C# - Set ASP Dropdownlist To Read Only With Css Or Javascript?

Sep 15, 2010

I have to set dropdownlost to read only. I can set enabled =false. But I cannot set font color to regular dropdown text. It will show like blur. The samething I did textbox.readonly=false. There we can see font same as regular text, no change. The same way I want read only for dropdownlist. Is there any way we can do with CSS or javascript or jQuery ?.

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Web Forms :: Can't Read Value Of DropDownList In Web Control

Feb 27, 2011

I several instances of a webcontrol on my page. The codefile can't see the drop down list's Text property so I am using the FindControl. I have had this working, but only if I specify which 'instance' of the webcontrol I want to read. Due to the fact the webcontrol is repeated 6 times on the page, I want to put this through the loop. This is the working version:


Now, I have tried to loop through all web controls. My code (C#)


The value of ddl.Text and ddl.SelectedIndex is always null.

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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist - To Read The Time From The Database?

Jan 24, 2011

I have 3 drop down list. 1 is for hours; 1 is for minute; 1 is for AM or PM. I want to read the time in from the database and set the drop down list for the users so they can make updates if need be. I tried ddhour.selectedindex = 1. Can I do this in asp??

Using: Visual web developer 2008; APS.net; VB.net Code; Access db

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MVC :: Read Values From A Multiple Selection Dropdownlist

Jun 3, 2010

I have two ListBox in my ascx file, I fill them with some data (no problem here), I make them multiple and increase the size, below is my code.


I use some jQuery code to exchange element between them (Here too, no problem). My problem begin when I post my form, I'm unable to get the data from the DropDownList with attribute multiple or size. I tried in my controler to add a FormCollection parameter, I can see every element in my form except those select tag with more options than id and name. I tested to put a manual select tag in my code with only an id and a name then add size and multiple attribute, when there is only id and name I can get the value but when there are more I can't get my select tag in the FormCollection

Also I need to get all the value in the ListBoxand not only the ones who were selected. I have been searching answer for 2 fays now... Without success, I only find resource on how to show ListBoxbut not how to get values from them in mvc web site and I don't find any resources who talk about multiple selection ListBox, I think I'm a bad searcher but....

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Web Forms :: Read The Selected Value Of A User Control's DropDownList?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a survey form, survey.aspx, that looks for information about 3 different people (hiking guides) who are all contained in a single DropDownList. Instead of repeating the list over and over, I figured I'd put them all into a single user control, GuideList.ascx, shown here.


The form has 3 instances of this User Control. Here’s what the first one looks like:


In trying to access the value the user chooses from the DropDownList, I have created the following code
in GuideList.ascx.cs


In Survey.aspx.vb, I have the following, that often blows up because it doesn’t like G1:


I have tried using GuideList1 and GetGuide and GuideList1.GetGuide and GuideList1.G1 and all sorts of variations, but cannot seem to figure out what I'm missing to access the value of the DropDownList.

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How To Read Web.config File From Javascript

Feb 8, 2011

When the user clicks on it, another .aspx page should pop up. I used the code below and it works fine. But when we deploy this .aspx page, the IP address of the target IIS server will be different. So I am thinking of saving the IP address of target IIS server in web.config file and load it into the Window.open method of Javascript code (below).Qusetion 1: Is that right way to do? If so, how I can read web.config file from Javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">
function open_win() {
window.open("http://10.999.1.86/WebUI/HistoricalRuns.aspx", "_blank", "toolbar=no, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=1000, height=500");

View 7 Replies

Read Flash Cookie From Javascript

Oct 27, 2010

We have a flash video that was created for our project, we dont the source so we have to work around the compiled flash file. We are going to host the video on our domain and the video creates a sol cookie (flash cookie) file to store how far the user has proceeded though the video. So my plan is to access this cookie to see how far the user has progressed and then fire an event when they have finished the movie.

