How To Make User Control, Enabled/disabled

Mar 25, 2010

i have a usercontrol say "abc" in a page, in that page only i have a button to edit.In edit_Click i can not find abc.Enabled=false;how to Enable or Disable the user control

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Control Initial Enabled State For Dependant Controls That Are Enabled / Disabled By JQuery?

Jan 3, 2010

So far, I've seen (and I'm using the following) scripts to show/hide a div or other controls depending on another control in ASP.NET

$('[id$=myRadio_0]').click(function() { $('[id$=myDiv]').show(); });
$('[id$=myRadio_1]').click(function() { $('[id$=myDiv]').hide(); });
and of course, my div in html like
<div id="myDiv" runat="server" visible="false">

and that works fine when the user selects either option of the radiobuttonlist. However, when I assign that radiobuttonlist a value of 1 or yes on my Page_Load on code behind, that isn't (and probably can't be) caught by jQuery, and my div remains invisible even though the control has a value of Yes/1. So, do I need to set the visibility of that div from code behind, or is there a way in jQuery to force a scan of these dependencies after i've set the values for the main controls in code behind?

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"DashBoard" and "Calendar" are disabled
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I've got a bit of a problem UpdatePanelAnimationExtenders. Here's an example of the code structure I have:


Now here's my problem. When dd1 triggers the postback both dd1 and dd2 get disabled (instead of just dd1) and after the request is complete only dd1 gets enabled back. The behaviour is also true the other way around (if dd2 triggers the postback both dropdowns get disabled but only dd2 gets enabled back). I'm not really sure what to make of this.

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Dim newWin As String = ("<script language='javascript'>" + "'msgstat.aspx' , 'Print', 'height=200, width=220, menubar=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no'); </script>")
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "pop", newWin)

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Feb 28, 2011

I have an ajax enabled form that looks like this:



As you can see in the OnPreRender event, the Save button gets enabled or disabled depending on whether the datagrid is in edit mode or not. When I step in the code, it operates correctly in the code, but it does not get reflected correctly on the screen. That is, even when btnSave.Enabled set to true in the code, the browser displays the disabled button. Any idea why this might be happening?

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Is Website Ajax Enabled - How To Make It

Mar 21, 2011

I have a website in my hands that wasn't developed entirely by me, and i wanted to add some ajax controls to it (update panel would be the first).

how do i know if my site is already ajax enabled?

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How To Make Ajax Enabled Website

Jan 1, 2011

I came across this amazing website built in and AJAX. Just look at how the pages are. Its amazing. When you add products into shopping cart, it immediately gets added without a postback and there is a sweet little Tooltip that indicates that the item has been added.

Plus, when I click on the 'Login' link, that nice shadow window pops up with the opaque background.

Heres that Ajax-enabled website I came across:


I need to Ajaxify my website and add similar features like this one.

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Security :: Create User Control To Make A New User?

Jun 5, 2010

I used the Create User Control to make a new user.

Is there a similar tool (I did not see one) that allows the user to edit their own profile?

If not what is the best way to do it? I have created user tables in AWAT.

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JQuery :: Enabling Button Control When User Make Checking Or Unchecking In Checkboxlist Control

Mar 31, 2011

I have a checkboxlist control and a button control in a popup forum. The button is diabled initially. I want to enable the button as soon as the user checks or unchecks any of the items for the first time in the checkboxlist.

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBox1" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList>
<asp:Button ID="SaveButton" runat="server" Test="Save" Enabled="false" OnClick="SaveButton_Click"/>

How to achieve this functionality ?

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Make Gridview Header Fixed When Overflow Property Is Enabled?

Sep 15, 2010

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Currently I tried to take fixed table above grid and hiding grids header. But on editing it is not expanding as the grid is expanding.

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Forms Data Controls :: Make The Linkbutton Disabled On Condition?

Aug 10, 2010

In my grid I have three fields: Action date, type name and TypeId. I want to make the Edit linkbutton disabled when the type name is either 'Accepted date' or 'Received Date'. I can do it if there is one condition by the following code, but I can not pass both.

Enabled='<%# Not "Accepted Date".Equals(Eval("ActionTypeName")) %>'

Is there a way to do this?

