Web Forms :: Want To Qualify My Users Ability To Use Javascript?
Jun 8, 2010
I want to qualify my users ability to use javascript when they enter my website so I can manage any depreciated functionality properly.
I found some code on the web which effectively appends the quesrystring, then runs a javascript redirect. On the second page the querystring is rechecked - if its go &js=1 then they're good, else they're not good. The result is put into session so I can carry it throughout the site.
The problem I have with this is that firstly I have to load the first page twice. However I then need to be able to get the session variable back again, which means this happens on the first page:
round 1 - page loads, checks if javascript has been tested or not. If not run redirect to itself.
round 2 - get querystring value and put into session.
However the page may then go on to load some javascript dependent controls, but session isnt picking up the javascript (probably due to the page life cycle)
I supose I could then go on to test the querystring as well, but it doesnt seem too elegant a solution.
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PHP Code:
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<ecc:MyDropDownList ID="AnimalType" runat="server" LabelText="this is what will be in the label">
<asp:ListItem Text="dog" Value="dog" />
<asp:ListItem Text="cat" Value="cat" />
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class MyControl: WebControl
public IList<MyItemType> MyItems { get; private set; }
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<asd:MyControl runat="server" id="mc1">
<MyDerivedCustomItem asd="dsa"/>
<MyOtherDerivedCustomItem asd="dsa"/>
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Mar 25, 2011
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Jan 25, 2010
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i want to leaverage same idea for site where 5000+ users will be there in chat room , messages are stored in queue hold in memory * dispatched as user request that is through java script timers calling page method or service ,
how well it will perform ? i know GTalk implements XMPP protocol(jabber) for the web chat
seems it will be difficult to got XMPP way ?
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Mar 12, 2010
Hardware involved:
SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Server 2003 with IIS6 [code]...
The goal, from internal department (user) perspective:A department wants to "upload" an excel spreadsheet of data (product, term, rate, etc) to SQL (this will be from the internal network). The data is then saved to a webpage location for that department to view and approve. Once "approved," this data is displayed on the live web servers (public-facing website which is two load balancing servers).
The .NET application/SQL Server can send an email to the department reminding them to upload the latest rates (each weekday morning, then each Thursday afternoon) if rates have not yet been "approved."
From the development perspective, this is my general idea, but I may be wrong.There are three spreadsheets, each with one tab. The first spreadsheet is uploaded, and the .NET application puts it in a SQL table. I then need to display this table of data on a .aspx page for the department to approve before the .aspx page is pushed to the live web servers.
First, I need an interface for this department to upload Excel files. I need this application to save the data to SQL and display it in a .aspx page so that the department can look it over and approve it. The department needs a way to "approve" the page, and this action will push the data to the live web servers. Will this involve SQL data transformation services?
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Sep 2, 2010
Is it possible to find out the clients IP and possibly MAC address from non IE browsers (i.e. without using ActiveX)? If so, how?
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Feb 9, 2010
I have an asp.net web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.
Here is the membership provider definition from web.config:
So, obviously, I have a Sql Server database that contains the users and roles for the web app. I'd like to create a separate windows app that references the web app assembly, and use the configured MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, and machineKey to create users, assign users to roles, etc. If that's not possible, I can duplicate the configuration settings from web.config within the windows app. But I don't know how to do this either.
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