Configuration :: Navigate Subdomains To Diretories On A Web Hosting.

Nov 13, 2010 -----------> ------------> ------------> ------------>

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How To Manage Multiple Applications On One Hosting With Subdomains

Oct 3, 2010

I want to deploy multiple applications on same hosting with subdomains. How it should be manged ?

I just created a subdomain and deploy application in its folder; when I tried to access application with subdomain it shows the following error:

An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Deployment - How To Manage Multiple Applications On One Hosting With Subdomains

Oct 3, 2010

I want to deploy multiple applications on same hosting with subdomains. How it should be manged ?

I just created a subdomain and deploy application in its folder; when I tried to access application with subdomain it shows the following error:

An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

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Configuration :: Subdomains For Each Language?

May 6, 2010

I have a working website with multi language support. Now this multilanguage support its based on three flags (one for spanish, another for english and another for french) and cookies. I stablish a cookie with the current culture. Then I have resource files for each language (default.aspx.resx, default.aspx.en.aspx, ...)All working ok.Now I want to change the language system to subdomains. I want, and, because search engines dont index very well with cookie language system.

I have created three A ZONES (es, en, fr) in the DNS hosting provider. This A ZONES points to the same IP that the WWW ZONE. Even though takes the user to the default.aspx of the website, but the other zones, and returns a webpage with the text: BAD REQUEST (INVALID HOSTNAME)I think I have to make some other change in my code (perhaps global.asax).I have done this in PHP web server, but I dont know how to do in a ASP.NET server.I have searched solutions, but I have a lot of confusing information, principally about DNS, but I think that this part its OK

View 6 Replies

Configuration :: Subdomains Switching Db & Web.config?

Jan 14, 2011

I am running into a unique problem (not easily googleable). This is what I am trying to do:Will be using subdomains:,,, etc.There will be single website hosted at abc.comBased on the subdomain passed (x,y,z,etc.), I need to switch databases and web.configs (appsettings, authentication, authorization info)For ex: If a user goes to, the site will select appropriate db & config settings and forward user to with db & settings cached/saved for the user session.Is it possible to have one hosted site and multiple subdomains that select appropriate config settings? Reason I need to do this is because credit card processor needs static url for requests and responses.

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Cache For Subdomains - Users See Their Subdomain Name In Different Subdomains?

Jan 31, 2011

There are subdomains:,,, On default page there is a code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string subdomain = Cache[key] as string;
if (subdomain != null)[code]...

Will users see their subdomain name in different subdomains(,,, ?

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Configuration :: Configuration Error In Web.config [when Uploading To Hosting]?

Nov 2, 2010

when developing in my pc , all is fine , but when upload to hosting , it show error ~


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Configuration :: Latency / Users On Website Not Able To Navigate

Sep 9, 2010

I am actually experiencing problems with some users on my website:

Some say that they are not able to navigate because the site is too slow.

Moreover others say that they loose their session frequently while still surfing the site.

View 4 Replies

Configuration :: Hosting On Own Web Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I hope, the post is posted where it should be posted.I want to host my website on my IIS webserver so that I can access it on Internet. Could someone provide links for it.

View 13 Replies

Configuration :: Same Application In Two Hosting ?

Oct 2, 2010

I have one application which is successfully runnig in hosting...Now we have one more hosting provider there also we deployed the same application..But in our old hosting all the pages are load very quick compare to new hosting.. so i need to see the difference why it load page very slow in new hosting...?So how can we check that its a server problem (or) Traffic (or) network problem (or) any other..

View 14 Replies

Configuration :: Get Website Onto A Web Hosting Service?

Jan 18, 2011

I don't have any experience in web hosting. Recently I've completed developing my website using Visual Studio 2010. The website retrieves financial data from Yahoo! Finance, does analytical calculations in code-behind, stores processed data into several databases, and allows users to analyze the stock market using those data. Currently I need to run some programs in Visual Studio so that new data get downloaded every day.

My problem is that I know nothing about how to do web hosting so I can actually get my website on the Internet. I heard that there are third-party web site hosting services, but do they allow you to upload entire web pages with all the databases attached? What if I need to go in there, run some programs, and update some data in the databases, do these web hosting services allow me to do that?

If the answers to the above are yes, what are some good web hosting services that allow you to upload (I don't even know if "upload" is the correct term to use) Asp.Net web pages? By the way, my website is coded in Visual Basic, if it makes any difference.

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Configuration :: Login Error When Hosting MVC 2 App On IIS 7.5

Sep 8, 2010

When i enter valid username and password into a default mvc 2 app hosted on my local IIS 7.5 server i get this response.

Server Error in '/MyApp' Application.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.

Stack Trace: [Code]....

View 2 Replies

Configuration :: Hosting Web Application Project?

Dec 31, 2010

I did a smalll project in C# and Backend in Sqlserver2005.

I want that to upload my project on Internet, I have a domain name and i want to add a link (PROJECT) on clicking this link my project is going alive.

