Customize The Properties Of Usercontrol In C#?

Nov 23, 2010

I have usercontrol called as 'DateControl1' in which i have textbox and a calenderextender(ajax).I have written a property for my usercontrol as follows: public string DateFormat

get { return dateformat; }
set { dateformat = value; }

when i assign the format in my cs file as DateControl1.DateFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy", then this dateformat must be assigned to the built-in property of Calenderextender.Can anyone please tell how to do this in c#

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Forms Data Controls :: UserControl Within Gridview Loses Properties When Usercontrol Events Are Trigered

Jul 17, 2010

This is page load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
{ [code]...

But in my ascx.cs when IButton1_Click is trigered My name is null

private string _sname;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ [code]...

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C# - Customize Printing Properties?

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Configuration :: Customize Logging - Extended Properties For A Particular Website?

Jan 19, 2011

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C# - Where To Initialize The Usercontrol Properties Before Databinding?

Jan 10, 2011

How can I write the C# code (aspx) to initialize the user control with some default property values? I mean where/which event? I have a user control with a gridview that I bind on container page. On page load of the container page I bind the data. I tried writing the initialization code in initproperties but it didn't work. Please suggest where can I set the default values for my usercontrol?

Edited:As suggested by DOK.. I already have a property and I change width of one of the DIVs. Here is the code that is not working.

public int CollapsiblePanelWidth

this works only if I set the width on calling program. Otherwise the default value of style="width: 105px;" is not added.

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Web Forms :: Setting The Properties Of USerControl From Values In C#?

Dec 15, 2010

I have some user controls which have properties which need to be set from a form on the page

Property2="0" Property3="<%=Property3%>"

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Currently the code complaing about Property3 saying it cannot create an object of Int32 from '<%=Property3%>' and Property4 always gets set to 0 (the default)

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.net - Create A Usercontrol With Properties Set From Page When That Property Is A List?

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<ctl:DisplayItem runat="server" id="ctlTest">
<flagIsAvailable />


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Custom Server Controls :: Usercontrol Lose All Its Properties When Dynamically Added By Code

Jan 10, 2011

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the compiler doesn't accept it at all...

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Load UserControl, Access Properties In Parent Page Without Recreating In PostBack

Nov 15, 2010

I have several usercontrols which are loaded based on business logic.However, all of them have webcontrols whose selected/entered value needs to be accessible in parent page on an event.Since there can be any combination of UserControls, I do not want to load all the UserControls in the Parent Page, since they are heavy.

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Page: Home

Dynamically Loads: UserControls1

UserControls has TextBox tb and Button btn, causing onClick

When btn is clicked, I want to get value of tb in parent page on PostBack, Page creates UserControl2

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Aug 2, 2010

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As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.

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Nov 3, 2010

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UpdatePanel Dynamically Loaded Web UserControl Will Disappear After Clicking Any Button Inside The UserControl?

Mar 17, 2011

I've a ASP.Net page (Default.aspx) which will load UserControl (ucontrol.ascx) dynamically into an UpdatePanel. By using UpdatePanel, we believe we're able to prevent the entire page to be posted-back.

My problem is, within the UserControl, we have some form controls, such as inputs and buttons; after the UserControl is loaded, clicking on any button inside the UserControl will cause the UpdatePanel to be blanked. During the investigation, I found that, breakpoints within the Button1_Click() in the code-behind for the UserControl is never reached. Please reference to the code below, this references to [REFERENCE]1.


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AJAX :: Nested UserControl With UserControl Disappears On Partial Postback

Jan 28, 2011

I have a page with an UpdatePanel with a UserControl in it. That UserControl contains a GridView with a nested UserControl that seems to disappear when the parent UserControl is rebound. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the child UserControl disappears. The code works beautifully on the first load, but any partial postback causes the "Pick" UserControl to disappear.


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Web Forms :: Usercontrol Constructor Parameter - Unable To Pass The Value To Usercontrol?

Apr 6, 2010

im creating site with usercontrols. I have repeater, inside it is another repeater with usercontrol. My problem is passing BindedValue to usercontrol.Bindings works fine and binds the value i need but it cannot pass the value to usercontrol. When i type it manually it works, when i bind it, it passes null (!).I've tried get,set, functions (ondatabound, onload, oninit), accessing control from code with no luck. Ive read and tried to do all the google solutions but with no luck. (even with creating usercontrol inheritance)

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Sep 27, 2010

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C# - Call Function From UserControl On ASPX From UserControl On MasterPage?

Jan 31, 2011

I have MainLayout.master that has UC_Menu.ascx on it.

I have a page named Customer.aspx that uses MainLayout.master. Customer.aspx also contains a UserControl named UC_Details.ascx.

