How To Update Database Through Datatable

Mar 24, 2010

following is my code to update my database from a datatable. My rows are manipulated by my code perfectly. that i can see in my gridview but my database is not getting updated according to the manipulation



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Jan 17, 2010

i want to build a datagrid bound to a datatable with several columns. One column has only a dropdownlist with the number of the rows in the datatable.

Here a samplescreenshot:


I know how to bind the columns to a grid and its no problem to create such a dropdown list with the content for me, too. But i dont know how to sort the complete datatabl after changing one value of one dropdown listbox.

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Sql Table has 2 fields "id" and "name". Also "id" is the primary key with identity. I am using data adapter to fill data table "myTable". This brings id/name pairs form the database and fill "myTable".


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and call dataadapter.Update(myTable). Dataadapter will add new rows to the database and the database will assign new id to each new ecord. StoredProcedure which actually insert new record, returns @@identity. How can I add this @@identity to myTable


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DataTable dtTypes = new DataTable();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.JLTrackConnectionString);
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DataSource Controls :: How To Add Rows To Datatable And Use Sqldataadapter Update Method

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to add new rows to a data table and then use the sqldataadapter update method bu fund some problems. First, I written this code:


Excuse me but the most part of variable are in italian, however I think it is possible to understand how does it work. If I execute this code I obtain this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.

After this I added these lines of code just above the last line:

SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
adapter.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand;

and I obtained this error:

Cannot convert method group 'GetInsertCommand' to non-delegate type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand'. Did you intend to invoke the method?

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Jan 13, 2010

my requirement is to update a duplicate record in my website if anyone select a product more than one time then i have to check and update the quantity of that record.i use for loop for this but it is not working properly, it is running perfectly for one product but when i add another product it won't can i do this?Here is my code part which is run on add button click

if (sc.dtcart.Rows.Count > 0)
for(int i=0;i<sc.dtcart.Rows.Count;i++)


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function UpdateProductTable() {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/UpdateProductTable",
data: "{'products':" + JSON.stringify(TableProductToUpdate()) + "}",

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DataSource Controls :: Update Only Changed Or Insert New Rows In Datatable?

Mar 4, 2010

Existing records can be updatedNew records can be insertedAll existing records can be deleted & new ones can be insertedExisting records have a primary key field
New ones are just blank inserts

All this detail is stored in a data table. On form update I only want to update existing (only modified rows) & insert new rows. I have gone about loading the changed records in a new data table

DataTable changedRecordsTable = dataTable_old.GetChanges();

How do I compare it with all the records in the old datatable and pass them to the save query ?

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'DataTable' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Data.DataTable' and 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DataTable'

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I have gridview wich bind with dynamic datatable.

<asp:GridView ID="grdCountries" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowHeader="False" OnRowDeleting="grdCountries_RowDeleting" DataKeyNames="country_id" BorderStyle="None" GridLines="None">

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how can i attach a dataconvertion like this


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Feb 21, 2011

i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.

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Datatable To Database?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel - GridView - DataSource Null - Get The Datatable To Persist Between The Two Update Panels?

Jan 17, 2010

I am going to outline my setup then where i am failing

UpdatePanel1 - Contents : 3 textboxes and AddButton
UpdatePanel2 - Contents : 1 GridView and SubmitButton

AddButton adds new row to DataTable with data from textboxes, binds DataTable to GridView SubmitButton sends data to database. The Adding of a row works to add the row to the gridview, but it won't add a second or third and so on, only adds the 1. SubmitButton belives the DataTable that GridView is databound to is null and won't send anything to the database. How can i get the datatable to persist between the two update panels? Do i use Sessions as my storage location? Page


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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Update DataBase By Using UPDATE Query

Jul 6, 2010


Im trying to update my DB(DataBase) by using SQL UPDATE query ,but its not updating in the dataBase i receive confirmation(in testLabel) that one row is affected(dataReader = query.ExecuteReader(); return numbers of rows affected)...

I have given a HTML editortext control on a page,which generates HTML (i have to store it in my DB,that page is only for Admin) ,on pressing Update button , im receving in my testLabel that one row is affected(which shows DB is updated succesfully) but when i check my DB its in old state,it is not updating...

Here is my Event handler of Update Button which have to make updates in DB:



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Forms Data Controls ::trying To Update A Coulmn In Datatable / Input String Was Not In A Correct Format?

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to update a coulmn in datatable but keep getting error:

Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store < > in SortOrder Column. Expected type is Int32.

SortOrder is column of Type Integer that either contain Null or number.


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C# - Populate DataTable With Records From Database?

Oct 8, 2010

This is my GET Method to get my data from my DataTable

Private Function GetData() As PagedDataSource
' Declarations
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dr As DataRow
Dim pg As New PagedDataSource

' Add some columns

' Add some test data
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
dr = dt.NewRow
dr("Column1") = i
dr("Column2") = "Some Text " & (i * 5)

' Add a DataView from the DataTable to the PagedDataSource
pg.DataSource = dt.DefaultView

' Return the DataTable
Return pg
End Function

It returns the DataTable as "pg"

What changes must I make to this GET method to get the records from a table in my database?

C# examples will also do but would be great to see a reply with my code and then the changes....

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C# - Search Database Table For Value And Put It In A Datatable?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a textbox and a search button i trying to search file names in a database table and display them in a datatable...

private void GetSearchResults(string machineID, string searchFileName)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SumooHAgentDBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT FileID, BuFileName FROM BackedUpFiles WHERE BuFileName Like '%@searchFileName%' AND MachineID=@machineID", connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@machineID", machineID);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@searchFileName", searchFileName);

everything is working fine except that the searchFileName is not working in the query...

I tried putting just a value to check like

SELECT FileID, BuFileName FROM BackedUpFiles WHERE BuFileName Like '%b%' AND MachineID=@machineID

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Save Datatable Object To Sql Database?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a form where users upload a file (csv), then the server does some processing, and generates a datatable. the table will be shown in grid. however, the table's column is unknown, and sometimes, the table is huge. I need show this table in another form.

It seems session variable is not good for this since the table maybe huge. is there a way to write this table to sql, then load it again in the other form?

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C# - How To Populate IList <t> From DataTable Or From A Table In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I have a table say, Student.

I have a class 'Student'.

I want to populate IList<Student> with objects of Student class from Student table in database.

Is it possible to implement this?

If yes then how to implement this.

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