How To Convert Session To Int32
Oct 3, 2010Currently i using gridview to display a person informaton based on his login id however it show error because the session is set to ToString. Is it a way to convert the session to int32?
Currently i using gridview to display a person informaton based on his login id however it show error because the session is set to ToString. Is it a way to convert the session to int32?
How to convert string value to int32.
In timsplit i have value "17:00 - 2:00".Then i am converting it TimeIn and TimeOut.TimeIn is string now and how to convert it to int32.I am getting error while convertin
Timesplit = strResultData.Split('-');
string TimeIn = Timesplit[0];
string TimeOut = Timesplit[1];
int TimeI = Int32.Parse(TimeIn);
I'm using a GridView control to edit data in a MySQL database.
I've created the C# code behind but I'm having trouble pulling back the parameter from a radiobutton control to populate an Int32 field in the database. I'm getting "Input string not in correct format"This is the particular bit (amongst a host of others of the same type) that is causing the problem:
cmd.Parameters.Add("?yes", OdbcType.Int).Value = (Convert.ToInt32(((RadioButton)GridView2.Rows[i].FindControl("edYes")).Text));
I am not sure where my app is failing but most probably this is where it is failing.. I think lblExpID.Text is the culprit. Here's the relvant part of my code:
Dim lblExpID As Label
For Each item In LSGrid.Rows
lblExpID = item.FindControl("lblID")
If txtExpGenFund.Text <> "" Then
sqlArray(i) = ExpDetailsID & "," & (lblExpID.Text) & "," & MunID & "," & _
Val(txtExpGenFund.Text) & "," & Val(txtExpDetSpecialRevenue.Text) & "," & _
Val(txtExpDetCapitalProjects.Text) & "," & expTotal & "," & reportingYear & "," & "Test Comments" & "," & UserID
End If
Can u help me identify why i am getting this error looking at the sp below:
@ExpDetailsID int=0 output,
@ExpDet_ExpID int,
@ExpDet_Municipality_ID nvarchar(50),
@ExpDetGeneralFund money,
@ExpDetSpecialRevenue money,
@ExpDetCapitalProjects money,
@ExpDetTotal money,
@Exp_Reporting_Year varchar(10),
@ExpComments varchar(max),
@Contact_ID int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
delete from [dbo].[TBL_EXPENDITURE_DETAILS] where ExpDet_ExpID=@ExpDet_ExpID and ExpDet_Municipality_ID=@ExpDet_Municipality_ID and Exp_Reporting_Year=@Exp_Reporting_Year
If @ExpDetailsID >= 0
return @ExpDetailsID
I swear I'm overthinking this as I've tried different combinations to do an insert from Code Behind to my Sql DB.
This is what my table looks like:
My code behind:
I suspect that the problem may be my date. The format that goes from the UI is mm/dd/yyyy.
Sometimes Convert.ToInt32(object) will work and other times (Int32)object will work. How do you know which to use? I usually try one and if it doesn't work use the other but I'm sure that's not the best approach.
View 4 Repliesi work with visual studio 2005 and asp net 2.0. i have a method method as this :
this problem is follow if i run the web method and don't enter a string and a int a receive this message : System.ArgumentException: Cannot convert to System.Int32. ok when i arrive in the method i can check if lists is empty but how i can do if int is NULL because i don't want to returns a error if people run my web method and don't enter the parameters.
I am writing unit tests for fluent Nhibernate, when I run the test in isloation it passes, but when I run multiple tests. or run the test more than once it starts failing with the message below System.ApplicationException : For property 'Id' expected '1' of type 'System.Int32' but got '2' of type 'System.Int32'
public void Can_Correctly_Map_Entity()
new PersistenceSpecification<UserProfile>(Session)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.UserName, "user")
.CheckProperty(c => c.Address1, "Address1")
.CheckProperty(c => c.Address2, "Address2")
What should the int size be for a Int32 in a CMD parameter
I am passing query string and the url is as follows-> http://localhost:1086/Web/EditMobile.aspx?sno=2. But when i try to enter the url as follows,localhost:1086/Web/EditMobile.aspx?sno=2*3424324423432424* , i get the following error->Value was either too large or too small for an Int32. How do i handle this error. I must get an error report like " the value is not found in the table or database"
View 1 RepliesI am facing problem while executing followinf linq query ..
Here i feel that problem is due to
method , this method is private method return for fetching age of the user based on the birthdate of the user..
I have a master/detail scheme for editing an asp:GridView using an asp:DetailsView. One of my fields is for a phone number of type int64 (always 10 digits). I would like this field to always be displayed as (###)###-####. My issue is the first digit in the phone number is always truncated for my edit item field which I used a MaskedEditExtender to achieve the formatting.
