to use web forms and MVC3. Wouldn't it just be easier to be able to choose a blend option when creating a new application in VS? My suggestion would be if one wanted to create a hybrid application that blended two different application styles, one could just choose multiple apps at the start, such as MVC3 and Dynamic data; and VS would just add or modify the necessary references so one could use the two development styles in a single application.
I realize that some would say this would probably defeat the purpose of the different styles, but if developers are gong to do it anyway, why not be supportive. What did Emerson say? "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds".
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Apr 29, 2010
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Nov 17, 2010
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Jun 4, 2010
I have an application that I am writing in ASP.NET MVC 2 following the Nerd Dinner tutorial. I am very much a beginner and was looking for examples/tutorials I could follow that would enable me to learn how to code the following scenario:A user has the option to select an option from a dropdown.If the option is not there then they can enter a new option and add it to the database and list in the dropdown.
I would like this to be done without the user leaving the page and what they have entered so far.I am using a simple Entity Framework 4.0 model which I have built a repository on top of so I have methods I can call to save the filled in user information.If the entry already exists in the database then I would like to offer the user the chance to either select that entry or to continue adding the entry they request because it can be a list of names and of course you can have more than one person with the same name.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have this sample code for async operations (copied from the interwebs)
Other async approaches I tried required the aysnc page attribute, they also seemed to cancel if other page elements where actioned on (a button clicked), this approach just seemed to work.
I'd like to add a cancel ability and exception handling for the longRunningTask class, but don't erm, really know how.
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May 7, 2010
I'm creating a composite control for a DropDownList (that also includes a Label). The idea being that I can use my control like a dropdown list, but also have it toss a Label onto the page in front of the DDL.
I have this working perfectly for TextBoxes, but am struggling with the DDL because of the Collection (or Datasource) component to populate the DDL.
Basically I want to be able to do something like this:
<ecc:MyDropDownList ID="AnimalType" runat="server" LabelText="this is what will be in the label">
<asp:ListItem Text="dog" Value="dog" />
<asp:ListItem Text="cat" Value="cat" />
The problem is, I'm not extending the DropDownList class for my control, so I can't simply work it with that magic. I need some pointers to figure out how I can turn my control (MyDropDownList), which is currently just a System.Web.UI.UserControl, into something that will accept List items within the tag and ideally, I'd like to be able to plug it into a datasource (the same functions that the regular DDL offers).
I tried with no luck just extending the regular DDL, but couldn't get the Label component to fly with it.
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm writing a custom ASP.NET webcontrol and would like it to have a collection of custom items which can also be specified in the XML markup. Something like this:
class MyControl: WebControl
public IList<MyItemType> MyItems { get; private set; }
And in the markup:
<asd:MyControl runat="server" id="mc1">
<MyDerivedCustomItem asd="dsa"/>
<MyOtherDerivedCustomItem asd="dsa"/>
How do I do this? I though this was all about implementing some interface on the collection or adding some special attributes to the property, but nothing I do seems to work.
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May 10, 2010
how to display data in gridview with XML datasource and that too in expandable format.
Is nested gridview the only choice for this ?
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Feb 8, 2011
We are moving from ASP.NET Web Forms to MVC 2.0. In most of our projects we have a typical setup to communicate with a database.
Common (objects/entities like 'SiteMenu' and 'Users')
Business Logic Layer (with calls to de Data Access Layer)
Data Access Layer
The DAL has a DatabaseHelper with common database operation, an OdbcHelper with database specific operations (eg MySQL) and a StoredProcedure class with all the stored procedures.
How is this design translated into a repository design? We want to use our own database helpers instead of NHibernate etc.
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