Deployment - How To Manage Multiple Applications On One Hosting With Subdomains

Oct 3, 2010

I want to deploy multiple applications on same hosting with subdomains. How it should be manged ?

I just created a subdomain and deploy application in its folder; when I tried to access application with subdomain it shows the following error:

An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Similar Messages:

How To Manage Multiple Applications On One Hosting With Subdomains

Oct 3, 2010

I want to deploy multiple applications on same hosting with subdomains. How it should be manged ?

I just created a subdomain and deploy application in its folder; when I tried to access application with subdomain it shows the following error:

An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Configuration :: Navigate Subdomains To Diretories On A Web Hosting.

Nov 13, 2010 -----------> ------------> ------------> ------------>

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Way To Manage DLL In Applications

Oct 6, 2010

HiMy web site uses 2 unmanaged DLLs (gsl.dll, cblas.dll). I put these dll's in the bin folder along with some other managed dll's. On my development system everything is fine when using the built-in dev server in Visual Studio 2010. However, when I run the site through my dev system's IIS instead of the Visual Studio server I get the following error:'C:<absolute path to bin folder>ingsl.dll': Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

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C# - URL Routing Across Multiple Subdomains?

Jul 14, 2010

I find myself in a difficult situation. We're working on an ASP.NET MVC 2 application which is comprised of multiple sections. It is a design goal to have these sections span across several subdomains. Each subdomain will have its own controller.

The challenge is that our hosting provider's control panel allows two forms of redirection for subdomains, and neither of them seem to fit the bill. The choices are:

Redirecting to URL. Choice is given whether to redirect to an exact destination or a destination relative to the request URL. Redirecting to a specific folder in my hosting space.

I'll try to illustrate the intended behaviour. Assuming the default route is {controller}/{action}/{id}, I'd like the URL be handled by the MVC Application like

The URL redirection could solve this problem, except for the fact that the user sees a URL change occur in the browser. We don't want the client to see the redirection occur.

Redirecting to our MVC apps root folder doesn't work at all. The app doesn't pick up the request and a 4xx error gets passed back by IIS.


In the interest of finding an answer, I'll simplify this a bit. The "redirect to URL" doesn't do what I want so that leaves redirecting to a folder.

If I'm redirecting a subdomain to the root folder of my MVC App and IIS wont pick up the requests, is this a limitation of IIS or my provider?

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Configuration :: Deployment To Shared Hosting Godaddy Account

Dec 16, 2010

I have in the past used Godaddy shared hosting with .net 4.0 and had no problems viewing and logging into the administration pages of a 4.0 website, using the default ASPNETDB.MDF. I don't remember if there was any changes to the web.config file. I can view the site but can't log into the site throws a error which has no detail just the custom error message explaining to change the custom tags for a more detailed message and even then it don't work get same message.

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C# - Spending The Time Checking All Of The Deployment Folders For 100+ Applications

Aug 18, 2010

I have found a number of vshost files in production deployment foldersI know what these are for and that they don't belong here.My question is,do they do any harm?Is it worth me spending the time checking all of the deployment folders for 100+ applications to make sure that they are removed,or is this a waste of time?I would have to change a fair number of deployment scripts as well.They were included in deployment build scripts by developers who, thankfully are long gone. I know they are not meant to be there. What I want to know is whether there is any danger in leaving them there.

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Cache For Subdomains - Users See Their Subdomain Name In Different Subdomains?

Jan 31, 2011

There are subdomains:,,, On default page there is a code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string subdomain = Cache[key] as string;
if (subdomain != null)[code]...

Will users see their subdomain name in different subdomains(,,, ?

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Sql Server - Same Website On Multiple Subdomains But Different Databases?

Oct 10, 2010

Consider that I want to create 10 websites in IIS, each of them pointing to the same website on local hard drive, each one running the same code, but on different,, ..., subdomain10.domain.comHow can I add multiple connection strings in my web.config file and bind each connection string to a different subdomain ?I want to do this because every website will have a different database with different data.

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Security :: Single Sign On With Multiple Subdomains?

Apr 21, 2010

I have 2 subdomains:

I followed these instructions:

The only thing I don't understand is where to put the cookie code?


Does this go in the LoginControl_LoggedIn event? Application_AuthenticateRequest?

Also, what if I have 2 different domains?

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Web Applications - Deployment Fails - Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'Microsoft.mshtml'?