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Configuration :: Hosting And Uploading Web Site?

Dec 27, 2010

First time i m doing hosting and uploading of web application.can any one guide about the procedure.

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Configuration :: Creating / Hosting Website On IIS 7?

Mar 31, 2011

I have created website in Visual Studio using C#, and host the website in IIS.

Now i want when i right click the website in IIS and select browse, page will get executed, but this is not happening with my case, when i browse the website it shows all the content of website which i created in Visual studio, as shown below

To parent directory

3/29/2011 4:55 AM <dir> App_Data
3/29/2011 4:55 AM <dir> bin
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 528 pageName.aspx
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 1234 pageName.aspx.cs
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 1144 pageName.aspx.designer.cs
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 4393 pageName.csproj
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 1288 pageName.aspx.user
3/29/2011 4:55 AM <dir> obj
3/29/2011 4:55 AM <dir> properties
3/29/2011 4:55 AM 7469 web.config

when i click on 3/29/2011 4:55 AM 528 pageName.aspx, page will get executed.

But what i wanted , when i browse the website , this page "3/29/2011 4:55 AM 528 pageName.aspx" will get executed automatically, i do not suppose to click on 3/29/2011 4:55 AM 528 pageName.aspx page manually

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Configuration :: After Hosting Com Components Are Not Working?

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to convert the Plugin's (Interfaces) developed in VB6.0 to .NET web services. Basically what I am trying to do is that making use of VB6.0 dlls in the web services. This works fine when I am checking the services in the debug mode but It fails to work in the Host enviornment(From IIS).Server: windows 2003Error : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {3FF6ABC1-5FAC-45D3-AFA5-B3472443CAA7} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80010105.

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Configuration :: Error While Hosting The Website In IIS 7?

Jan 13, 2011

I have created sample site and it is hosted in IIS7. When i try to use the website from some other machine, It shows page cannot be displayed.

But with same machine if i logged in as adminstrator and try to use the website, it is working fine.

Normal user - Unable to view the web page

Admin user - Able to view the web page.

Is there any configuration setting i need to modify to host the site in IIS 7?

View 5 Replies

Configuration :: Hosting The Site On Local Server On IIS 7?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to host a site on my local system and also tried it on my university server but am finding a great difficulty hosting the site. The site is made in ASP.NET C# and also have silverlight application in it. I am not able to configure or wither host the site on the server. I am having IIS 7 and Windows 7 as the OS. I have enabled IIS 7 on it. (I am using the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and have almost no knowledge on hosting on IIS 7)

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Configuration :: SQL Express Connection String On Hosting?

Dec 20, 2010

I have created a web site in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. I have created database using SQL Server Express. The web site works good. I have hosted the web site, then getting error in connecting to database.

The connection string is
Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|QkINDUS.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

know what is the correction i need to make in ConnectionString ?

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Configuration :: How To Host Wcf Service In Hosting Server

Sep 1, 2010

I have a domain( in hosting server zetnetindia.I have created wcf service and added service reference in my project.I want to host the service reference in the domain. how can i do this?

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Configuration :: Deploying In A Free Web Hosting Service?

Apr 30, 2010

I tried to deploy a Hello World Application in free web hosting service called but i have been getting this error.I am pasting the error message below.

Server Error in '/srpoucse' Application.

Configuration Error


An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Source Error:


View 7 Replies

Configuration :: How To Publish A Project To Hosting Site

Mar 17, 2011

I want to publish an 4.0 project to a hosting site. I uploaded the three SiteMaster files and the three default files. It has an error on the first line of the SiteMaster.aspx. The error message was "Could not load type 'PorjectName.SiteMaster'." What files should I upload?

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Configuration :: Database Is Not Working In Shared Hosting?

Jul 13, 2010

i have just completed my website in using visual studio 2008 with sql server 2005 express edition.

my database is mdf file based..

i have uploaded my website in godaddy with the help of cute ftp..

but the problem is that my database is not working..

Is it ok to upload complete website along with database using cute ftp? or i have to create separate database for it and make connections...

i read somewhere that file based website doesnot required any connection, database is simply uploaded along with website..

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Configuration :: Set Up Multiple Websites In Godaddy's 4G Hosting?

Mar 23, 2011

I just upgraded to windows 4G hosting from old windows hosting on Godaddy. I have hosted multiple websites on this hosting account. The primary domain website [URL] is working fine after the upgrade but all other sites hosted in same account report some errors.

The structure is like this:


I have checked that the websites in subfolders are set up as an application in IIS 7. Also, the web.config of parent (root) website has the following


tag to stop other child web.config to inherit anything from parent.

I use to code my websites. Before 4G upgrade everything used to work like a charm.
Has anybody else also experiences the same issues? If yes, what are the changes that we need to make to support multiple web sites in same 4G hosting account?

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Configuration :: Hosting Web Application On Remote Server?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to upload an asp .net application

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