On my page load I want to find out the subdomain of the currently visited site, I got my [URL] into a string, now how can I use RegEx to just retreive "sub" out of the whole string? note that www may and may not be there every time.
I've created a new Route class, named SubdomainToAreaRoute, inherited from System.Web.Routing.Route, to handle subdomain.
The next implementation needed is to create a helper method to generate subdomain link.
For example:
Html.ActionLink("subdomain1", "account", "index") would generate:
http://subdomain1.example.com/account/index A series of other overloaded methods will also be implemented.
I undestand the geist of creating extension methods, which is one of the requirement to implementing these helper methods. Thus the main concern here is knowing what objects/classes to access and manipulate, and recommended algorithm to use.
There are some things that is unclear to me. For example, we register routes in the RouteTable.Routes (or simply route table), and whenever a url is requested, the url request is checked in the route table. If no url pattern matches, or if there is a matching pattern and the resource (e.g. web page) is missing, we receive a http error.
What is unclear here is in cases where specific physical path to a resource, like an image or javascript file is used for request. If these physical path url do not match the url patterns in the route table, how does an MVC application know to check for web application directory for the resource as the next step? As oppose to throwing an http error saying the resource can not be found.
This question may or may not affect my main concern here. But it is good to know if someone can explain it.
Focusing on registered routes, consider the following url route registration: routes.Add("Home", new SubdomainToArea("", new { area = "Root", controller = "Home", action = "Index" } ) ); // route pattern 1 // intended to map to url: http://{area}.localhost.com routes.Add("Default", new SubdomainToArea("{controller}/{action}", new { area = "Root", controller = "Home", action = "Index" } ) ); // route pattern 2 // intended to map to url: http://{area}.localhost.com/{controller}/{action} routes.Add("Images", new SubdomainToArea("images/{*pathInfo}", new { area = "Root", controller = "Home", action = "Index" } ) ); // route pattern 3 // intended to map to url: http://{area}.localhost.com/images/{random path string}
How do I create helper methods to generate the appropriate url that matches these patterns?
I understand that extension methods for the UrlHelper class should be implemented to generate these url, and these url will be use in HtmlHelper class to generate the appropriate link tags.
In these helper methods, e.g. in the UrlHelper class, if passed a set of route values (such as controllers, action, areas and other url path details), how do we choose the appropriate route pattern that is registered in the route table, and then apply the route values to the pattern to generate the url?
How should I handle in cases where I don't specify one? What does the standard Html- Url- helper methods handle in case where no route name is not specified?
I understand the placeholder {controller}, {action} and {area} have special meaning and can be more easily identified and mapped to url pattern and so forth. How do we deal with custom placeholders we dynamically create, and use them for generating url?
I am looking for a way to figure out the current URL that the page is currently on (NOT what the asp.net page currently is, but where the CODE is at). ie. My web app is located at: [URL] my code is: String page = [URL]
String response = GetResponse(page); //basically the above code goes to the website [URL] and parses the HTML within it and brings it back and populates the variable string "response". But, sometimes the [URL] throws me a curve ball and redirects me to: [URL] I want to be able to use a try/catch to be able to "catch" the error of a different page: ie validateUser.aspx. So, I need to do to this: try
{ String page = [URL]; String response = GetResponse(page); } catch { //code to check the behind URL to see if [URL] is the URL OR IF [URL] is the current URL }
understand I know how to find the URL of the current page the web app is on. I need to find the current page that threw the exception during the execution of the code behind.
i'm trying to find all the anchor tags and appending the href value with a variable. for example
<a href="/page.aspx">link</a> will become <a href="/page.aspx?id=2"> <A hRef='http://www.google.com'><img src='pic.jpg'></a> will become <A hRef='http://www.google.com?id=2'><img src='pic.jpg'></a>
I'm able to match all the anchor tags and href values using regex, then i manually replace the values using string.replace, however i dont think its the efficient way to do this.Is there a solution where i can use something like regex.replace(html,newurlvalue)
I have a table Books with columns BookID, BookSummary, BookAuthor.
What I have stupidly done was to add a link to another url at the end of the BookSummary. Assuming the text is something like this:
This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.
I have added
<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a> at the end of the text making the final content of BookSummary to be like:
This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.
