Need To Give The Users The Ability To Update A Dropdown And Apply That To Their Submission?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an application that I am writing in ASP.NET MVC 2 following the Nerd Dinner tutorial. I am very much a beginner and was looking for examples/tutorials I could follow that would enable me to learn how to code the following scenario:A user has the option to select an option from a dropdown.If the option is not there then they can enter a new option and add it to the database and list in the dropdown.

I would like this to be done without the user leaving the page and what they have entered so far.I am using a simple Entity Framework 4.0 model which I have built a repository on top of so I have methods I can call to save the filled in user information.If the entry already exists in the database then I would like to offer the user the chance to either select that entry or to continue adding the entry they request because it can be a list of names and of course you can have more than one person with the same name.

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SelectedValue='<%# Bind("aspnet_UsersInRole[0].aspnet_Role.RoleID") %>'

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Name: A , Role(s): Manager, Employee, Supervisor

Name: B, Role(s): Employee

Name: C, Role(s): Manager, Employee

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Dec 10, 2010

I have a set of dataset with different column retrieved from DB. I need to present the datasets in one GridView (or other ListView etc...) without specifying the column_header. It should present automaticly since the GridView is bind to the DataSet.

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May 21, 2010

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Site Which Allows Users To Update Content

Nov 10, 2010

I am creating an ASP.NET site, based on a single master page which creates the header and footer of the page. On each page there is a content placeholder where I want to allow certain users to manage in order to place their own content. On the site I am replacing, they are using sharepoint designer 2007 to connect to the site and edit the pages visually; now I just want them to edit the contentplaceholders content.

My problem is I can only see the anonymous template in sharepoint designer 2007, where I of course don't have any placeholders. If I could get it to show the loggedin template that would solve my issues, but if that's not possible, is there any other existing tool out there to do this with an ASP.NET site?

My fallback plan is to use the codebehind to fetch from an SQL table; they can create the content area in a WYSIWYG editor, and then I will build a tool for them to insert it to the database, but I don't like it as it complicates the process & I figure there must be an easier way.

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Users Cannot Update Record Through The Browser?

Jul 15, 2010

We have a simple SQL Server database with an ASP.NET front end.

I can easily update a record from my browser.

Another person cannot: he edits the field and hits the "update" button, but the change is not propagated to the database. The old value remains. He is using Internet Explorer. I checked the database, and his change is not propagated. There is no error thrown.

He WAS able to edit in May. Today he can't. but I can.

I can even update it with the Google Chrome browser.

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