I have been googling for some help but haven't found to much. I have found out that its possible to do in javascript and I have found some .net sol file viewers but haven't seen any examples I can get my mind around. I have watched the traffic that gets created with fiddler and every time the next button is clicked a new request is fired with the swt file that is being accessed. I would also be happy with tracking every time one of these swt files has been accessed as well.

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Read C# Method Output From Javascript?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a C# class method that return a xml document not file. How to read C# method output from javascript? I don't wont to use script manager.

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Web Forms :: How To Read Javascript Variable On Codebehind

Jun 11, 2010

After includeding file.js in ny webpage This script will create a variable within the current javascript context called "Status". This variable can take three values : "On", "Off", "Unknown".How can I read this value on code behind? I am planning to check if the variable is false and if so, make some changes on page.

View 4 Replies

Can Read Captcha Data From JavaScript In A Secure Way

Jun 6, 2010

We use Captcha control in a registration form that we make full client validation for all fields in JavaScript ( JQuery ) beside server validation .. I tried a lot of ways but all will write the Captcha value in JavaScript that can be accessed by anyone :( I search if is there any way that allow me validate Captcha value in client side using JQuery in secure way or it can't be done ?

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Web Forms :: Read An Usercontrols Control Value Via Javascript?

Aug 25, 2010

1)How I can read a value of a text control in javascript on the usercontrol ?

2)also how I can assing a value of a control to another control via javascript function .

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JavaScript Hide / Show Read More For Long Text?

Mar 24, 2011

So at the moment I have a literal to which I assign a value to from database. I.e an Introduction to a programme.

What I am looking to do is i.e if the text is larger than 100 Characters, to only display the first 100 Characters and then display a javascript link "Read More" which when clicked displays the rest of the content.

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AJAX :: How To Read Textbox Which Is Inside Tab Control Into JavaScript Function

May 4, 2012

How to read the Textbox which is inside Ajax tab container. This is my design

<ajax:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" >
<ajax:TabPanel ID="tbpnl1" runat="server">
New User

[Code] ....

Here is my sample script that I need to call onblur event of text box

<script type="text/javascript">
function alert() {
var value = document.getElementById("TabContainer1_tbpnl1_txtuser").value;

But didn't work for me....

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Forms Data Controls :: Read Gridview Texbox Field Value In Javascript?

Apr 6, 2010

I m using textbox inside the gridview with 5 rows. when user click on submit button it should be display alert message if all 5 textbox field is empty "you cant submit message".If user any one of the textbox value he/she submit the data

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Data Controls :: Read Multiple ExcelSheet And Bind It To Multiple DropDownlist Using ClosedXml?

Feb 25, 2016

I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book  which contains two sheets.

In sheet 01: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

Student name01       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name02       Student's phone number                        blabla

Student name03       Student's phone number                        blabla

In sheet 02: In column A:              In B:                                          In C:

course name01       computerscience              blabla

course name02       dhfsthshbstgs                  blabla

course name03       garsfghsefrgs                   blabla

now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.

PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.

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C# - How To Get Selected Value From Dropdownlist Using Javascript

Mar 9, 2010

i am populating country dropdownlist from database.i need to select a value from dropdown list and assign it to textbox by using javascript.


var textboxId = document.getElementById("txtCountry");
var dropdownListId =document.getElementById("ddlLocation");
var e = document.getElementById("ddlLocation");
var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById(textboxId).value = strUser;

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How To Set Selectedvalue For A Dropdownlist Using Javascript

Feb 4, 2011

I have a dropdownlist that is populated by a webservice using the ajax cascading dropdown. I have not been able to set the selected value using javascript. It appears that the values do not exist when the javascript runs. I placed the javascript at the bottom of the aspx page

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlBusinessArea" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<cc1:CascadingDropDown ID="CascadingDropDown1" runat="server" TargetControlID="ddlBusinessArea"
Category="BusinessArea" ServiceMethod="GetBusinessArea" ServicePath="DropDownFilter.asmx"
LoadingText="Please Wait.....">

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C# - Validating Dropdownlist In Gridview Using Javascript

Dec 17, 2010

I have created a gridview with dropdownlist in asp.net(c#).i want to validate dropdownlist using jvascript.if i dont select anything from dropdownlist that time script shud display a message.i don know how to get the name or id of that dropdownlist

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MVC :: How To Pass DropDownList Result Without Javascript

Jun 24, 2010

I'm still learning MVC. I would like to be able to display a list of items in a dropdownlist and then when I select one of those items invoke a new action that will process the selected item.