<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a>
I now need to write a code (via regex?) to read through each BookSummary, find the <a href='http://XXXXX'>Buy Book</a> and delete it. But the problem is the content in XXX could be anything and I cannot use typical string functions. Can anyone guide me to achieve this using Regex?
What I want to do is take traffic that is going to shop.mywebsite.com and redirect or rewrite (I'm not sure of the terminology) the domain to be www.mywebsite.com/shop. Both shop.* and www.* are separate web applications (nopCommerce and Umbraco respectively) that don't seem to cooperate when I've tried to nest them. Both applications are in a Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5 environment.
I've searched around stackoverflow and what I've found is a lot of answers to mapping the other direction (ie subfolder to a subdomain) but that's not what I'm looking for as far as I understand the problem.
The end goal is to combine the SEO reputation of the shop subdomain into the www subdomain. I readily admit that I might have this all backwards and am willing to try any suggestions I'm offered.
I have an app with multiple subdomains, subone.parent.com, subtwo.parent.com.
I have a logon page at parent.com/login. When a user logs in I redirect them to the proper domain based on which one they are a member of. This works fine.
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuth... string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket); cookie.Domain = subone.parent.com Repsonse.Cookies.Add(cookie)
This properly authenticates the user for subone.parent.com and not subtwo.parent.com. However I would like to do the following.
If the user goes back to parent.com, I would like to know that they are logged in and redirect them back to subone.parent.com.
Is there a best practice for accomplishing this? Or do I have to set another cookie for parent.com?
I've been rewriting my page into a master page for a bit now, problem I have is that I want the current page I'm in to be highlighted in the link.If you go to my website now gabriel-g.net and click on any menu item, it will let you know what current page you're on by staying underlined/highlighted.How can I accomplish this dynamic change in a master page -without having to recreate the menu in every page- with content holders?
Is there a way to dynamically build an action link in a Master Page depeding on the View iteself.
For example, if I am at View1, I want the link in the Master PAge to point to an action A; whereas if I am on View 2, I want the link in the Master Page to point to an action B.
I have a WCF Service that loads a file located on a local web server. How can I load that file based off an Uri? So I don't have to hard code in the address? So instead of doing a XmlDocument.Load(http://mywebaddress/ConfigFile/config.xml); I could put in or find the current URL of webservice then add the parameter. Sort of like this:
XmlDocument.Load("~/ConfigFile/config.xml"); That way if I'm publishing or Debugging it's all one file in the same exact location.
How can i get current MainNavigationMenu hyprelink in code behind and check if is current menu clicked then i will change him default CSS.I try with this code but is always null
Ive been moving my site using forms over to MVC and have 2 html.action links in the default.master to MVC pages in the in the home folder that work just fine but when i add another mvc page in the home folder named links.aspx the application cant find the page from the html actionlink
there are no differences i can see in the pages that do show up and the one that cant be found (links.aspx).
there is no difference in the way ive written the link in the master.
I need about 6 or 7 of these links on the master to pages in the home folder.
two weeks ago I read a MSDN(?) article how to grant/revoke permission for some users/roles/groups on a specific page or holder temporarily or with condion. The article shows how to do it Form_Load() in c#. But I can't find the link with googling or in MSDN library.
Please let me know if you know the url?
What I want to do is:
There is a folder called employeePDFs.
The folder will have 1000s employees' sub folder ({lastname}{firstname}{employeeID}). Each folder will have very personal indivual PDF files which are manually uploaded.
If an employee logs on, then the logon employee can view a page which has a list of PDF files in his own folder only.
Say on website1 there is a link to website2(asp.net)ites are unlrelated to each other, different servers and different domains.Website1 may even be php.The link on website1 is <a href='http://www.website2.com/default.aspx' >LINK to website2</a>Question: Can I in codebehind in website2/default.aspx read were the link came from, thats is determine it came from www.website1.com, when default.aspx was selected into browser?
On my website i have got a product for sale page, which has a ryt side bar with filter options while the left side bar shows the filteration results. On my ryt sidebar i have used accordion with the repeater control which display the searching criteria from database.For instance I have 2 searching criteria model and price , under model accordion there are three models, what I want to acheive is when a user clicks on that specific model , the page should run a query with respect to that click and show bind the results on the repeater of the left side bar, I know the query to get the results but I dunno how to get the value of that hyper link button, coz these buttons will be dynamic it can be 3,4 or 10. how will i get the clicked hyperlink valueso that I can run the query depending on the model selected.