Here is my EditItemTemplate for the details view:
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender TargetControlID="edtPROJ_Leader_Phone" Mask="(999)999-9999" runat="server" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="false" ClipboardEnabled="true" MaskType="Number" />
<asp:TextBox ID="edtPROJ_Leader_Phone" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PROJ_Leader_Phone") %>' ></asp:TextBox>
When my details view is displayed for editing, the text box displays(_23)456-7890 for the integer 1234567890. Also worth noting that if the property MaskType="Number" is removed, the textbox shows:
(234)567-890_. I would of course have the textbox show (123)-546-67890 after binding.
I have a database table with all columns to allow nulls for testing purposes. Between all of my columns I have int, varchar or bit datatypes. When I try to submit the form I get the following error message:
Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.
Here is the code:
using (storeDataContext db = new storeDataContext())
db.Dealerssses.InsertOnSubmit(new Dealersss [code]....
I am trying to get a sample project to work with dotnetopenauth and facebook.I have this code
namespace OAuthClient
using System;
the maximum number of files in a folder, I noticed that DirectoryInfo.GetFiles().Length is returning a System.In32, but the Maximum value of a Int32 is 2.147.483.647 (Int32.MaxValue) while on NTFS (an many other filesystems) the maximum number of files can go far beyond that.
on NTFS it is 4.294.967.295 single files in one folder (probably an Uint32)
Which leads me to the interesting question:
Is it possible to get the number of files in a folder on NTFS with the .NET framework, when the number of files exceeds the Int32.MaxValue, in an elegant and performing manner?
I am working with MVC2 and one of the view model's properties is IDictionary<Int32, String>.
This is not to be changed on the view. But when the form is posted back I would like to still get those values.
Can Html.Hidden store this property values?
How should I do this so the model still gets the IDictionary<Int32, String> values on the POST action?
I got the following error when i tried to insert a new record after the run my project, so what does this error indicates?
"{"Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Articles' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF."} System.Exception {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException}
When i click on the page that represents a controller the following error was displayed:-
"The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Int32 which is a non-nullable value type"
On this link of code
var articleapproval = articletyperepository.FindAllArticlesRequireMyApproval().ToList();
while the FindAllArticlesRequireMyApproval execute the following LINQ statement :-
var articleapproval= articletyperepository.FindAllArticlesRequireMyApproval().ToList();
where this methods calls the following LINQ statement:-
My code:
If the value is null writes out that error.How to check if the value is null? And if the value is null, I want to store + 1
I got this error message when I use rowfilter
Line: 938 Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String.
My code is like this
When I check only string, it's okay
But I have to check string and int because some columns are only Integer such as LLMS_Id, Risk, RsidualRisk
I am using Entity Framework to contact my data base. as part of my web code I am using Linq to entities, and I want to determine the number of elements in an anonymous type list. I can't get it to work, I get the exception: "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 Parse(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."
var questItem = from chapters in context.TestChapter
from questions in context.Question
where chapters.ID == int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"])
where questions.TestChapterID == chapters.ID
select questions.ID;
int numOfSteps = questItem.Count();
how can I get it to work?
I have a string I need to convert back to a date. I can call .ToString("yyyyMMdd") and get the string i want. My question is how can I convert that back into a date? I'm trying something like the following with no luck.
DateTime d;
var formatInfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo {ShortDatePattern = "yyyyMMdd"};
if (DateTime.TryParse(details.DetectionTime.Date, formatInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
lit.Text = d.ToShortTimeString(); //would like 07/30/2010 as the text
I've never used DateTimeFormatInfo before if that isn't obvious. Can someone point me in the right direction. I know I could probably use substring and create a new DateTime(y, m, d) etc... I'm just wondering since c# interpreted .ToString() correctly, if it can't derive a date from the very same string it output.
I added the following code to global.asax to load up several session variable when a session starts. I'm assuming that when a page goes to use the variable that I should be
1) checking at the page level that the value is valid not 0 when its not expected to be 0, not a zero-length string when its expected to have a length
2) have code at the page level that sets the values if the values have not been set as when the Session timeout, ideally putting the code in a class derived from Page and then deriving all of my pages from the new class so that the code does not have to be repeated in every page
I have a problem by getting session which created for new site visit or session expired.
View 3 RepliesI want the code for showing popup dialog box , to show the time remaining for session closing because of in-activity. and 2 buttons for allowing to stay or to signout.
i want all the settings that are need to achieve the functionality.