C# - Version Files In The <HEAD> Section?

Aug 11, 2010

I have seen on various websites how developers version their css/javascripts files by specifying querystrings similar to:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css?v=1">
<script src="js/helper.js?v=1">

How is that done? Is it a good practice? I've been searching around but apparently, I'm not looking for the right terms. If it matters, I'm using ASP.NET.Edit:: I just noticed (via Firebug) that if I "version" my files (?v=1) they will always be loading and will always override the cache. Is there a way around that?

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Cannot Use Response.Write In <head> Section Of Aspx Page?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to use the Response.Write() method to dynamically insert content in the < head > section of an aspx page. I need to inject a string value from a property on a code-behind object which is a link to my CSS file. However, it is not being processed properly at run time. The object is public on the class and is hydrated in the Page_Load() event. Down in the body of the page I can successfully inject other properties from the Corpoartion object with no problem at all.Why does this not work in the < head > section?This is the part that does not expand correctly:

<link href="<%= Corporation.PageStyleSheet %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Here is the entire < head > section:

<head runat="server">
<link href="<%= Corporation.PageStyleSheet %>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


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Web Forms :: Inline Expression Or Binding Expression In The Server Head Section?

Aug 25, 2010

I write inline expression and binding expression in the server head section:



But both kinds of expression aren't parsed or executed except the ResovleUrl menthod. The html renders like this:

<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= Request.ApplicationPath %>themes/style1.css" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%# Request.ApplicationPath %>themes/style2.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/themes/style3.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jwork.js"></script>

As I know, the inline expression in the attributes of server control can't be parsed but the binding expression should if we invoke the DataBind method. But the above case breaks the rule.

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Visual Studio :: Remove The <head></head> Tag From And All Information Contained In The Tag

Mar 11, 2010

I have several hundred html files that I want to remove the <head></head> tag from and all information contained in the tag. I am fairly sure I can do this in Visual Studio using the Find and Replace In Files with REGEX.

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Insert Page Break In Rtf Files With C#.net Version 1.1?

Mar 18, 2010

How insert page break in rtf files using asp.net with c#.net version 1.1?

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Configuration :: Compile And Deploy Latest SVN Version Files

Mar 23, 2011

I'm looking for good approch for below requirement. I would appreciate if someone can guide me on this.

I would like to write a script,

1. which checkout the latest files from SVN
2. Then compile the solution files.
3. If some compilation errors, need to send a mail.

I'm not looking for any deployment as of now.
All I want to write the script to know is, can latest version of SVN tree compile successfull or not.

View 8 Replies

IIS Configuration :: Adding Add Section In HttpHandler Section In Web Config Results In Blank Page?

Jul 12, 2013

with this code website works perfect


but when I add

<add path="ThumbHandler.ashx" verb="*" type="Delshad.WebControls.ThumbHandler,Delshad.ThumbPic"/>


<add verb="GET" path="CaptchaImage.axd"
type="MSCaptcha.CaptchaImageHandler, MSCaptcha" />

in httphandlers section when I go in my site it is only a blank page!

before In other two host there wasent problem but this is a new host and I face with this problem.also in local there isn't any problem.

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Custom Server Controls :: Unable To Create A Forgot Password Section Within Login Section

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to create a forgot password section within my login section and it doesnt seem to work.

In my forgotpassword.aspx page my code looks like this:


According to our records, you have requested that your password be reset. Your new password is: <%Password%>

If you have any questions or trouble logging on contact a site administrator.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ::1:25

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ::1:25

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Configuration :: Client Browser Using Cached Files Instead Of Updated Version After Deployment

Oct 6, 2010

We have an ASP.NET web application and it's hosted using IIS 6.0, in the app we have these several javascript and css files located in a folder, and for performance sake (according to YSlow) we set the folder content expiration header to 1 year. Everything worked just fine until recently when we deployed the latest build to the server, in which we had made some changes to those javascript and css files. For some reason after the deployment some of our end users don't see the latest changes when they connected to the app, even after they cleared the cache in IE. We have also restarted the IIS on the server and the problem still remained. When I went into the IE Temporary Internet Files folder on one of these machines I saw the files were still the older version and not the latest one, I had to manually delete the files from the Temporary Internet Files folder then they were able to see the latest changes. I'm baffled by this, how come only some users who couldn't see the changes but some others do (without having to do anything by the way), and how do I make sure that for future releases we won't have to do anything like what did (manually deleting the cached files)? For now I disabled the Content Expiration option in IIS for these files but I would like to know if there is a way that I can enable the content expiration (to help performance) but at the same time making sure when the files are updated, the latest version will be used for the end user (instead of the cached version)?

