How To Set The TypeName Directly

Apr 28, 2010

I have a project with lots of ObjectDataSource controls. They collect their data from various classes. am going to move all my classes (that handles the DAL) to a separate class library.Will that cause me any problems?How do i set the TypeName (directly in the .aspx file)?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Trying To Use A MasterType TypeName To Access A Class With Master Pages?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to use a MasterType TypeName to access a class with master pages. This works when I'm using .NET 2.0, VS 2005, and C#. When I try this using .NET 3.5, VS 2008 and C# I get the error:

The type or namespace name 'classA' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) and it is pointing to the Default.aspx.designer.cs

In the default.aspx I have:

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="...

<%@ MasterType TypeName="classA" %>

I have added a folder App_Code to my project and in that folder I have a class file "classA.cs" that contains:

Using ...

Namespace Project.App_Code

public class classA : System.Web.UI.MasterPage


The main difference that I see from where it works and where it doesn't work is that where it doesn't work it uses the namespace called Project.So I figure my problem is in the including the class classA in the namespace or properly including the namespace and / or App_Code directory in the MasterType TypeName which I don't seem to be able to figure out.

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DataSource Controls :: The Type Specified In The TypeName Property Of ObjectDataSource Not Found

Jun 26, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for the first time. I program in MS Access for a long time at decide to move to the ASP world. My problem is that I design my first web .aspx default page with a simple data grid. I decided to connect the data via the business object data adapter. I use the Dataset designer to great the dataset. All looks well and works fine on my PC. But when moved to the server I get the Terror "The type specified in the TypeName property of ObjectDataSource not found".

From my reading for the past two days, it seems that something need to be define (a class of some sort) to let ASP know where to find the data adapter. If this is the case, then why did not Visual Studio 2010 did not automatically build the class in the appropriate BIN/ APP_CODE or Global directory and more importantly, why would it work fine on the PC , but not on the server. I am totally blind-sided by Visual Studio 2010 allowing me to design and test on PC but throws me a curl ball with moving to a server. Am I assuming to much from Visual Studio 2010???

What is the solution.. What I am looking for is to know where exactly where and how to write this class. I am so new to ASP, all of my reading just confusing me more and more by reading so many post on this error. I know it is probably a simple class to write somewhere, but why did not Visual Studio 2010 write it accordingly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Objectdatasource Error: Typename Cannot Be Found

Jun 14, 2010

I have a dropdownlist that I'm binding to an objectdatasource within a edit template of a gridview. Everything works fine on our staging server, but when I view on our production server I get the following error:

"The type specified in the TypeName property of the ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' could not be found."

The typename is correct. It works on our staging server. What would cause this to not work on our production server? Any way to re-write the code to get this to work? See the code below.


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DataSource Controls :: Make ObjectDataSource Typename Of A Singleton Business Object?

Mar 14, 2010

How do I make ObjectDataSource work with singleton Business object? My singleton business object is defined in Global:


I get an error:The type specified in the TypeName property of ObjectDataSource 'objThreads' could not be found.

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How To Send A Request Directly To .DLL

Feb 9, 2011

I want to know how can we send direct request to .DLL with some parameters. I really don't want to use .ASPX and .ASHX. I hope this .DLL request is used for more secure site.

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how we can send or execute page from .DLL in ASP.NET.

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How To Get Userid Directly After Login In

Apr 23, 2010

I'm wonder how i can get the userid just after i validate. Is there another method i can use to login than

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userName, true);

Here's what i have.

if (Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password))
// i get a null object on the below as i haven't logged in yet
Guid UserID = new Guid(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString());
// some other logic that requires UserId

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Exporting DataSet To Excel Directly

Dec 14, 2010

trying to export a dataset to excel directly. I'm repeating, it's a dataset to excel (NOT DATA GRID OR GRID VIEW TO EXCEL). The problem I face is formatting. I'm exporting the excel which has aroung 13 columns.

A column should be in dd/MM/yyyy 00:00:00 format. Time will always be 00:00:00. It is exporting in correct format only, but for example when the date is Jan 05, 2010, when it comes from database it shows correct format as05/01/2010 00:00:00. When it binds, it binds as 5/1/2010 00:00 which is not suppose to happen.

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MVC :: Accessing Razor Views Directly?

Feb 24, 2011

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I have created a new folder - test - and put there a index.cshtml file.Put also an web.config and pasted bits from original web.config

The error says :

Unable to cast object of type 'ASP._Page_help_Views_Home_Index_cshtml' to type 'System.Web.IHttpHandler'

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MVC :: Posting Back To A Method Directly?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to implement autocomplete using JQuery. I cannot get this to work directly from my view so I am trying to post directly back to a method in my controller that has a reference to the web service. How do I post directly back to a method in my controller?

My method name is Autocomplete URL: "/" - Takes me to the Index method of my main controller. I want to go to a different method so I can return JSON back

Code below:


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Directly Upload Video To Youtube?

Mar 7, 2011

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Convert HTML Code To Pdf Directly In C#?

Oct 18, 2010

I know this tool looks up on a url and converts the repsponse to pdf.

How do I convert a <html> content.. </html> into a pdf?

