Handling With Sever Side Control Button?

Sep 2, 2010

i want to know that if in my login.aspx page there is two button login and cancel

now i press enter key of my keybord by default its select cancel button but i want to set it on login how i will do ?

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Web Forms :: How To Client Side Event Handling

Sep 8, 2010

i should handle a event whn my focus chages from one text box to other....[ i should get an error as you are not entered the data(it should accept only numbers) ]

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AJAX :: Handling PageRequestManagerTimeoutException At Server Side?

Mar 17, 2011

I want to handle asynchronous post back timeout error (Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException) on server side.

I use AsyncPostBackError event of ScriptManager class for other errors (exceptions) during asynchronous post back and it works fine. There is a response redirect to generic error page in this event handler.

Unfortunately for PageRequestManagerTimeoutException this event is not fired.

So how can I handle this error on server side?

scriptMgr.AsyncPostBackTimeout = 180;scriptMgr.AsyncPostBackError += new EventHandler<AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs>(scriptMgr_AsyncPostBackError);...private void scriptMgr_AsyncPostBackError(object sender, AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e){Response.Redirect("~/System/GenericError.aspx");}

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Web Forms :: Rendering Button Control @ Server Side?

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to render the Button control @ serverside with PostBackUrl properties to set to another page ""~/page1.aspx". When I click on that button , it still postback to same page , does not postback to "page1.aspx" . I am trying to implement crosspage postback. I don't know button information and postbackurl info at design time. I Only know button and PostbackUrl info @ runtime.Code I am using

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ div1.InnerHtml = GetRenderControl(); }
string GetRenderControl()
{ Button buttonAdd = new Button();


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Tradeoffs With Client Vs Server Side Postback Handling

Aug 26, 2010

I have a ListView that contains a large collection of rows with textboxes that users can optionally fill out. These textboxes are not databound. When the user clicks "next" i need to iterate over the rows and determine which fields the user has filled out, and then update a sort of "cart" with the data and move to a confirmation page ("you have selected a, g, v, zz, is this correct?" sort of thing).

I can think of two ways to deal with this. The first is, server side, to walk the items in the listview, get the control ID's, save this data to a list, then save it to a database cart table for the next screen to read.I can use jquery to collect all the values client side, then pass it back to the form in a hidden field and use something like Newton.Json to get the data into a similar list.What are the tradoffs of these two approaches?

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Server Side Event Handling?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using a ModalPopupExtender in my website, to show "accept/cancel" messages, and catch the user selection at the server side. I put two buttons (ok/cancel) at the panel that will be shown as a modal popup, add them a server side event handler, but it does not fire.


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SWFUpload Multiple Files Server-side Handling?

Mar 18, 2010

I need the user to be able to upload multiple files to my server, thus I am using the SWFUpload utility. SWFUpload sends the files one by one, and I need to store them all in the same temporary directory. My ASP.NET handler recieves the files one by one and I can store the file appropriately.

My problem is: How do I know which files belong to the same upload? Rephrased, how do I connect the files in my handler?

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AJAX :: Save/update Webform Through A Server Side Button Control?

May 6, 2010

am looking to save/update my webform through a server side button control. On button click, I'd like to disable the save/update button and show a progress bar of the save through a modal or some other trick disabling the form being saved.How can I implement this

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JQuery :: Uframe Postback Button Control Getting Postback The Page Even The Client Side Method Call Also?

Jan 28, 2011

iam using the Jquery Uframe with asp.net project.Iam getting a postback problem here.

In side the uframe ,button control getting postback the page even the client side method call also.

i tried with the Html button Control also by setting the type="submit" ,iam facing the same problem.

And I got very limited reference about the uframe(codeflex,codeProject).

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Web Forms :: Handling Browser Back Button?

Jan 12, 2010

Im using ASP.NET 2.0,C# for my web application development. I am having a login page and new user registration page. how to redirect to login page once user finishes his registration and clicks back button of browser. Registration page is container page using some master page..

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Onclick Message Handling On A Webpage Button?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a button on a webpage that has the following added programmatically to its "Attributes" property.

btnDeleteNode.Attributes.Add("onclick", "if(confirm('delete this node?')){}else{return false}");

This works fine but now I need to check to see if the user has selected a node in a tree before asking if they want to delete it. If a node isn't selected I need to tell the user to select one. My question is, can I do this using the above method (I don't know java script) or should I use a different approach ?

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Asp.net Handling Back Button Event After Logout?

Aug 8, 2010

In the logout link button click event I have cleared the session variables.I am checking these session variables for null values at each page's load event.If it has the null value redirecting them to the login page.But the problem is whenever I click the browser back button,the page_load event won't get called.For that I have cleared the the browser cache history.

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C# - Handling Button Click Event Before OnPreInit?

