Javascript - How To Get Elements In JQuery UI To Style And Format Correctly
Jun 23, 2010
Here is my problem. I have on multiple occasions downloaded jQuery UI and tried to use it. What happens, though, is that in the examples provided in the download the UI elements look great, but in my pages when I try to use them all the formatting and style stuff is messed up. Here is an example of a date picker:
For my page (an '.aspx' page, if that makes any difference) I have all the images in the image folder one level below the css file, just as it is in the example folder, and the script files are all together in another folder. Is there something I need that I don't have. I shouldn't need the "demo.css" file, should I? Is there a special naming convention for items in the form of the site? Is there some special way that I need to have the folders/css files/source scripts set up, like a certain folder configuration, to make it work? Kind of lost on this one. Probably a really simple fix, but I'm pretty new to using this.
This is annoying, because I have to apply this style to every single thumbnail image individually, when there could be any number of them on the screen at any given time. All of the thumbnails are inside a single <div> that groups them together, and I'd like to apply a single style to the <div> that will push the attributes I need down to all of the the <img> elements nested inside, regardless how many thumbnails there are.
in an aspx pege, on Page PostBack we generally get thsoe control that were created either in aspx or code behind (dynamic controls ). But in jQuery its common practice to craete new set of controls on the fly. Supose i have created 10 spans with some id and text . So, can we get these spans on server side on Page PostBack ?
I have a webcontrol that will exist multiple time on a page. I have some javascript (JQuery) in the control and when I have multiple controls on a page the functions get confused.I have seen plenty of stuff on why this is the case - basically my functions use set id's but i need to somehow make them relative.An example of a function ...
function showUploader() { var img = $('#<%=ImgID.ClientID %>'); $('#<%=UploaderIFrame.ClientID %>').attr('src', '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Controls/EditableImageControl/ImageUploader/ImageUploader.aspx") %>' +[code]....
how to get references to the html elements in the web control?
I'm trying to get my decimals to display with four decimal places. The DB rounds my number to 4 decimal places, but it returns the number with trailing 0s (due to the decimal precision of the field), so something like 9.45670000. Then, when I do this:
string.Format("{0:#,#.####}", decimalValue);
The output I get on the page is 9.4567, which is what I want.
However, if the number returned from DB is 9.45600000, the output after doing the format is 9.456
But what I need to display is 9.4560
How do I format my decimal, so that the number of decimal places is always four?
UPDATE: Also, is it possible to use a variable (instead of .0000) if I wanted the number of decimal places to be determined dynamically?
I could also write every validation for each object separately, I have only a few elements who uses a required validation but it would be nice that I could do this in one shot instead of repeating the $("input").rules("add .....
I have aspx page and in that page i registerd ascx page. i want to access the aspx page <div id = "idofdiv"> from ascx page jquery function. i have jquery function in ascx page. i want to access idofdiv in that function.
I have a field called WATER METER READING(Right now its a textbox to take 6 numbers) on my HTml page, but I need to change its format to display as [][][][][][] (6 separate small (single digit forms)).... all 6 fields required and all need to be a number. finally it should look like this.Water Meter Reading:* [][][][][][]
i have found out a way to find controls on content pages by using
var txt = $('input[id$=TextBox1]'). But how to access html elements like "<p>" tag and others in jquery when the html elements are in content page only.
I'm trying to include script and style references that will not break on deployment, however I can not even get the references to work locally. I have tried using Url.Content() and MVCContrib's <%=Html.ScriptInclude("")%>.
My scripts are in a Scripts folder on the root of the site; my styles are in the usual Content/css/ folder.
the problem is docuement.ready doesn't execut when there is a poctback. Postback==>Button visible.normal as i've put the code in .ready. Is there a way to persist the code:$('.MyClass').css("display","none"); I tried to apply .live() on button load,but it doesn't work.
how to load pages into DIVs as we can do in iframes? Currently in my legacy application in which I have frames depending on requirement I load different ASP pages into the iframe, can we do something similar in DIVs also? I know I can write inner.HTML in DIVs.
I have a web form that contains a usercontrol and I would like to be able to access the html elements within the usercontrol from the form page using javascript.
