JavHow To Disable Or Remove Unnecessary Form Elements Before An ASP.NET Asynchronous
Oct 21, 2010
I'm building a shopping cart page that could potentially contain dozens of separate items. Each item has a collapsible panel that contains several form elements that can be used to customize it. Most of the cart is wrapped in an UpdatePanel so that I can avoid a full postback when the user makes changes. When there are many items in the cart, there are of course many many postback elements, all of which are included in the raw form post, even though each post is really only triggered by the change of a single element
I have...a dynamic populated select box several input boxes a submit button form fields are loaded initially using cookies several dynamic populated divs
I want... start loading the content of my DIVs after all FORM elements have been loaded completely (= filled with data, select boxes are populated)
I'm working with an aspx page, where once I click on a button, some calls are executed in the background and I display the returned information on the webpage. I do this by adding this information to a panel:
I want to remove all elements from Queue A that are present in Queue N And end up with Queue R: 1, 2, 8, 12, 13. How do I do this in C#. Trying to work with someones API and they offer a way to get the two queues and I need to filter based on one queue returned.
Updated Code Example: I am using a custom data type ModuleDetails
I need to initiate an Array to hold 100 integers. Then, by user click, a random number 1-100 is generated, and subtracted from the list. In the next call, the next random number will be subtracted from the 99 numbers left, next from the 98 numbers and so on. I need to do this with AJAX and if needed a webservice. The reason I am asking here is because I am confused...Where shall I instanciate the array and how do I keep track of the removed numbers?
I want to disable certain elements in the markup in the aspx file, e.g. I don't want to have the markup pagination if there are no items to display, etc.
I'm aware that you can disable html elements using javascript, but I'd rather not do it this way since I can't guarantee that everybody who looks at my site will have a browser with javascript enabled.
The way I'd been doing it is to create a literal control, and in the codebehind file on page load, I'd set the text to either the empty string or the actual html markup that I wanted.
However, this has problems in that I need to recompile and rerun the website everytime I want to change the markup, rather than just make my changes in the aspx file and refresh the page.
I know that some controls, such as repeaters, etc, have templates which can be set by loading in the code from another aspx/ascx file, but I don't know if this is possible with literal controls.
I'm quite new to web development, but I figure this is something that must come up quite a lot so I didn't know if there was a standard way which is agreed to be the best way to do this kind of thing.
I have LINQ result, and I have List.I want to do Where() on the LINQ and to REMOVE all the matching strings from the List.I get errors of:Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementations of query operators except the Contains operato
I'm using an autocomplete contol of ajax toolkit. Yesterday a user found that it had stopped working (it wasn't generating the list as you type letters in the textbox). After hours of troubleshooting, I found that in web.config <httpHandlers>, this line
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx" /> was placed after the <add> line like this: <httpHandlers> <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
So I am new to ASP.NET MVC and I would like to create a view with a text box for each item in a collection. How do I do this, and how do I capture the information when it POSTs back? I have used forms and form elements to build static forms for a model, but never dynamically generated form elements based on a variable size collection.
I want to do something like this in mvc 3:
How do I do a text box for each guest? And how do I capture them in the action method that it posts back to?
Currently, I have a list of PhoneNumber objects that I display. Here's an example of the output of the view:
Notice the naming of these elements: name="existing_phone[labels][6]", name="existing_phone[numbers][6], name="new_phone[labels][]", name="new_phone[numbers][].Back in the Classic ASP days, I recall being able to do something along the lines of:
And that would give me a 2d array of phone numbers to work with. This doesn't seem to work in .NET. Has anyone tried to do something similar that can point me in the right direction?For new phones, I should simply be able to iterate through each item and insert into the database. For existing phones, I should be able to update (or delete if the label or number are blank) records based off of the id number supplied in the array.OR..if anyone has a better, alternate solution, I'm open to something else.
I have a form with a bunch of labels and images on it. Is there a way I can capture parts of that form into an images file (jpg/bmp, etc)? Ideally I could specify the x-y coordinates, and save that to a jpg.
