I have a field called WATER METER READING(Right now its a textbox to take 6 numbers) on my HTml page, but I need to change its format to display as [][][][][][] (6 separate small (single digit forms)).... all 6 fields required and all need to be a number. finally it should look like this.Water Meter Reading:* [][][][][][]
Here is my problem. I have on multiple occasions downloaded jQuery UI and tried to use it. What happens, though, is that in the examples provided in the download the UI elements look great, but in my pages when I try to use them all the formatting and style stuff is messed up. Here is an example of a date picker:
For my page (an '.aspx' page, if that makes any difference) I have all the images in the image folder one level below the css file, just as it is in the example folder, and the script files are all together in another folder. Is there something I need that I don't have. I shouldn't need the "demo.css" file, should I? Is there a special naming convention for items in the form of the site? Is there some special way that I need to have the folders/css files/source scripts set up, like a certain folder configuration, to make it work? Kind of lost on this one. Probably a really simple fix, but I'm pretty new to using this.
i would like to display phone number fields on a website as (123) 456-7890 but have the system see it as 1234657890 when calling myTextBox.Text i am thinking this would require overriding the text property and cleaning it up in the overridden property but wanted to run this past the community.
I have a view with a textbox in it and want to specify that the textbox is readonly and style='width:255px;' what i have is:
how do i do that in a one-liner? there is not CSS attribute for read-only in a text-area and after i do this textbox i will move on and want to do the same on the text-areas.
I am trying to set the style of an asp:TextBox in codebehind, the textbox is style is set initially to style="display:none" when I set the dispaly to block in codebehind the textbox appears for a moment and then it's gone. I don't know what this problem is, when it's done in javascript it works fine
When TextBox1.Enabled = false; it has a gray background in FF3, but no change in IE8 or Chrome. So it's harder to tell if it's disabled or not. Is there any more general way to make the disable textbox rendered more consistent on a top-level? So I don't need to change this for every page or every website?
I have project in development where string operations like "Hi " + variable + ", welcome to Project" are used at many places (given example is very minor one).
One of the requirement is to convert it to string.format style.
It is very long and tedious job, where I would not like to break earlier working code due to any human error might happen while converting it.
I would like to if any Macro or VS command which I can create to handle it. Just like we mark block of code and do Extract function in Re-factor options.
I have a textbox on my page for users to enter input. If they were to type text outside of the box, and then copy it into the textbox, how can I make the textbox able to preserve the style of the text copied into it: italics, bold-faced, etc.?
It currently will convert anything copied into it as plain text.
I have a Create User Wizard and I want to make the UserName textbox border red when a user doesn't enter text in the textbox. So I made a custom validator that looks like this:
When I click the Create User button inside of the Create User Wizard, it throws this error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have a textBox control where I want the string: "User" to be written with a Gray color with a Italic style as default.
Now when a mouseclick occur in this box, I want this string to dissapear and I want the Forecolor to turn to Black and Normal style (not italic).
I trying to see if there is any events in the TextBox for mouseclicks and so on but are not sure if I can find anything like that in the events. I can only find the TextChanged_event.
This is annoying, because I have to apply this style to every single thumbnail image individually, when there could be any number of them on the screen at any given time. All of the thumbnails are inside a single <div> that groups them together, and I'd like to apply a single style to the <div> that will push the attributes I need down to all of the the <img> elements nested inside, regardless how many thumbnails there are.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2010. (Also SQL Management Studio for my database but this information may not be needed, just trying to give enough to make sure what i am doing is understood)I am making a website in ASP.NET with Visual Basic.net code behind. The site is basically a contact list site. 3 Text Box Fields. First Name, Last Name, Main Phone #. Add Record Button (Takes the information from the text boxes and inserts into a database) GridView that shows the database that is being populated with the informationI want to be able to type in for example a 10 digit number and as you type in the number... in the text field you see the formatting... (999) 999-9999. I do not want the user to have to put the hypens or parenthesis... just the number.
The number is then taken and added to a database but i only want the number 9999999999 to be sent to the database.I hope it is understood that when I say 9999999999 I actually mean whatever telephone number the user inputs.I also have a GridView that Visual Studio has and I inserted that. After this my next step will be taking that raw number and putting formatting for visual purposes in the GridView. But my question for now is how to do the formatting only in the text field and to only pass to SQL the 10 digit number without formatting. I hope I was clear. I am new to all of this actually. I saw something called AJAX.. don't know if I need it.
on my web form i have a standard textbox.after the user enters a number i want to set it's format so 12500 - will be set to 12,500 and so on.how can i do it?
i want to set format for text like bold ,Italic or underline same as here on toolbar given i wan to do for text box and wanan save same one in database and get data from Db how i can do i dont want to use rich text box becoz i have alerady text box and dont want freetextbox.dll and i found by using this when i use italic i can not save in Database got error like db truncate error
I would like to format the "ExpectedAwardDateTextBox" so it shows a short date time but haven't found a way to do this without going into the code behind. In the Item template I have the following line to format the date that appears in the lable:
I want to format a number when it displays in a textbox.For example if it is 1234567.0000 in database, it should be displayed as 1,234,567 in my textbox.I tried the below one but its not working.textbox1.text = String.Format("{0:0,0}", dt1.Rows(0).Item("Volume"))
I am trying to get text in a textbox to format such that it displays in the middle.
For the control, I have theming off, I have tried a css file, and even a direct style with the HTML. For some reason it just ignores me or I am using the wrong parameter.
Here is my css. I know that CSS is working because as I change the other parameters, the control changes.
I have a listview which contains textboxes in each of its rows among other controls. when i select some text written IN the textbox (not the whole text) and click on a 'Bold' or 'Italic' buttons corresponding to that textbox, i want the selected text to change to bold/italic.
I have tried looking for a solution on web, but to no success.
I dont want to use AjaxControlToolKit.HTMLEditor since there are lot many textboxes on one page, replacing them with the custom control (made from Editor) will make it heavy and slow.
I have tried using a div with contentEditable="true" and setting its width and height similar to a textbox, however, against my preconcieved belief, doing a ctrl+B or a ctrl+I doesnt work with it for a selected text (i was thinking of getting rid of the bold and italic buttons from the row)
Also with editable div ....the text overflows from the fixed width of the div area.
I have a set of data is my database. Need to pull the data and display in a textbox which is set to Multiline mode. The problem is i need to display the that is being retrieved from database is a particular format with line breaks.
INT/1241/STD3//TestCondition/ Info:<data> Test Criteria:<data> Test Results:<data> Conclusion:<data> Tested by:<data>
This is the pattern in which i want to display the details in the text box. All Data is retrieved from data base, there is a line break after each line.