I had a look around with firebug and found that the tags in the usercontrol render with clientids like usercontrolid_myelement. I'm guessing that something like this might work:
I'm concatenating a string in codebehind to use in a sql select statement.
in aspx
<asp:Label ID="LabelHidden" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label> SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)" <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList_Employees" Name="ID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="LabelHidden" Name="ActivityName" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> in codebehind foreach (ListItem li in ListBox_Activities.Items) { if (li.Selected) { queryBuilder += li + "', "; } queryBuilder = queryBuilder.Substring(0, queryBuilder.Length - 1); LabelHidden.Text = queryBuilder;
When i run the code it comes up blank. I did a query trace and it seems to be running as
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)',N'@EmployeeID int,@ActivityName nvarchar(50)',@EmployeeID=4,@ActivityName=N'Production Technical Support'', Tools Development'','
with exta "'s
How can i format the queryBuilder string correctly in my code?
I wanna show a waiting screen when all elements in my web page are loading, and waiting screen will show off when loading is complete. I don't know how to get notification in Jquery when all elemnts are completely loaded ?
the texts in the spans (say a and b) are concatenated together (to ab), and thats almost what i want But now i want to concatenate them by inserting a hyphen (-) in between (to a - b) I've tried this, but that doesn't work:
Assume you have a page in ASP.NET where it makes sense to use JavaScript/jQuery to modify the DOM with values that will eventually be read by the server on submit. For example, you have a form that allows end users to add/remove objects (like dependents on a health insurance form or assets on a loan application). What are some ways to ensure that these items are detected and retrieved by the server once the information is submitted?
I've tried a few things that work, but none of them seem perfect so I wanted to see what the community had to offer. Also, I'm not looking for suggestions that avoid dynamic DOM elements (like use a Wizard, etc.). I'm specifically trying to improve my technique with dynamically created DOM elements.
So I have a dropdown setup on the page called ddlVehicleType that is populated from a store. This method gets called when another dropdown is changed, and it's supposed to remove all items from the aforementioned store, re-add them as needed, and then populate the dropdown with the new values. It's doing everything it's supposed to EXCEPT clearing the store before it re-adds the values, so the result is, when I switch, I'm getting what it used to be PLUS the new values that should be in there by themselves. Here is the weird thing though, when I switch back, the values are removed without re-adding anything. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Method is below:
function filterVehicleTypes() { var masterStore = Global.getComponent("vehicleTypeStore").getStore(); var Source = Global.getComponent("ddlValuationSource").getRawValue(); var isIncuded = ''; var IncludeFlags = ''; if (Source == undefined || Source == null) Source = ''; Global.getComponent("ddlVehicleType").getStore().removeAll(false); masterStore.each(function(rec) { switch (Source.toUpperCase()) { case 'KBB': if (rec.get('Code') == 'KBB') { Global.getComponent("ddlVehicleType").store.add(rec); } case 'NADA': IncludeFlags = rec.get('MiscCode1'); if (IncludeFlags != null) { isIncuded = IncludeFlags.substr(1, 1); if (isIncuded == 'Y' && rec.get('Code') == 'NADA') { Global.getComponent("ddlVehicleType").store.add(rec); } } break; default: IncludeFlags = rec.get('MiscCode1'); if (IncludeFlags != null) { isIncuded = IncludeFlags.substr(0, 1); if (isIncuded == 'Y') { Global.getComponent("ddlVehicleType").store.add(rec); } } break; } }); }
I'm working on a webform with various controls. Depending on user-input I show/hide (using JQuery's show()/hide() functions) bits of the GUI. However if the form is posted-back and fails validation, I want the GUI to remain in the same state it was pre-postback rather than returning to the first-load state. Obviously the ASP.Net controls retain state, but I have HTML containers that are pure client-side objects.
In attempting to design a solution I find myself heading towards the murky (and tricky-to-debug) realms of hidden form fields - more reminiscent of my pre-JQuery work than anything 21st Century :-(
I have an page with several list boxes. I would like to include some javascript on the page that allows a user to drag individual list elements from one box to another. On a normal web page, the script to do this is reasonably simple, however, with the element IDs generated by ASP.NET, I don't know what identifiers to have my script look up?
I have tried searching for the answer but have failed to get any insight into this problem. Look at the following two examples. [URL] (JQuery modal dialog without <input> element) Above pages have very simple JQuery modal dialog, whihc displays correctly in IE, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Unfortunately, Firefox does not display the modal dialog with <input> correctly. It displays the other one correctly. I have tried the following without resolution to this peculiar problem:
- Changed doctype - Used <table> to enclose <input> - Used <div> to enclose <input> - Used all possible CSS display attributes for <input>