Sep 22, 2010

I have developed a Web application in VS2008. It works perfectly on my development PC. When I publish and upload to the shared Windows hosting service (which supports ASP.NET 3.5), it fails (even when accessing it from my development PC). The error message is: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.mshtml, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.I have read many forum posts on the subject, and have tried the recommended solutions:

Set the reference to Copy Local - VS2008 does not allow Copy Local for ASP.NET references, just for WinForms references.Copy mshtml.dll into the installation directory - I have tried 3 different versions of the file, both in the root directory and /bin/, under both the names "mshtml.dll" and "Microsoft.mshtml.dll". None work.install the Interoperability Assemblies from Visual Studio onto the server by running "vs_piaredist.exe" - I don't have admin access to the server and the hosting company won't do it.

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State Management :: Authenticating Users In Multiple Subdomains?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a main website say which is developed in We have used forms authetications here.

Now the thing is I have a no of subdomains on the same server say,, etc.

I had put some functionality there. What i want is when i redirect my users to the subdomains user has to log in again.

what are the method where i can preserve the users state in my subdomains also.

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Security :: Custom Membership Provider For Website - Hosting Doesnot Allow To Set The Applications Trust Mode?

Jun 22, 2010

I set up a really simple custom membership provider for my website, it is on shared hosting with 123reg which operate in medium trust mode. Due to this the membership provider throws an error. how it would work on medium trust on shared hosting? The hosting doesnt allow me to set the applications trust mode either.

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C# - Handling Multiple Languages Across Multiple Applications And Shared Libraries?

Jan 18, 2010

We are developing products that will be used in the following way:

Various shared libraries which may be used by multiple products. I anticipate these libraries will mostly need to access string resources that contain error messages/exceptions. Various end-user based applications, designed to run as standalone apps on a PC. They will be required to support multiple languages upon deployment/installation.

Various web-sites which may be required to support multiple languages either at deployment time or possibly at runtime (i.e. minimal or zero downtime). Potentially the site might need to support multiple languages at the same time if being accessed globally.

We may be required to allow customers access to our language files for editing themselves. We would not wish to allow them access to our source code (other than the resource files/dlls) in order to achieve this. We might need to incorporate a facility to log exceptions in our native language (English in this case) and display them in the translated language. This will us debug our customers solutions in the field.

I am already aware of products like RCWinTrans and handling multiple languages in VC++/MFC applications. However, the requirements we are faced with here are more extensive and thus require us to make a few up front decisions that could be difficult to change long term, so ideally we want to make the best choice now. Based on my own knowledge, I have a few questions although I may be missing some tricks with .net that will be happily received. Here are my questions:

What would be best? Put all our resources in a seperate DLL per VS solution OR put the resources in each VS project. The way I see it per solution is easier to manage, modify, and allow customer access. The per project solution seems cleaner though and makes the individual projects more portable. This method would apply to our shared library based solutions as well as our end-application based solutions.

Is it possible to have two seperate resource files loaded at once i.e. if we want to log the exceptions in English but supply them back up the food chain (as a message in an exception) in the translated language? Are there any tricks we can use to automate this like AOP?

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How To Manage Multiple Classes With Web Service

Mar 9, 2011

I am creating a web service in I not getting which one is better way to manage multiple classes with web service.

Two way in my mind but i am not getting which one is better.

1) Call all classes in single .asmx file.
2) Create different .asmx file for all classes.

paypal.sandbox.AddressType addressType = new paypal.sandbox.AddressType();
addressType.AddressID = "Your Address ID";
paypal.sandbox.DoDirectPaymentResponseType response = new paypal.sandbox.DoDirectPaymentResponseType();
response.TransactionID = "25554d";

I want to call my classeslike this from my code behind. I am not getting this how can i call like this.

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State Management :: How To Manage Multiple Sessions From The Same Pc

Aug 30, 2010

#Newbie alert# Only 8 months experience with school education back in 2002.

I'm using VS 2008, C# 3.5 to develop my own login system for our company website.

Originally we have a "simple" design which only had a login and order page.

That order page needs to be opened for 10-12 hours at the time while our stores are opened without having to relog into the system for each query.

We also have a requirement that some users need to access 2 different compagnies (separate inventories) which require 2 different logins.

I solved that "cross over" session problem by moving all the values into viewstate with my own viewstate manager class right after the login.