Mar 18, 2010

have a data access layer, a business logic layer and a presentation layer (ie. the pages themselves). handle the OnPreInit event and populate collections required for the page. All the data comes from an SQL server database and I do not use caching.I handle a button click event to grab values from a form and insert a new object into the database. The problem is that by the time I handle the click event, the collections have already been populated, so the new item which has been inserted into the database has not been retrieved.What is the accepted solution to this?I could insert the new object directly into the collection and re-bind the GridView, but the SQL query selects only a set of objects and the new object could fall outside of this set.

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Web Forms :: How Do You Write To A Client-side Control (text Box) With Server-side Code

Jan 6, 2010

If I have a standard HTML textbox


but got a readonly error.

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Value If Server Side Control Value Is Updated On Client Side

Oct 26, 2010

I have a hidden variable and its value is being updated using javascript(client side) which I make a call from server side code. After making the call I am not able to retrieve the updated value from Server side variable. I went through this forum [URL] but not able find a way how to implement functionality with IFRAME. I am trying to call the client side code and retrieve the updated value from server side in page_load event.

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Server Side Control Hidden - Possible To Read Values Client Side

Jan 30, 2010

I've got two textboxes running server side and have their visibility turned off. I'm using a couple of ASP.NET controls which require the textboxes to exist. However, I am filling them from the code behind and would not like the user to see this. Can the user turn the visibility on and see the values entered in the text box? I tried using FireBug, and I couldn't seem to select the visibility option in order to edit it. However, I'm quite new to Firebug, so there may be another way? Or does running it server side mean that the client can't ever view the contents of the textbox?

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How To Write To A Client-side Control (text Box) With Server-side Code

Jan 6, 2010

If I have a standard HTML textbox: I can retrieve the value using Request.Form. But how do I go about populating this textbox from the server-side? I tried Request.Form["txtTest"] = "blah"; but got a readonly error.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Server Side Event Is Not Firing If We Set Client Side Events?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..

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Web Forms :: Get Panels Side By Side + Create A Windows Form In .aspx File... With Using Ajax Control

Aug 26, 2010

I have one big panel called Panel1. Withine Panel1 I have Panel2 and Panel3. WHen I drag the panels into Panel1, Panel2 is on top of Panel3. How can I get them side by side?..

another is how can i create a windows form in .aspx file... with using ajax control or coollet..

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Web Forms :: How To Transfer Control To Client Side From Server Side

Dec 9, 2010

I have a requirement in which I have to call a JavaScript function in between my server side event and in that JavaScript function code I have to set hidden field value and in next line of that same event i have to use that hidden field value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Default Button Handling In Datalist?

Nov 16, 2010

i'm using datalist to display product details.

every item in datalist contains...

product image, quantity, details button, and add to cart button

my requirement is whenever someone selects the quantity textbox or edits it the default button for the page should be add to cart button.

or add to cart button should be clicked itself whenver enter button is pressed from keyboard.

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Web Forms :: Handling Button Clickevent In Usercontrol That Is Being Loaded Dynamically?

Nov 2, 2010

I have ASPX page named ArtifactReporting.aspx where I have 3 linkbuttons. For each button I have 3 different UserControls to be loaded dynamically. So I have written for each click

UserControl uc = (UserControl)this.LoadControl("<ASCX page name>");

Now in one of the ASCX page I have a server side button. When I click on the button, the content of the ascx is going off, which is correct, because the page post back is happening and in Page_Load I have not written anything that will load the ASCX page.

how to go about this? I need if I load an usercontrol dynamically, I should be let the users carryout operation that usercontrol.

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How To Get Same Validators Control To Both Client Side And Server Side

May 20, 2010

For the ASP.NET validator controls, I want to use both client-side validation for the user experience and server-side validation to guard against hackers. ASP.NET documentation leads me to believe that if EnableClientScript="True" then there will be no server-side validation if client-side validation is possible for the user agent. To get server-side validation, the documentation says use EnableClientScript="False", which bypasses client-side validation altogether.

Am I misunderstanding how the validator controls work? I ask because it seems obvious that many developers would want both client and server side validation together, and I find it hard to believe both together is not possible with one of the standard validation controls.

If I am understanding the ASP.NET documentation correctly, then I can find only two options:

Use two validator controls exactly the same except for their ID and EnableClientScript properties. Obviously ugly for maintaining two controls almost the same.Write some code behind to check if postback then invoke the Validate method on the validator group. Why write code behind if there a way to be automatic from the control?

Is there a way to do so using a single validator control with no code behind?

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How To Fire Confirm Button Extender After Successful Server Side, Button In List View Itemtemplate

Apr 14, 2010

I have read alots of articles from fourms such as belowhttp://forums.asp.net/t/1346690.aspxhttp://forums.asp.net/t/1489818.aspxhttp://forums.asp.net/p/1426153/3189859.aspx#3189859

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "notify", "function pageLoad(){$find('confirmdelete')._displayConfirmDialog();}", true)

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VWD 2008 Handling Each Button's Click Event On Each Page Using The Single Code Behind File?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a website that contains several aspx pages linked to a single aspx.vb code behind file. Four of these aspx pages have a single button on each (four total). My issue is handling each button's click event on each page using the single code behind file.

My four buttons' names are:


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