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How To Make Speed Acceptable In User Control

Jul 9, 2010


10 user control "user-control.ascx"


8 dropdownlist using AccessDataSource to reciece data.

It cause 8 sec when a.aspx was completely loaded as i am running localhost enviroment.

If i remove all the dropdownlist databinding, the speed is acceptable.

I though the connection to database is 8 X 10 = 80 times, so it cause a long time.

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Javascript - Make Code Works If Used Inside Update Panel And Checkbox Values Will Be Disabled According To Database Field?

Jan 28, 2011

This code works fine if i use this inside ssercontrol > panel and i have a checkboxes in table when no checkbox is checked its works fine .... but if i disabled and checked any of the textbox then this doesn't work .... in usercontrol why ? i didnt understand ..

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function checkboxChecked(){
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<allInputs.length; i++) {
var chk = allInputs[i];
if(chk.type == "checkbox" && !chk.disabled && chk.checked) {

return true;
alert("OOps! You haven't selected all available checkboxes");
return false;

View 4 Replies

Make Updownnumericextender User Control To Work Like Autocomplete One?

May 11, 2010

I have a user control which encapsulates a NumericUpDownExtender. This UserControl implements the interface ICallbackEventHandler, because I want that when a user changes the value of the textbox associated a custom event to be raised in the server. By the other hand each time an async postback is done I shoe a message of loading and disable the whole screen. This works perfect when something is changed in for example an UpdatePanel through this lines of code:

function (sender, args) {
var modalPopupBehavior = $find('programmaticSavingLoadingModalPopupBehavior');;

The UserControl is placed inside a detailsview which is inside an UpdatePanel in an aspx. When the custom event is raised I want another textbox in the aspx to change its value. So far, When I click on the UpDownExtender, it goes correctly to the server and raises the custom event, and the new value of the textbox is assigned in the server. but it is not changed in the browser.

I suspect that the problem is the callback, since I have the same architecture for a UserControl with an AutoCompleteExtender which implement IPostbackEventHandler and it works. Any clues how can I solve this here to make the UpDownNumericExtender user control to work like the AutComplete one? This is the code of the user control and the parent:

