If User Is Not Entering Any Thing System Should Not Show Any Message?

Apr 15, 2010

I need expression for following things1.HH:MM in Military format2.mm/dd/YYYYThere is one catch if user is not entering any thing system should not show any message but if he is entering any thing then it should ask from the format.I am using a grid view with 20 rows ans in that so many columns are available. In that grid i have to check this thing

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Create User Wizard Login Error Message Dont Show In A Message Box?

Aug 19, 2010

i am using create user wizard and capturing other information within content template when a new userregisters. Some of the textboxes are binded to required field validators.there is a validation control on the page and ShowMessage box is True.If they dont complete some of the text boxes then the message box pops Up with the error message.It does not however include information errors like "User already exists" or Email address already existsfrom the create user wizard membership UserName and Password Textboxesis it possilbe to hook all of these up so I get one message box with all errors including membership ones?

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How To Display A Message On Form To Show That User Is Created

May 23, 2012

I'm quite new to Web Development. I'm creating a web site and it has a Registration Page where I managed to create the form. But when the user clicks on the 'CreateUser' button, how do I display a message on the form to show that the User is created. And also, at the moment, I don't know where the user details are being created. I wish to add the details to a Login Table in the SQL Database. How do I go about it?

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MVC :: Get Validation Message If Click Submit Without Entering Anything In The Input Field?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm a total newbie with MVC -- learning it with MVC3 using Razor.

I just watched the video on PluralSight and was just following along with the example. I created my own Movie and MovieRepository objects. I then created a strongly typed view for adding a new movie. This is what's in the view:


My Movie object looks like this:


If I click submit without entering anything in the input field, I get validation messages i.e. The Rating field is required or if I enter non-numeric data, I get The field Rating must be a number.

I didn't wire this and wanted to understand where this is coming from.

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Web Forms :: System.FormatException Was Unhandled By User Code Message=Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Sep 19, 2010


If the table no data is displayed this error:

System.FormatException was unhandled by user code Message=Input string was not in a correct format.


View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Permission To Grant -so That The Remote User Can Do Any Thing To The Database

Jun 19, 2010

the following will clearly show the steps i have taken to achieve a connectivity to database "123" such that the remote user who is using sql login verification can do whatever he wants with the "123" database, and thee remote user cannot change anything of any other database.

?the permission u see granted in the pictures is just guest work, IT WORKS! but i would like to know the required correct permission to grant and not more permissions (to the point permission- DO ANYTHING WITH DATABASE "123" AND THATS IT- DONT EVEN SEE THE OTHER DATABASES)

?how shall i stop this remote user or deny this remote user from even viewing the other databases. a you can see the remote user cannot change anything in other databases but he can see them! I DOT WANT Him to VIEW THEM.

please give your comments and guidence "to achieve the above goals LIKE A PROFESSIONAL WOULD"

and a site link explaining these many permissions in sql server 2005 management studio express would be helpful.

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Show A Popup Message Box And Wait For The User To Click The OK Button?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a "Save" button in my asp.net (VB.Net 3.5) page. When clicked it saves data in the database and redirects to another page. Before it redirects, I have to show a popup messagebox informing the clients that the data has been saved. The popup box will have a "OK" button. Only when this button is clicked, the page should be redirected to another page.

If I used Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript to register a javascript to show an alert message, it is never shown and page is redirected straightaway. Similar behavior happens when I tried to show a mesage box by creating it through a server control as described

at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/webforms/NingLiangSimpleControl.aspx.

View 11 Replies

Web Forms :: When The User Press The Button If The Email Exists Want To Show A Message Box Him?

Feb 10, 2010

I am creating a newsletter and I have got a problem. I have 2 text boxes. In one textbox the user types his name and in the second one the user enter his email address. When the user press the button if the email exists I want to show a message box him that the email address already exists. If the email does not exist I want to insert his email on the database and show a message that he has been inserted in the newsletter list. Just to let you know guys I am using C#

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 - Show Message NOT Valid User When Wrong UserID / Password Entered

Jul 7, 2013

I wanted to show message "NOT valid user"; when user provide wrong userid/password ...but it does not showing any label in it..

public string Checkuser(string value1, string value2)
ExecuteTSQL ts = new ExecuteTSQL();
DataSet ds = ts.SelectQueryDS("select * from tbl_user where USERNAME =" + "'" + value1 +"'" +" and password1 = " +"'"+ value2+ "'" );
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)


View 4 Replies

C# - How To Show Error For Entering A Duplicate Record In A Textbox, Exsisting In A Database

Mar 10, 2011

I am working on a project in .NET (C#), connected with a database. And I am entering values in database through 'text-box' control, for a part of the project. What I want is to check if the user entering value already exsists in the database and if so, shows error during that time only.