As you know froms could lead to accessbility issues and unlike PHP when I was dealing with it, everything in ASP.NET we can say is wrapped inside a form. As you know not every elements is a form element and from accessbility point of view the screen readers have what is called 'forms mode' which only interact with form elements. Can anyone calrify why is that in ASP.NET?
I have a xaml page. I can access all its controls in xaml.cs. Is there anyway I can access the controls of the xaml page in a different .cs class file?
I have a URL /products/search where Products is the controller and Search is the action. This url contains a search form whose action attribute is (and should always be) /products/search eg;
This works ok until I introduce paging in the search results. For example if I search for "t" I get a paged list. So on page 2 my url looks like this :
It shows page 2 of the result set for the search "t". The problem is that the form action is now also /products/search/t/2. I want the form to always post to /products/search.
My routes are :routes.MapRoute( "Products search", "products/search/{query}/{page}", new { controller = "Products", action = "Search", query = "", page = 1 }); routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" });
How can I force Html.BeginForm(), or more specifically Url.Action( "Search", "Products"), to ignore the /query/page in the url?
I have a form with certain elements, input boxes, check boxes etc. I need to encrypt the names of these input boxes and check boxes. I'm currently using a Rijndael encryption/decryption method through c# however this is making the encrypted names too long to be passed in a post. Is there a better way to get decent encrypted names? my purpose is to have the names encrypted before the post happens so if someone views the code behind the names are already encrypted.
I need to validate that a user makes a selection from a select list OR they enter text into a textbox. I'm trying to figure out which validator to use. Is there a way to make a CompareValidator do this? Or would I need to write a custom validator? If custom, do I write one for each of the form elements, or does the validation happen upon submit?
Is it possible to populate all generated form elements using AutoCompleteExtender? Now i have one textbox called Userid when i put some number it is listing the list of IDs from the database using AutoCompleteExtender. I need to make, if selected ID correct, other Form Field should fill with relevant data. Currently i am filling it with TextChange event for the UserID field, but it is reloading the whole page. So Is there anyway can be filled all Form Elements using AutoCompleteExtender?
I am working on some ASP.NET web forms which involves some dynamic generation, and I need to add some onClick helpers on the client side. I have a basic outline of something working, except for one huge problem.
There are multiple HTML tables, each generated by a different ASP.NET web control. Each table can contain overlapping field names, which is causing a problem with my JQuery click event handlers. The click event handler is linking to unintended form fields in addition to the intended form field.
I have provided a simplified sample version of the code below. This code is trying to set the value of textbox box1 when a particular radiobutton is selected in the table with id=thing1. Obviously, the jquery code will be triggered for the form fields in both tables.
The tables are dynamically added to the webpage based upon different conditions. It is possible that no tables will be loaded, only 1 table, or both tables might load. In the future, other tables could be added. Each table comes from a different .net web control.
Other than renaming the form fields to make sure they are unique across all user controls, is there a way to have JQuery act only on the intended form fields? In other words, could the table ID be incorporated into the JQuery code in a manner that does not become a nightmare to maintain later?
I use some dropdownlist and radiobutton and textbox in my page.
I just put tabindex just for Textboxs now when I type text in Textbox1 and press Tab button it goes to dropdownlists and after that radiobuttons and after all that it goes to Textboxs according tabindex that I define for them...
I want disable tabindex for dropdownlist and checkboxs and I want just tabindex work for textboxs.
I am a student with non IT back ground. I got a request from my client to develop a simple form with 10 data elements and store it in oracle table.I have to use ASP.net to develop this application.
HOW TO Force C#/ASP.NET to not rename input elements to work consistantly with Form.GetValues.
ASP.NET changes the "name" property of input elements set with "runat=server" to match their ID property at run time. This causes server-side calls to HttpRequest_Page.Form.GetValues to now be able to get the expected Form element.
The reason why this fails is because ASP.NET changes the "name" properties of these controls to match their "ID". Thus at run time they become as such:
I do not want ASP.NET doing this. I do not want to change the naming convention of my id properties either. In fact, I need the ID to be different than the name, as I use client side script to change/create/delete controls on the fly.