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ADO.NET :: EF 4.0 Not Displaying Changes Made Directly From SQL Server

Oct 23, 2010

I have an aspx application using Entity Framework 4.0 and SQL Server 2008. Everything works fine. It's an internal application, so we developed a basic backend for routine maintenance. Some minor data updates are done directly into the SQL Server using SQL Management Studio... the problem is those changes are not reflected in the application! Only after reseting the web service or the server, the new data is displayed.

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Feb 9, 2011

How can i directly access a .cshtml file in ASP.NET MVC using razor view engine?

For example i have this url: localhost/Home/About. This will load the about site inside the "master" page.

I want to load the about page without also loading the master page. So i was thinking that i could use this url: localhost/Home/About.cshtml. But it's not working.

How can i load a view page without loading the master page?

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Web Forms :: Call Js Function Directly From Tag Without Using C#?

Mar 7, 2011

can i do something like this?

<asp:Button ID ="MyButton" runat = "server" OnClick="javascript:GetVal()" />

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Exporting Directly To An Email Attachment?

Jul 29, 2010

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WCF / ASMX :: Use Xsd Directly Rather Than Using Proxy Class?

May 11, 2010

When I do server side soap service programming, I create proxy classes first using some xsd schemas.

Xsd schemas are already defined by another problem is these schemas have master xsds and child xsds which means on master xsds there are references to child xsds.

In this case I have 2 different questions.

1) Is it possible to use xsd schemas directly to build soap service without generating proxy classes.

2) If it is not possible, I am using vs command prompt by typing xsd /c /l:vb nameofmasterfile.xsd

but while there references to child xsds, I am getting an error msg. thats why I had to flatten these xsds in the past. Is it possible to generate all classes in one shot. any external program also ok.

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Connect Directly To Aspnetdb Database?

Oct 19, 2010

I wanna connect to aspnetdb but it makes an error says "Login failed for user" this is the connection string in web config :

<add name="UserProfiles" connectionString="Data Source=KIA;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and this is my code:

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand ComNewCheckSum = new SqlCommand();
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["UserProfiles"].ConnectionString;
ComNewCheckSum.Connection = connection;
ComNewCheckSum.CommandText = String.Format("select UserID from aspnet_Users where UserName = {0}", _UserName);
return Convert.ToInt32(ComNewCheckSum.ExecuteScalar());

how can i pass through error?

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Web Forms :: Directly Upload Files To Amazon S3?

Jan 13, 2011

I have to create a web app (in C#) that's gonna let my users upload their files straight to Amazon S3 (not enough bandwidth on our own server). It looks like the only way i can do that is posting a simple HTML form to Amazon. The problem is that i have to do some work on my server too, like renaming the files, setting up flags on db when file is uploaded, and so on. I really can't see how to do that without uploading files first on our server, which is out of question, so other solution for this? Amazon S3 forum is pretty poor on this topic.

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C# - Write And Read TCP Streams Directly Without Any Modifications?

Oct 22, 2010

I'd like to write and read TCP Streams directly without any modifications by ASP or IIS. Is this possible?

Edit: Goal is to provide communication between a program and a server. Data exchange between them is less then 25 bytes per connection (in default case). So Headers will cause more traffic then the real data. I need to use ASP.Net because the owner of the server will not let me execute my programs.

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Is Better To Retrieve Data Using Web Service Or Directly From Database

May 5, 2010

i was wondoring which thing is better from below two... first one- retrive data by creating webservice second one- create database connection from code behind call storeprocedure and retive data

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Avoiding Loop When Accessing 404 Action Directly?

Sep 9, 2010

Like many people using ASP.NET MVC, I've implemented my own custom 404 error handling scheme using an approach similar to the one described here: [URL]

(I actually discovered that post after implementing my own solution, but what I came up with is virtually identical.)

However, I ran into one issue I'm not sure how to properly handle. Here's what my 404 action in my ErrorController class looks like:


The part that's different from the answer in the other StackOverflow question I referenced above is how the 'retry loop' is prevented. In other other answer, the code that prevents the retry loop simply sets properties on a ViewModel, which doesn't seem to actually prevent the loop. Since the action is sending back a response code of 404, then accessing the action directly (by typing "/Error/NotFound" in the browser) causes an infinite loop.

So here's my question: Did I miss another, more obvious way to handle the retry loop issue, or is my approach a decent way to do this?

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WCF / ASMX :: Consuming Web Service Which Is Not Exposed Directly?

Jun 14, 2010

I have created a webservice which is publicly exposed. This publicly created webservice can be consumed in the application But my requirement is I have to create a webservice to expose the schema and cannot be consumed directly.How to consume the web service which is not exposed directly.

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Export Table Rows Directly To A Csv File Using C#?

Feb 25, 2011

How do I export result of a sql query to a csv file without mapping to an object. Is there a direct way for this?

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Web Forms :: How To Not Let User To Open Page Directly

Dec 24, 2010

I have a page with RadioButtonList and DropDownList. User Selects Item from DropDownList and RadioButtonItem and clicks a button, it opens a corresponding new page with some data related to Items selected.


It works fine. What I want is not to let user open this page directly, only by selecting items and clicking button on main page.

I tried following in newpage1.aspx:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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