I have searched for any familiar post here, that could solve my query, but didn't get any.

my EXACT objective(if not cleared earlier):-

when the user enter the value in
textbox, automatically an event to
check any duplicate records in
database should occur. And if found,
displays an error message

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Stop User From Entering Text In A Textbox?

Sep 17, 2010

I want to stop user from entering stuff in a textbox. But if I use Readonly then for some reason I can't get the information to the database.

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Is It Possible For A User To Recover Their Password By Entering Their E-mail Address Alone

Jan 19, 2010

Is it possible for a user to recover their password by entering their e-mail address alone?

Right now I am using the PasswordRecovery control, and i have security questions disabled. So all the user has to do is put their User Name, and hit submit, then their password is e-mailed to them.

But, a lot of my users forget their User Name, so right below I have a User Name recover section. The user inputs their e-mail address, and their corresponding user name shows up.

I would like to simplify this and just require the user's e-mail address to provide them their user name AND password.

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AJAX :: Validate IP Address Which Is Entering Into Textbox By The User

Jul 6, 2010

I need to validate IP Address which is entering into textbox by the user....

I validated some other controls using ajax only, so only expecting the same for IP Address also...

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Stopping The User From Entering Or Selecting Future Date?

Mar 16, 2011

Would anyone have any thoughts about stopping the user from selecting or entering any future dates. The AJAX regular expression validator I had only verify the date if it is in DD//MM/YYYY format.

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Security :: How To Lock The User With The 3 Times Entering The Wrong Password

May 20, 2010

How to lock the user with the 3 times entering the wrong password?

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Design A Webform For Entering/editing User Input Using C# Code?

Jul 15, 2010

After going through few asp.net 2.0 books surfacially, I want to accomplish most of the task using c# code and Sql database.

1.we can access and update data using various ways like using sqldatasource code, data reader,command object,dataset,datatable etc.But which one to use in which situation?I am very confused.what do you prefer most,why?

2. How to code professional way? I mean how to separate code using different classes and how to link all togerther?

3.I want to design a webform for entering/editing user input using c# code and use presentation control like gridview and detailsview for viewing,paging and sorting only.Is this possible?

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Web Forms :: Adding Details Automatically After Entering User Name And Password

Apr 25, 2010

i was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem i have. im not sure how to go about this exactly i have a web site for a group of ramblers

i have a master/details page which shows walks planned for the future and they can click "details" for the full details

but what i want to incorporate into it is that when they are looking at the full details there is an option to add them to it as attending by entering a user name and password (saved in a table in the database) and if entered correctly their username will be added to it as attending.

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How To Stop A User From Entering More Than One Space In Between Words In A Forum Post Title

Aug 14, 2010

How can I stop a user from entering more than one space in between words in a forum post title?

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Security :: How To Redirect User To An Error Page From Login Control Upon Entering Wrong Username

Mar 1, 2011

I wanted to know how to add the feature- that user should be redirected to an error page where the error will be display, upon entery wrong username/password when trying to login through an asp.net login control?

1. how to redirect the user to an error page upon entering wrong username/password (from a login control which is placed on master page)?

2. how to pass the error to the error page so it can be displayed there?

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Web Forms :: Return Url In Aspx Refreshes The Page When Click Login After Entering User Name And Password?

Sep 10, 2010

I am struggling to login into my web portal on my new sony vaio laptop. I think that I need to do some settings, or download some plugin. Infact I don't know what to do, as I have spent many hours trying to login, but no success. Below is my office website:[URL]When I enter my credentials and click login, the web page gets refreshed, i.e username and password get erased, rather than taking me into my web-portal. The laptop is having windows 7 home premium, with ie8. I have also tried installing firefox, chrome, opera and safari, but same problem.

as sony has refused to take the laptop back and they are saying that there is problem with website. Similarly, website staff are saying that there is a problem with the laptop and not with the website.

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AJAX :: Scenario: OpenModalDialog -> LoadData -> Show Data / Show The Data When They Are Ready And Interrupt The Loading Message?

Dec 19, 2010

I have to implement this common scenario but I'm getting in trouble (I'm new in asp)

I have to open a modalDialog, then I want an animation to indicate a "loading message" and when the data are ready

I want show them ina grid view. How can show the data when they are ready and interrupt the loading message?

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System.OutOfMemoryException -why Message Is Coming

Sep 6, 2010

Does anyone know why this happens?


It was running fine and then all of a sudden this message poped up.

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Web Forms :: Text Message System In Mobiles

Mar 5, 2010

Is there any system to send text message to mobiles in my ASP.NET web site?

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Error Message: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'System.Web?

Mar 3, 2011

An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

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Are Session And Cookies The Same Thing

Sep 24, 2010

Since session and cookies are both used to store temporary data, what is the difference between them?

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