C# - How To Find The Right Parameters For An Event Without Using Design Mode In Visual Studio 2010

Dec 27, 2010

Is there a way to know what parameters are needed by an event in Visual Studio 2010?Let's say I have a DropDownList control and I want to bind a method to the "OnSelectedIndexChanged", I would do something like thisn the ASPX File:

<asp:DropDownList ID="lstMyList" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="lstMyList_SelectedIndexChanged"></asp:DropDownList>
protected void lstMyList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Error In Creating Control Content Placeholder1 Visual Studio 2010 Design Mode

Oct 20, 2010

After I imported a VS 2008 web project to VS 2010, I can't view aspx pages that have master pages in design mode. The page design mode displays "error creating control - contentplacehoder1 object reference not set to an instance of an object." The project builds and runs fine though. I have only one master page that all other aspx pages reference and I don't have any nested master pages.

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C# - What Is The Difference Between Debug Mode And Release Mode In Visual Studio 2010

Mar 17, 2011

Possible Duplicates: Debug/Release difference Performance differences between debug and release builds

What exactly is the different in compiling and running an asp.net/c# project in Debug mode VS Release Mode?

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Visual Studio Design Mode Don't Work - How To Repair It

Jul 7, 2010

Visual Studio ( VSTS 2008 ) design mode work good for long time and from about 2 weeks ago it's suddenly stop view any thing in design mode i tried a lot with trying in another projects even in a simple web page but no way it's doesn't view any thing in design mode ... I think to reinstall VS 2008 again but I don't know if is there any outher solution for that ?

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Visual Studio :: IDE Features In Design Mode Not Working?

Nov 8, 2010

I have just downloaded Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and I am having problems getting basic features of the IDE to work.

In design mode for an aspx file:

1. The Split and Source tabs are not working.

2. I can not drag and drop controls from the Toolbox to the design surface.

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Visual Studio - Immediate Window Execution In Design Mode .net?

Feb 25, 2010

As far I know this is not supported for asp.net projects. It's quite handy for testing static/shared functions.any info if this will be available in future versions? Or if there are any alternative ways to test your functions in design mode?

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Visual Studio :: VWDE Cannot Enter Into Design Mode?

Jun 14, 2010

This error only happens when I launch an existing application, if I create a new app the error does not appear on that site. However if I try to enter Design mode the Windows Installer opens and hangs. I can still edit the code and even launch the app.

If I click "OK", I get a dialog box that starts a Windows Installer that does not install anything, it justs sits there. If I "cancel" the installer, VWDE dies.

The only thing different on my laptop is that I had Office 2007 Trial installed along side Office 2003 before I installed VWD, I then uninstalled the trial and used the clean-up tool at [URL] to clean up the trial.

I have tried to repair VWDE, I have uninstalled and reinstalled VWDE with no change. Ialso have VB Express running and get no errors when launching it.

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Design Mode In Visual Studio Doesn't Ger Resources Specified With ResolveClientUrl

Jan 4, 2010

I use ResolveClientUrl to include css files in my page. When launched through web-server everything is OK, but in design mode css styles are not applied to the page. I use VS 2010 beta 2.

<link href= "<%= ResolveClientUrl("~/Styles/Site.css") %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Same thing happens when I use any expression to specify an url for css How can I fix it? Or is it a bug of beta?

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Visual Studio :: Creating A New Website The Design Mode Is Not Working

Jul 3, 2010

I installed Visual Studio 2008 in my machine. Both c# and vb.net are working properly, but my problem is asp.net is not working. If we are taking a new website project there is no design mode in default.aspx means at the bottom there is no design, source, split. If we go to View->Design then one error message is popup that there is no editor available for this Default.aspx. Again in Tools->Options->Html Designer will shows that an error occurred loading this property page. My OS is Windows Xp Professional 2002, IIS is also checked on .I don't know what to do.....

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Custom Server Controls :: Rendering Engine Visual Studio - Design Mode?

Jul 21, 2010

The method GetDesignTimeHtml of the ControlDesigner class should return html markup that will be shown on the page in design time. My problem is that control looks different in different versions of the visual studio. What is the rendering engine visual studio use to render control in design mode?

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Visual Studio :: Display Values Of Properties Of User Control Via The Design / Split Mode

Aug 10, 2010

suppose i've created my own user control, and it has a textbox and a property for the textbox so that if i use the user control from within the aspx file, i can give the property a value. for example:


is it possible to also set the property to be seen via the desing mode , just as it works for other (built in) controls? maybe a different method to implement the same scenario?

if you still didn't understand what i mean : after setting the value of DefaultNum1 via the code i've written here, i expect the textbox associated with this property to be updated as well to '1' via the design mode (and split mode). of course it won't work using the current method, since VS cannot guess what is going on with the property and understand that all of its purpose is to assign an initialization value for the textbox.

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Visual Studio :: Use Parameters In SQL Statements In Visual Web Developer 2010 Express?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a form that I'm working on in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I have a dropdown list to choose a data from the database. I want to use the chosen list item to populate a GridView object. This seems like it should be a simple thing to do.I have a data connection which uses a fixed SQL statement to populate the dropdown list and that works fine. I can select an item on the list and retrieve the correct information for the next query (namely an ID value for the next SQL statement).I have the data connection with another SQL statement to populate the gridview and that works fine. The gridview is currently just showing the entire dataset (it doesn't use the item that was selected in the dropdown list.Now I want to change the gridview's data connection to use the selected item in the dropdown list as a parameter to modify the SQL statementWhen I look at the properties of the data connection for the gridview data, I can bring up the Query properties and see the select statement. I also see the properties panel. I can add a property Name (Mine is "ID"). I then chose "Control" in Parameter Source and selected the ControlID for the dropdown list that has the ID information that I want to use for the parameter. I went into the advanced properties and modified some of the information because the ControlID is a Text field and the Database Column is a BigInt.My select statement looks like this:


What I don't know is how to get the parameter into the select statement.I've tried:


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C# - How To Find Visual Studio's Web Server's Application Pool Mode

Feb 19, 2011

When I run my website in visual studio 2010, it works.When I deploy it in IIS, it doesn't work.