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
namespace Corp.UserControls
public partial class CustomNumericUpDown : CorpNumericUpDown, ICallbackEventHandler
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
currentInstanceNumber = CorpAjaxControlToolkitUserControl.getNextInstanceNumber();
registerControl(this.HFNumericUpDown.ClientID, currentInstanceNumber);
string strCallServer = "NumericUpDownCallServer" + currentInstanceNumber.ToString();
// If this function is not written the callback to get the disponibilidadCliente doesn't work
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("ReceiveServerDataNumericUpDown"))
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.Append("function ReceiveServerDataNumericUpDown(arg, context) {}").AppendLine();
"ReceiveServerDataNumericUpDown", str.ToString(), true);
nudeNumericUpDownExtender.BehaviorID = "NumericUpDownEx" + currentInstanceNumber.ToString();
ClientScriptManager cm = Page.ClientScript;
String cbReference = cm.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "arg", "ReceiveServerDataNumericUpDown", "");
String callbackScript = "function " + strCallServer + "(arg, context)" + Environment.NewLine + "{" + Environment.NewLine + cbReference + ";" + Environment.NewLine + "}" + Environment.NewLine;
cm.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(CustomNumericUpDown), strCallServer, callbackScript, true);
public Int64 Value
get { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HFNumericUpDown.Value) ? Int64.Parse("1") : Int64.Parse(HFNumericUpDown.Value)); }
HFNumericUpDown.Value = value.ToString();
//txtAutoCompleteCliente_AutoCompleteExtender.ContextKey = value.ToString();
// TODO: Change the text of the textbox
[Description("The text of the numeric up down")]
public string Text
get { return txtNumericUpDown.Text; }
set { txtNumericUpDown.Text = value; }
public delegate void NumericUpDownChangedHandler(object sender, NumericUpDownChangedArgs e);
public event NumericUpDownChangedHandler numericUpDownEvent;
[System.ComponentModel.Description("Raised after the number has been increased or decreased")]
protected virtual void OnNumericUpDownEvent(object sender, NumericUpDownChangedArgs e)
if (numericUpDownEvent != null) //check to see if anyone has attached to the event
numericUpDownEvent(this, e);
#region ICallbackEventHandler Members
public string GetCallbackResult()
return "";//throw new NotImplementedException();
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
NumericUpDownChangedArgs nudca = new NumericUpDownChangedArgs(long.Parse(eventArgument));
OnNumericUpDownEvent(this, nudca);
/// <summary>
/// Class that adds the prestamoList to the event
/// </summary>
public class NumericUpDownChangedArgs : System.EventArgs
/// <summary>
/// The current selected value.
/// </summary>
public long Value { get; private set; }
public NumericUpDownChangedArgs(long value)
Value = value;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Corp
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for CorpAjaxControlToolkitUserControl
/// </summary>
public class CorpNumericUpDown : CorpAjaxControlToolkitUserControl
private Int16 _currentInstanceNumber; // This variable hold the instanceNumber assignated at first place.
public short currentInstanceNumber
get { return _currentInstanceNumber; }
set { _currentInstanceNumber = value; }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
const string strOnChange = "OnChange";
const string strCallServer = "NumericUpDownCallServer";
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Int16> control in controlsToRegister)
str.Append("function ").Append(strOnChange + control.Value).Append("(sender, eventArgs) ").AppendLine();
str.Append(" if (sender) {").AppendLine();
str.Append(" var hfield = document.getElementById('").Append(control.Key).Append("');").AppendLine();
str.Append(" if (hfield.value != eventArgs) {").AppendLine();
str.Append(" hfield.value = eventArgs;").AppendLine();
str.Append(" ").Append(strCallServer + control.Value).Append("(eventArgs, eventArgs);").AppendLine();
str.Append(" }").AppendLine();
str.Append(" }").AppendLine();
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(CorpNumericUpDown), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), str.ToString(), true);
str = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Int16> control in controlsToRegister)
str.Append(" funcsPageLoad[funcsPageLoad.length] = function() { $find('NumericUpDownEx" + control.Value + "').add_currentChanged(").Append(strOnChange + control.Value).Append(");};").AppendLine();
str.Append(" funcsPageUnLoad[funcsPageUnLoad.length] = function() { $find('NumericUpDownEx" + control.Value + "').remove_currentChanged(").Append(strOnChange + control.Value).Append(");};").AppendLine();
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(CorpNumericUpDown), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), str.ToString(), true);

and to create the loading view I use this: //The beginRequest event is raised before the processing of an asynchronous postback starts and the postback is sent to the server. You can use this event to call custom script to set a request header or to start an animation that notifies the user that the postback is being processed.

function (sender, args) {
var modalPopupBehavior = $find('programmaticSavingLoadingModalPopupBehavior');;

//The endRequest event is raised after an asynchronous postback is finished and control has been returned to the browser. You can use this event to provide a notification to users or to log errors.

function (sender, arg) {
var modalPopupBehavior = $find('programmaticSavingLoadingModalPopupBehavior');

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How To Make An Attribute On A Custom User / Server Control Be Mandatory

Feb 24, 2011

If certain attributes on built-in ASP.NET controls aren't specified, then an exception will be thrown.

How do I do this on my custom user/server control?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Server Control Value Of A Clientside Enabled Control

Oct 21, 2010

time for some expertise. I have a datalist which contains a radiobutton in the itemtemplate. This radiobutton is disabled (set enabled to false) by default. On the html output I have a checkbox, which, when ticked, enables the radiobuttons through javascript. This is all working fine. The rb's are enabled and I can check them. However when the page is posted back. The checked property is always false.

I use the code below to retrieve the value of this rb:


This code is working fine when the initial state of the radiobuttons set to enabled server side.

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How To Make Script Paths Inside User Control Independent Of Page Hierarchy.

Jun 3, 2010

My website is organized in the following folder structure


Now i have a user control inside userControl Folder. I have to use a external js file. So i use it this way

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../Script/slider.js"></script>

My understanding is that since both are under root so i have used a single .. Now what happens is that when this usercontrol is used inside DepartMentManagement it checks for script folder inside CustomerManagement as .. refers to one hierarchy above and script file is not found.Even using a ~ doesnot work.

I want to make this script path independent of the path where this control is used. I don't want to move script reference code to the page as control requires script mot page.

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