C# - Spending The Time Checking All Of The Deployment Folders For 100+ Applications

Aug 18, 2010

I have found a number of vshost files in production deployment foldersI know what these are for and that they don't belong here.My question is,do they do any harm?Is it worth me spending the time checking all of the deployment folders for 100+ applications to make sure that they are removed,or is this a waste of time?I would have to change a fair number of deployment scripts as well.They were included in deployment build scripts by developers who, thankfully are long gone. I know they are not meant to be there. What I want to know is whether there is any danger in leaving them there.

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Listing Folders In Folders Then Creating Arrays In JS For Each Of The Folders?

Jun 21, 2010

Listing folders in folders then creating arrays in JS for each of the folders?

Directory Structure:

I have a directory structure as follows;

other Folder
files folder

Task at hand:

I want code in VB.NET to create javascript arrays of the folder contents that can then be used on the client end. I only need arrays for all folders contained in folders starting with ad_ and an array for all the base folders . like so:

var folders=["ad_folder","ad_code","ad_prep","ad_bin"];
var ad_folder=["folderA","folderB","folderC","anotherFolder","etcfolder"];
var ad_code=["folderA","folderB"];
var ad_prep=["folderA","etcfolder"];
var ad_bin=["etcfolder"];

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User Controls :: Checking Checkbox If Time Is Greater Than User Define

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MVC :: 2 View Sub Folders

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I am just getting started with MVC so pardon the bonehead question, as I am sure that it is one: I understand the conceptual MVC pattern and the basics of routing in the .Net MVC implementation. My first little (VS 2010, Framework 4) project works great, until I get to this: In the project there is a physical folder structure like this :


Each of the folders contains an Index.aspx file (View). I want to link from "~/Views/Recipies/Index.aspx" View to the other Views with something like this:


where I have created an Outdoor controller to handle the Index View. The runtime unfortunately insists on looking for the Index view in "~/Views/Outdoor" rather than in "~/Views/Recipies/Outdoor". I have no doubt that I am falling victim to my years of coding .Net Forms, am missing a link in the chain of conventions relies upon, or some other painfully obvious thing, but I am nonethless stuck.

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VS 2008 VS Trying To Create Odd Folders

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I was nosing around with Sysinternals Procmon today, just to see where some disk activity was coming from. In the process (pardon the pun) I noticed that Visual Studio was constantly testing for the presence of a bunch of web folders which didn't exist. Procmon log: "D:wwwroot" is my web root. The folder "csharp" doesn't exist.

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Looking To Create Sub Folders For Users

Jul 4, 2010

Not quite sure what you would call these but I am looking to create sub folders for my users eg


What I have done up to this point is make a 404 page that handles unknown pages. It takes the part after the / and looks it up in the database. Then I redirect them to the relevant page.

I am having a few issues with this and to be honest am not to keen on handling it this way.

Does anyone have an alternative method for achieving this.

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Breakpoint Symbols Sub Folders Win 7 64?

Apr 15, 2010

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 64 on my development machine. I am trying to setup my development environment. I have discovered something strange. When trying to set breakpoints in my ASP.Net application the breakpoints will only work if they are in the root folder. My ASP.Net project has various sub folders and any breakpoints in code that is stored in the sub folders turns yellow when debugging starts and states breakpoints will be missed.

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Add New Rss Feeds And Categorize Them Into Different Folders

Aug 10, 2010

I am working on a project where I am using Tree View to display feeds that are available at the start up of the web application. I am also providing the user the opportunity to add new Rss Feeds and categorize them into different folders. When the user clicks on the particular web feed that they want, I need to display it using xmldatasource. When defining the XML Datasource tag and specifically the DataFile property, how can I dynamically pull over the URL based on what the user has selected from the TreeView?

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Sharing Bin Folders Between Different Projects?

Jul 16, 2010

it's possible for multiple projects to reference/share the same bin folder?

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Use The Same Asp Code In Different Websites And Different Folders?

Mar 10, 2011

I got one remote website and two local websites. All the .asp files are the same in 3 websites. In the remote website, there is a file aaa.asp, its url is


In the first local website, the url of the same file is

In the second local website, the url of the same file is

My question is: In any .asp files (may be in different folders) of any above website, how can I get the url of aaa.asp by use the same code?

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Folders Without Namespaces C#, .Net, VS 2008?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET webapp using the MVP pattern, and as I'm organizing my files I'm wondering - are there conventions on folders within projects and how they relate to namespaces?

I have a bunch of controls and a bunch of pages, and I was going to throw them into Controls and Pages folders with subfolders, but I didn't know if it was bad form to do this if I wasn't also going to seperate them out into namespaces.

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