DataSource Controls :: The Type Specified In The TypeName Property Of ObjectDataSource Not Found
Jun 26, 2010
I am using Visual Studio 2010 for the first time. I program in MS Access for a long time at decide to move to the ASP world. My problem is that I design my first web .aspx default page with a simple data grid. I decided to connect the data via the business object data adapter. I use the Dataset designer to great the dataset. All looks well and works fine on my PC. But when moved to the server I get the Terror "The type specified in the TypeName property of ObjectDataSource not found".
From my reading for the past two days, it seems that something need to be define (a class of some sort) to let ASP know where to find the data adapter. If this is the case, then why did not Visual Studio 2010 did not automatically build the class in the appropriate BIN/ APP_CODE or Global directory and more importantly, why would it work fine on the PC , but not on the server. I am totally blind-sided by Visual Studio 2010 allowing me to design and test on PC but throws me a curl ball with moving to a server. Am I assuming to much from Visual Studio 2010???
What is the solution.. What I am looking for is to know where exactly where and how to write this class. I am so new to ASP, all of my reading just confusing me more and more by reading so many post on this error. I know it is probably a simple class to write somewhere, but why did not Visual Studio 2010 write it accordingly.
I have a dropdownlist that I'm binding to an objectdatasource within a edit template of a gridview. Everything works fine on our staging server, but when I view on our production server I get the following error:
"The type specified in the TypeName property of the ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' could not be found."
The typename is correct. It works on our staging server. What would cause this to not work on our production server? Any way to re-write the code to get this to work? See the code below.
Now i can populate my gridview trough code by this: //gvwDiensten.DataSource = new BindingList<diensten>(dataManager.GetList<diensten>().ToList());But i would like to use an objectdatasource, so i created this:
But when running the page i get:
ObjectDataSource 'dsDiensten' could not find a non-generic method 'GetList' that has no parameters.
I added a new table to my type dataset. When the code tries to execute the new row on that table I get the error message.
(if you can't see the error. "MissingMethodException was caught" "Method not found: 'MyTableDataTable MyNamespace.get_SSCase().")
I've tried the wizard and also click and drag the table from solution explorer to the xsd file. The other tables work, just this one table won't work. What should I check?
I want to bind an ObjectDataSource to a property in my asp page and I want to do it in the page's aspx code, not in code-behind. I've already done it in code-behind, as follows:
I'd prefer to get rid of the ugly code-behind and just do this in mark-up. Something like [Code]....
This gives me a run-time error: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Object' from its string representation 'SelectedBook' for the 'DataSource' property.Is there a way of doing this declaratively and not in code-behind? Further, what if what I want is to actually use a child property of the property in question? For example, if my Book object has a ReaderComments collection, can I databind to it decaratively in the aspx mark-up?
I'm trying to understand when to use the type property and when to use the dbtype property. I looked online but couldn't find a good article that said when and why.
In this case I use a datasource control for a datalist and the parameter list is being built ba the system. The DBType is created for the smalldatetime feild
I use FormView with ObjectDataSource and class. I have a TextBox binded to a DateTime? property. When TextBox.Text property is empty i want to set the property of my class to null but the value is 1.1.1 00:00:00. My Workaround:
Is there a way to set this property to null without this workaround? Is this a bug in DataSource or is this a feature by design?
I have created a gridview at runtime. its working fine when i load the grid first time. after when i am selecting next value from ddl to load grid according to that option(selecting from dropdown list and coresponding values showing in grid) showing error that "A field or property with the name 'datafield name' was not found on the selected data source." might be i am getting this error becuze the privious value is not being cleared" can anybody help me with this problem.
i am trying to write a gridview to an excell file, but i get the error: The type or namespace name 'StringWriter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
my code is:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Clear content of buffer stream Response.Clear(); //Set the type and filename Response.AddHeader("TITLE", "TITLE.xls"); Response.Charset = "iso-8859-2"; Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.xls"; // Add the HTML from the GridView to a StringWriter to write it out later StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); GridView1.RenderControl(htw); //Write out the data Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.End(); }
I am really having a hard time trying to write something from scratch I created a 'Person' Class.Public Class Person
Private _FirstName As String = "" Private _LastName As String = "" Private _Age As Integer = 0 Public Sub New(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal Age As Integer) FirstName = FirstName _LastName = LastName _Age = Age [code]...
I have this error "The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type datetime of the specified target column." when I used sqlbulkcopy to do the transaction
I get the error - Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid. - on the line.....
Dim newid As Integer = e.Command.Parameters("@latestRowId") vb code behind.
I have the identical code for another page with the exception of the field names and it works fine. The only thing I did differently, as far as I know, is I copied the asp and code behind from the page that works into this page and manually changed the field and table names. I don't know what the problem is. Does anyone see any problems?
I have an Interface that has its concrete class defined via a factory. Because of this I found no way to use the Interface tpye directly in my LINQ quesry so I had to use the concrete class types to creat a generic list. The LINQ query works but after calling.ToList() on the LINQ query result I get a List(of MyConcreteClass), but I need a List(of IMyConcreteClass). I have tried everything I can find: .Cast, Ctype, implicit casting, etc. but I always get back one of the (2) messages (depending on if I attempt to cast)message:
"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[IMyConcreteClass]'." ...or "Unable to cast object of type '<CastIterator>d__aa`1[IMyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]'."
I am making a website to store invoices so i can mail them to clients. So i got a table for clients, invoices and one with invoice products/services. When an invoice has no products/services added to them and it returns null i get the error "the null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Decimal which is a non-nullable value type."
I just started with linq. Before i always used mysql. Mostly i just had to call data from 1 table so forgive me if my linq query isn't really correct.
Dim invoices = From i In db.invoices _ Group Join p In db.products On Equals p.invoiceId Into invoiceProducts = Group _ Select New With {i.client.naam, i.titel, (From iP In invoiceProducts Select iP.prijs).Sum}
i show the client's name, the title of the invoice and the total amount the clients will need to pay for products and services.
I am binding SQL data to a GridView. The GridView's DataKeyNames property is set to the SQL column called "utID"
I know that within the SQL results, some of the utID values are NULL. After databinding to the GridView, I need to enumerate through the GridViewRows an read the DataKey values. However, when I try this I get the following error:
No default member found for type 'DBNull'. I am using the code below.
What object types are stored within DataKeys (I thought it was just integers or strings)
How to handle a NULL datakey value to prevent this error occurring?
I don't want to use Try Catch because it's too much of a 'hack'