Can I find the settings of visual studio's web server?

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Visual Studio :: Can't Find ToolBox Visual Web Developer 2010 Express

Jul 26, 2010

How do I display the Toolbox? I've looked under every menu item and just don't see it.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Edit Design View In VWD Express 2010?

May 4, 2010

I upgraded to VWD Express 2010 and cannot edit text in the design view only the source view. Clicking on the design view takes to the code behind page.

If I create a test page without masterpages I can work in design view.

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Visual Studio 2010, WebForms Routing Not Working In IDE Debug Mode - Getting 404

Oct 26, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0 to build a WebForms project that uses the new routing features in System.Web.Routing. When I build my solution and run it from within VS.NET's debugging environment only routes with RouteUrl's that include a ".aspx" extension are being properly routed to the PhysicalFile. It appears requests made to other URLs are not being "detected" by the routing engine for processing. In the case below, "Scenario1" shows a 404 and "Scenario2" works properly.

Here is the relevant code in my global.asax:


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AJAX :: Drag-and-drop, Toolkit Controls Onto A Visual Studio 2010 Design Form?

Mar 13, 2011

I installed the AJAX Toolkit (for .NET4) onto a new Toolbox tab in Visual Studio 2010. However, when I try to drag any of these controls onto my Web form in design mode, they won't stick. My mouse pointer changes to 'disabled' (a circle with a diagonal line thru the middle) as soon as it hovers anywhere over my target form. Is there some additional action I need to take to make VS "recognize" these AJAX Toolkit controls?

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Visual Studio :: Passing Report Parameters To SubReport In 2010 RDLC?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm having some troubles defining and passing report parameters to subreports in VS 2010. In VS 2008 in the design view I was able to right click and define the report parameter and have it passed through.

In VS 2010 that prompt is missing. So my question is, how can I pass a value from a parent report to a subreport in VS 2010?

Additionally, this is what is shown in the Report Properties dialog inside of VS 2010:

For the time being I have defined the parameter in the subreport manually in the XML but I'm receiving an error from the main report when I attempt to pass a parameter of any type to the subreport.

The error is :

An error occurred during local report processing.
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value
Where I do not have a parameter named value defined anywhere.

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Visual Studio :: 2008 Design Mode Hangs On Windows 2008 Server?

Mar 28, 2010

I have looked at all the posts I can find on this problem and tried everything I can think of, but still the problem persists. I am getting really sick of it.was working fine for the last year until an update to MS Office 2007 caused a lot of problems (automatic update). After checking posts here, I removed it completely. No change. I then tried all the things I could find on other posts, also no change. Today, I removed VS and the Web Authoring Component and re-installed. Still no go.

Does anyone have a fix for this problem. It seems that it has been around a long time, but is still giving problems. I even saw one suggestion to reformat the drive! You've got to be joking!

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Visual Studio :: VWD Express 2008 Stylesheet Changes Don't Show Up In IE 7 Browser But Do Show Up In Design Mode?

Jan 13, 2010

When I make a simple change to a style property in a CSS class the change only effects the webform in design mode. It has no effect on the web form when viewed in a browser. Why?

I tried the Hotfix above "Design view does not update HTML" to no avail. Is there a 64 bit version of this hotfix?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control Image Not Rendering In Visual Studio Design Mode

Apr 25, 2010

I have a simple HttpHandler that generates a dynamic image based on query string parameters and a custom web control that renders an image tag pointing to the handler as its 'src' attribute. All works fine when run in the web server, but at design timethe control displays as the "missing image" icon (red x in a box). The handler is registered in the web.config with a ".ashx" extension. The RenderContents method in the control looks like this:

output.AddAttribute("src", ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/Sparklines.SparkHandler.ashx?stype=pm&w={0}&h={1}&sv={2}&ev={3}&cv={4}&sc={5}&ec={6}&mc={7}&gs={8}",
Width.IsEmpty ? 100 : Width.Value,
Height.IsEmpty ? 15 : Height.Value,
caleStart, ScaleEnd, CurrentValue,
ColorUtils.ColorString(StartColor, true),

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After Opening An Existing Proyect In Visual Studio 2010, Web Form In Design View Doens't Work

Apr 14, 2010

After opening an existing proyect in visual studio 2010, the web form in design view doens't work. All server control puts a gray box with the following message : Error Creating Control - imgTransportistaSession state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.

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Visual Studio :: 2010 No Longer Creates Automatic Functions With Correct Parameters?

May 3, 2010

I've just upgraded to Visual Studio 2010, and notice that now when I add an event to a control (eg, "OnDataBinding" to an "ObjectDataSource", the editor no longer creates the code behind function with the right arguments etc.

How to I get this bacK?

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Visual Studio :: Tried To Install Prof 2010 Trail Version In System / 'Please Remove/uninstall Visual Studio 2010 Load Test Controller'?

Jul 6, 2010

I tried to install Visual Studio Prof 2010 trail version in my system, but i got an error saying 'Please remove/uninstall Visual Studio 2010 load test controller' to proceed installation. i uninstalled my previous VS2008 software from system and i could not find anything like 'Remove/Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 load test controller' software in my Add/Remove Programs.

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Visual Studio :: In Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, Set "Find In Files" As Default?

Aug 5, 2010

In Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, Edit->Quick Find mean item, the "Quick Find" item, everytime I have to select "Find In Files" again, how can I set "Find In Files" as default?

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