How can I have UC_Menu.ascx call a function that is in UC_Details.ascx with this scenario?

I've seen a few similar examples, but none that match this type of layout.

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C# - Add Event In UserControl To Button Which Is In Nested UserControl

Dec 8, 2010

I have a UserControl, which contains another UserControl with Button. I want to add an event to that button in first UserControl (parent). I tried to do:

void Page_Init()
var btn = ChildControl.FindControl("SearchButton") as Button;
btn.Click += new EventHandler(this.SearchButton_Click);

but btn is null. How can I do that ?

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Web Forms :: Firing Usercontrol Event From Another Usercontrol?

Aug 12, 2010

I have 2 usercontrol in my .aspx page.


<asp:textbox id="txt" runat="server"></asp:textbox>

<asp:button id="btn" runat="server" text="send" />


Here I have gridview control with checkbox for selection of one or two records. Have one button and when clicking this , i need to get the selected records values and assign this values to the textbox which is in usercontrol1.

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Best Way To Read Values From Properties File (similar To Rading A Properties File From JSP Or Java)?

Mar 3, 2010

I am relatively new to ASP.NET. I am just wondering if there is way to read values from properties file (similar to rading a properties file from JSP or java).

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I would like to read all the values for username_list (comma seperated) and also the value of is_valid.

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Web Forms :: Calling Other UserControl From UserControl?

Jul 24, 2010

have a webpage that has a button and 2 userControl placed inside the placeHolder with visible set to false.When run and click on the button, userControl1 will set the visible to true. Now userControl1 is visible and there is also a button inside this userControl1 and when click, will set userControl2 visible to true and hide userControl1. The code below is the code behide for the webpage the do the above task.


Is there a way to do so that when click on the button inside userControl1, is does not show userControl2? I want to do this way is because, the button is for submitting data to database and then will pop up userControl2. When there is an error, only a msgBox will pop up and does not show userControl2.

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How To Reference TextBox In One UserControl From Another UserControl

Jan 19, 2011

I have two UserControls on a MasterPage. DataEntryUC contains several TextBoxes and DropDownList. NavSaveUC contains navigation buttons. When the user clicks on a navigation button, I will be saving the data entered into DataEntryUC from the NavSaveUC UserControl.

I have a couple of tables in my DB that contain stored procedure names, control names, control types, SqlDbTypes, etc.... that correlate with DataEntryUC.

How do I reference a text box that is on DataEntryUC from NavSaveUC?

I have been working on the following code from NavSaveUC with no luck.

Dim MyControlName = "txtFirstName"
Dim MyControlType = "TextBox"
Dim MyStringValue as String
Dim tmpTxtControl as TextBox
Dim tmpDdlControl as DropDownList
Select Case MyControlType
Case "TextBox"
tmpTxtControl = CType(Page.FindControl(MyControlName, TextBox)
MyStringValue = tmpTxtControl.Text
Case "DropDownList"
tmpDdlControl = CType(Page.FindControl(MyControlName, DropDownList)
MyStringValue = tmpDdlControl.SelectedValue
End Select

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MVC :: How To Customize Html.EditorForModel ()

Dec 16, 2010

In my LogOnViewModel.cs :[Code]....I have this code, and on the view control, i call <%: Html.EditorForModel()%>

Then I have something like this look:

UserName:|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| <- TextBox

Password:||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| <- TextBox

ㅁ <- Checkbox

||Login|| <- submit button

how do i change the layout of this template? I want to change the text and change the position of the textboxes.I know that I can customize it by calling individual fields and write hard-coding, but I am curious if there is a way to use EditorForModel() in easier.

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Customize A Control In Dynamics Crm

Nov 2, 2010

I've written code that can make a phone dial a number from a function call, that's done and dusted. What I would like to achieve is adding a Dial button to each phone number field on the forms in Dynamics CRM. Eventually this could also create a new phone record fill in the basic details and show it to the user to enter notes and an outcome for the phone call, and perhaps some other workflow bits to schedule the next call.

Can I put a custom control on a standard form in place of the standard control. I'm assuming it would have to be an IFrame to an page, that pulls in the record id, and the field name, looks up the number to show in a text box, and passes the number to the DialNumber function. I assume its not going to be that easy... Has anyone tried this before, what's the process, what are the gotchas?

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C# - How To Customize The Tooltip Look Of Chart

Aug 24, 2010

I'm looking to customize the tooltip look of an chart.

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How To Customize The Sharepoint Menu

Jun 4, 2010

I have this requirement to display site sub menu items in horizontal direction instead of vertical.

Home | Site1 | Site2
Page1 | Page2 | Page3

Is there any attribute avaliable in Sharepoint:ASPMenu to achieve this. We dont intend to write code behind for this. how to achieve this thru Sharepoint desinger.

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