View 3 Replies

The Configuration Section "system.web.extensions" Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section

Apr 14, 2010

My system: I have installed Windows 7, VS2010 and .NET40 and ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi I'm getting the error below.

Error Summary. HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

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Configuration :: The Configuration Section ConnectionStrings Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section Declaration

Mar 17, 2010

Detailed Error Information
IIS Web Core
Not yet determined
Error Code

Config Error The configuration section 'connectionStrings' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration Config File \?C:inetpubvhostscno-o.comhttpdocsweb.config

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Crystal Reports Objects Within Visual Studio The Full Version Or Is It A Trial Version

Nov 12, 2010

Are the Crystal Reports objects within Visual Studio (I'm using 2005) the full version or is it a trial version that is missing features?

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Configuration :: How To Update The Licence For Dundas From Evaluation Version To The Licensed Version

Feb 25, 2011

We have an application that is already deployed in the production environment. And currently it is using Dundas evaluation version. We tried updating it to the licensed version by simply pasting the dll file. but we got the error message as "The file has not been pre-compiled and cannot be requested".

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Firefox Version Wrong With Request.Browser.Version?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm try to get my site to detect what browser someone is using to ensure they're using one that is compliant with our site. Everything works, except Firefox seems to post the wrong version in the Request.Browser variables.I'm on Firefox 3.6.10, but Request.Browser shows Mozilla It's correct in the HTTP_USER_AGENT string:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 YFF35 Firefox/3.6.10 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Is there a way to detect it better without having to parse through the HTTP_USER_AGENT string?

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C# - FormsAuthenticationTicket.Version Returns Invalid Version Number

Mar 8, 2011

Is there any limit on the size/numbers in the version number of the FormsAuthenticationTicket.

I tried to create an ASP.NET cookie using forms authentication, with a large version number(ex: 1234567 need this number for identification purposes). But when I decrypt the cookie I get 135 as the version number.

Initially the old forms authentication cookie was removed, in order to add new information.


Following is the code I used to create the FormsAuthentication cookie.

FormsAuthenticationTicket newAuthTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1234567, un, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(5F), false, user_data);
HttpCookie newauthCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newAuthTicket));

After retrieving the cookie, the version number I got was 135. This number varies with different version numbers.

string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;
HttpCookie authCookie = Context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

if (authCookie == null)
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTkt = null;
authTkt = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
if (authTkt == null)
int versionID = authTkt.Version;

Can someone let me know if it's a bad idea to use such big version numbers, or am I missing something in this.

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DataSource Controls :: Version 661. This Server Supports Version 655

May 22, 2010

I have Visual Studio 2008 installed on this workstation with SQL 2000, 2005 Express, 2008 Express and I think 2008 R2 (not sure if that is a version itselve or not)

I will call that workstation HOME

I created some tables in SQLEXPRESS through VS2008.

I worked on this project on another workstation that I just installed VS2008 annd SQLEXPRESS 2008 and I know that was R2

Installed Visual Studio 2010 trial edition between the thiem I made the tables on HOME and tonight for the first time since that install

I am now getting the "cannot be opened becuase it is version Version 661. This Server supports version 655..."

What to do now?

I can opened SQLExpress 2008 management studio and it is running.

So is my SQL 2000. The problem seems to be that after the VS2010 install neither VS2008 or VS2010 can connect to the SQLExpress 2008

What do I do now?

I can't remove sql 2000 because it is tied to several 3+ gig databases that will not work in Express.