I can create the DropDownList but I cannot figure out how to return the selected item back to the controller. Below are some snippets from my code. The first shows the Index Action which just gets a list of pathnames which I call widgets. The second is an action which I'd like to use to process the selected file.

The third section is the view in the Index.aspx for the HomeController's Index View.

I have read several articles that show how to do this using JQuery or Ajax, but I'd like to do it without using either so that I can run this on a mobile browser that has no javascript.

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Dropdownlist Javascript Change Items?

Aug 25, 2010

I have dropdownlists in Gridview. I need to dinamicly change content of dropdown on client with javascript. Ok, I know to do that. But the problem is when I send data to server changes in dropdownlist does not see. On server I have old items. How can I change items in dropdown on client with javascript and than see that items on sever when postback data?

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Validate Dropdownlist Inside Of Gridview Using Javascript?

Dec 17, 2010

I have created a gridview with dropdownlist in asp.net using c#.i want to validate dropdownlist using jvascript.if i dont select anything from dropdownlist that time script shud display a message.i don know how to get the name or id of that dropdownlist

View 9 Replies

Populate A TextBox From A DropDownList Selection Javascript

Feb 7, 2011

I have a DDL and ASP.NET Textbox. I would like to populate the text box with the option I choose from the DDL. I need this to be instant and not use postbacks so it would seem JavaScript would be the obvious choice here. I have done quite a bit of searching but everything I have found seems to be for standard HTML (Selects and Inputs) and these do not appear to work with ASP objects:

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="DDLSalesPerson" DataValueField="keyid" DataTextField="FullName" />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="txtSalesPerson" />
My DDL is populated from SQL in the code-behind page.

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MVC :: Javascript Doesn't Work On DropDownList Change?

Jun 9, 2010

I searched all day a solution to my problem.I worked with MVC 2 with visual studio 2010.I want to bind dropdownlists according to the value selected in an other dropdownlidt (but the datas are not linked in the database).In fact, I have a function in a controller and I tried to call it thanks javascript. But during the debug, it never goes in this function.If I'm not clear, ask me some question.



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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Item Added Through Javascript?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a formview that when in insert/edit mode, has a dropdowlist and a linkbutton. The linkbutton opens a popup with another formview that allows the user to enter new items that are required to be added to the dropdownlist. When the popup closes, it adds any new items to the dropdownlist options (there may be more than one item added). The purpose is to prevent having to have my users partially add/update a record, go create a new item for the dropdownlist then have to come back and edit again since any new items won't be known until they are needed.

At first, I recieved the 'invalid postback or callback' warning and began reading up on the issue. Though there were several forum posts and web articles, most seemed a few years old so I thought I would find out if there were any subsequent changes that might help me out. I'm using vwd2005/ASP.Net 2.0 and do not have ajax (not available on my corporate web servers). In the page directives, I disabled EnableEventValidation but then I found that while other controls were updating, the value set in the dropdownlist was not and I had to make 2 edits anyway. Since new items in the ddl won't be around when it is rendered, i've read that I can't make use of registerforeventvalidation. ps. i have thought that i could save my viewstate, browse away from the page instead of use a popup, then restore the viewstate, but I'm concerned about being able to update the ddl while retaining the viewstate.

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Javascript - Validate DropDownList If Checkbox Checked?

Aug 31, 2010

ASP.NET3.5 Webforms. Am trying to put a validator on the drop down list, only if the checkbox is checked.

This doesn't work. If I put an alert in the onclick event, it does show.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function setVal(sender) {
var myVal = document.getElementById('<%=(DropDownList)CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlSupplierCouncilArea")%>');


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