Now my problem is that we are adding more and more pages and I don't want to be stuck with the problem to resave the viewstate to session and then back on viewstate for every menu items and buttons.

Is there a way to create some sort of items list of all the sessions opened by the user and only transmit that from pages to pages?

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Using One ControlValidator To Manage Multiple RadioButton Lists?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a set of 4 separate RadioButton lists that all have different ID names. I know how to set each one up with a required Validation Control to check to make sure at least one button is selected in a particular list. However, what I want to do is have one control validator that is able to check all 4 lists, and make sure that at least one button is selected, no matter from what list.

In other words, when the submit button I have is selected, it looks at all 4 lists. If no radio buttons are selected from any of the 4 lists, it pops up with the required field control validator message. If at least one button out of the 4 lists is selected, it submits just fine.

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Web Forms :: Manage Multiple Sites On A Session Variable?

Mar 30, 2011

how to manage multiple sites on a session variable?

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C# - WebSetup Can Contain Multiple Web Applications?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm trying to configure a websetup for the first time for our ASP.NET application which consists of 11 web services. Is it possible to create an msi that will install the app and the 11 web services and also set-up the app pools & create the apps in IIS? Or would I need an individual setup for each web service? Basically I need to make it as simple as possible for the client to release.

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Select Multiple Applications At The Same Time?

Jun 25, 2010

i have a recruitment section in an admin system for a website, and now my client wants the ability to select multiple applications at the same time, via a tick box, and attach them to an email.. For example, look at this image: [URL] You will see a list of applicants for jobs, i was thinking of having a checkbox which the user can select and then hit a button which opens an email window with all the Curriculum Vitae's (Resime's) attached.. These are already on the server, specific to users, but is what i am trying to do possible?? So selecting multiple applications and attaching the details, which is a word document to an email?? If so, can you show me an example of similar methods that have been done or even something that i can work from?

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Web Forms :: Multiple Applications In Different Domains?

Mar 24, 2011

I have several applications in different domains with the same code, how feasible that through the admin domain [URL] read the file. aspx.

If I upgrade an application, I copied every current updates on all domains.

I could use to copy the file only once on the server [URL] and in all domains, the update fixes.

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How To Maintain The Same Session Id Across Multiple Web Applications

Jul 9, 2010

I have two identical applications setup on IIS on different virtual directories (I have done some workaround to ensure that they both have the same application name). Is there a way to share session id across two web applications?

Since I'm storing the session in StateServer, they should both be getting the same session data, however, a different session id is created everytime I go from application a to applicatino b. Wouldn't this happen in a load balancing scenario as well? Where when I go to, it would redirect that request to server a, and then if I hit it again, it would go to server b, but since it's a different web application, it would create a new session id?

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Creating A Website With Multiple Applications?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a question concerning website structure. I have a website which will be an intranet site. On this site I will have a main page that has links to different apps that will reside in this site. I want to separate the apps in their own folders.My question is do I just create a folder for each one or do I create a new webpage within the main webpage for each one? The reason I am asking is I use three layer model and my object data classes and db classes need to reside in App_Code folder. Do I put all these from every app in the one folder(on the main page) or if I create a site within a site can each have it's own App_Code folder. Also if I create the site within a site will I be able to redirect to different pages just by relative URLS(../cashmanagement) and everything work OK.I am pretty new to ASP and this is my first site with mutiple programs.

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Configuration :: Set Up Multiple Websites In Godaddy's 4G Hosting?

Mar 23, 2011

I just upgraded to windows 4G hosting from old windows hosting on Godaddy. I have hosted multiple websites on this hosting account. The primary domain website [URL] is working fine after the upgrade but all other sites hosted in same account report some errors.

The structure is like this:


I have checked that the websites in subfolders are set up as an application in IIS 7. Also, the web.config of parent (root) website has the following


tag to stop other child web.config to inherit anything from parent.

I use to code my websites. Before 4G upgrade everything used to work like a charm.
Has anybody else also experiences the same issues? If yes, what are the changes that we need to make to support multiple web sites in same 4G hosting account?

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Multiple Applications Using Same Login Database Logging Each Other Out?

Mar 16, 2010

I've set up two ASP.NET applications on a machine, their web.config files contain the same applicationName value in AspNetSqlMembershipProvider item so they share users and roles.

The problem sequence is:

user logs into application A,opens new tab in a browser logs into application B, his login in application A is signed out and vice versa.

Should I use a different approach to sharing login information between two applications?

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