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C# - How To Upgrade Ajaxcontroltoolkit Version From 3.0.20820.0 To Version 3.5.40412.2

Jan 5, 2011

i am working in webapplication in asp.net using c#.I have a problem that currently i am using ajaxcontroltoolkit version 3.0.20820.0 but in this toolkit i don't have Editor Ajax control so i want to upgrade it with new version ajaxcontroltoolkit version 3.5.40412.2

When i upgrade it then my old ajax control is not working like validatorcalloutextender and requiredfieldvalidator etc.

so please tell me how can i upgrade ajaxcontroltoolkit version from 3.0.20820.0 to version 3.5.40412.2

i also use in web.config file but not successfull.

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Create Member Section For Website And Non Member Section

Aug 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a member section for my website and a non member section. I want the nonmember pages to have access to all the member pages but just not certain features like saving to the database. Is there a way to have the same page for both members and non members but have certain controls like buttons and other things that are only usable to the member that is logged in?

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AJAX :: The Requested Script Resource 'Common.Common.js' Requires Version 'ControlToolkit, Version=4?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a solution I'm working on in VS2010 Professional, using ASP.NET 4.0 with the AJAX Toolkit.This has been working fine, but when I started it up today, I got the runtime exception shown above. This exception occurs on any page with a control from the toolkit.Sometimes when I load a page, I get an exception "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, ublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." If I then reload the page (without making any changes), I then get the exception shown in the subject line.I tried dragging an AJAX Toolkit control from the toolbox onto a page, and then deleting it, and that worked - once. The next time I tried the page (or any other), I got the exception again. Dragging a control out didn't help this time.

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Configuration :: Error "The Configuration Section "connectionStrings" Cannot Be Read Because It Is Missing A Section" When Loading Page

Mar 5, 2010

I have this error: The configuration section 'connectionStrings' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration on my site when loading this page [URL]. The rest of the site works [URL] Setup:The server is a hosting company - Mocha Hosting. [URL] contains a phpbb forum. This has been installed via the hosting company's web tool (Plesk). There is a root web.config, but there isn't in the /forum/ folder. The forum folder has been set by the phpbb installation wizard to be a virtual directory and application - and it appears to not have asp.net configured on it. The forum worked BEFORE uploading the root web.config file, and again if i temporarily remove the root web.config.

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Container Tag That Can Go In Head?

Jan 18, 2010

In a section in the <head> tags of my document I have code that lets me use the Id of my asp.net control from JavaScript like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var customerId = '<%= Me.CustomerTextbox.ClientID %>';

However, if I want to modify the page structure in later stages of the page life cycle, it give me an error because I have the ASP tags in there. A work-around is enclosing the ASP tags in a server control like this:

<div id="customerIdContainer" runat="server">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var customerId = '<%= Me.CustomerTextbox.ClientID %>';

But then I get a warning that a div tag is not allowed in the head tag. So is there a container tag that is valid in the head that I can add runat="server" to to make it a server control so I can workaround this problem without the warnings?

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Scripting With C# In Head Element?

Jul 21, 2010

I've seen the <script type="text/C#> with intellisense.

If it is possible to script client side scripts in C#, some infomation or reference on how to do it. For example, do I need using statements, is the script compiled on the server.. etc.

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C# - Add <Script ... /> Tag Within <Head ... /> Tag In ServerControl?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm gonna use JQuery files in my custom ServerControl , thus I have to add below line within Head tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"></script>

How can I do it in ServerControl with C#

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Web Forms :: Trying HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath In Head?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get this to work right:


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How To Set Head Tags In A Function In App_code

Mar 11, 2010

The below function has to be put within my common functions file in app_code folder. how do I do it?

It gives error like this:

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference

Public Sub setHeadTags(ByVal title As String, ByVal description As String, ByVal keywords As String)
Dim metaDescription As HtmlMeta = DirectCast(Page.Master.FindControl("metaDescription"), HtmlMeta)
Dim metaKeywords As HtmlMeta = DirectCast(Page.Master.FindControl("metaKeywords"), HtmlMeta)
metaDescription.Attributes.Add("content", "My big content description")
metaKeywords.Attributes.Add("content", "all, are, my, keywords")
Dim pageTitle As HtmlTitle = DirectCast(Page.Master.FindControl("pageTitle"), HtmlTitle)
pageTitle.Text = "Hey hey heY"
End Sub

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