Jquery - Allow User To POST Html String To A HttpHandler?

Feb 11, 2011

I am writing a content management system using JQuery.ajax & C#. The JQuery calls an httpHandler and POSTS the html from an html editor JQuery plugin.

I get an error in the handler about unsafe content (html basically) but I dont want turn off validation for the whole page, just the handler (the handler is part of a web control not the page).

So, is it possible to turn the validation off just for one handler? Or do I need to encode the html on the client?

In the end I went for the encoding on the client at Javascript/JQuery HTML Encoding

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Here is my code for reference,





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C# - Post The User Text To The Server Using $.post()?

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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('button').click(function () {
var x = $('textarea').val();
$('#test1').append('<div id="test">' + x + '</div>');
return false;
<textarea style="border: 0" cols="77" rows="2">.......

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The response variable look like this:


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I would like some sort of way to prompt a user to crop the photos after they have been saved. I have code that creates a 175px square rectangle and saves that image. I need the user to select the image section they want saved and to do so I envision a window that automatically prompts them to do so once the upload(s) have completed. I think my preference would be to have a page or control (datalist, repeater, ectc..) that refreshes every time an image is saved and allows the user to crop the newly saved images. I'm opened to advice, opinions, free drinks and a clue.

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Web Forms :: Error Input String Was Not In Correct Exporting HTML String To PDF Using ITextSharp

Jul 20, 2012

 //Read string contents using stream reader and convert html to parsed conent var parsedHtmlElements = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(contents), null);   
//Get each array values from parsed elements and add to the PDF document foreach (var htmlElement in parsedHtmlElements) pdfDoc.Add(htmlElement as IElement);   
//Close your PDF pdfDoc.Close();   Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";   
//Set default file Name as current datetime Response.AddHeader("content-disposition",

[Code] ....

Error: Input string was not in a correct format. Contents in html file giving error ...

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<p><em>"Text goes <font color=red>Hello world</font> Text goes here and Text goes here Text goes here 1976."</em> </p>

How can I acheive this in C#?

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Sending An HTML Encoded String In The Query String?

Jan 5, 2011

We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."

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How To Replace Html Tag In Html Editor With Specific String

Feb 9, 2010

anyone knows how to replace a html tag in a string with specific characters:


string s1 = "<span style="italic">inluding <span style="bold">other</span> tags </span>";
string s2 = "<span style="italic">inluding </span><span style="bold">other tags </span>";

i want to replace "span" with "bold" to "bOpen" and "bClose" and to replace "span" with "italic" to "iOpen" and "iClose" in both c# and javascript.

i did use regular expression to do that: res = Regex.Replace(res, ".*?", replaceHtmlBold); but it cant match the nested tag and none-nested tag at the same time.

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Use GET And When POST - Hide Query String On Code

Feb 11, 2010

When to use GET and when POST. I want to hide my query string on code like :

protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

I don't want to show Create word in query string . What i have to do. And how to implement the Post/Redirect/Get pattern .Please send me code for this if possible.

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Oct 13, 2010

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Getting Value Of HTML Select Element On Form Post?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a View that has a select drop-down list and an edit button within a form. What I want to do is have the user select one of the options from the select element, click on the edit button, and get the value of the selected option in the Controller method.

I created my form with <% Html.BeginForm(): %>

and the Controller "Edit" method should be called.

I looked through several online examples, but each one focused on how to set values and the default selected value of the select element, rather than retrieving it from the code in the Controller method. I tried grabbing it from the Request.Form collection like:

string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"].ToString();
and also:
string val = Request.Form["myDropDownList"];

Obviously I didn't do this correctly, because I get a null reference exception. Does anyone have the solution to this issue?

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Html - MVC File Upload Post Parameters?

Aug 30, 2010

I am trying to go to a view with a speicifed batchId parameter wrapped in a ViewModel, pick a file to upload, get the uploaded file back and store the file data w/ the associated BatchId value in a database.When the form is submitted I don't know how to get back the viewmodel and the PostedFileBase so that I can get the BatchId value.I need the batchId value to associate it with the data I am storing in the database.I have the following Action Method in my Controller to allow adding new customers to the specified batch by means of a file upload and import:

public ActionResult AddCustomers(int batchId)
var viewModel = new AddCustomersViewModel() { BatchId = batchId, //other view


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Get Html.RenderAction To Call The Get Method On A Post?

Sep 21, 2010

After rendering a view on a Post, a call to RenderAction inside the view will call for the Post method. Is there any way to specify I want to call the Get method instead of the Post?

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Security :: Displaying Html Received Via Post?

May 17, 2010

I created a page that receives an html report from post data. This html is split up into pages and displayed in divs (as well as used to create a .pdf file but I don't think that is a security risk if the displaying it isnt a risk).

My concern is that I had to set ValidateRequest="false" in order to be able to do this. If the page somehow received malicious input with a serverside script or something, would the script run / could this be dangerous?

This is how I'm handling the request: I have a div with runat="server." Then, in the page_load event (i'm using vb.net codebehind) i set the div.innerHTML property to a modified version of the html received via post.

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Mar 5, 2011

I have a some data which is displayed in div body now i want to import that div content in excel format so how can i do this using javascript/jquery or even c#

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JQuery :: Return HTML And Javascript From A Jquery Ajax Call

Feb 17, 2011

I have this code being called


which returns <div>here</div><script language=javascript>alert('');</script> The content gets loaded property, but no alert. How would I get a javascript routine to work from an ajax call along with posting the HTML code?

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MVC :: How To Get The IDictionary<Int32, String> Values On The POST Action

Apr 1, 2010

I am working with MVC2 and one of the view model's properties is IDictionary<Int32, String>.

This is not to be changed on the view. But when the form is posted back I would like to still get those values.

Can Html.Hidden store this property values?

How should I do this so the model still gets the IDictionary<Int32, String> values on the POST action?

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Can Send JSON String With Password In POST On HTTPS

Jun 16, 2012

Is it safe to send a POST to a web method with a JSON string containing a clear text version of a password for authentication?Who could sniff that password on the way from client to web method? I saw some posts a while ago on "salting" a password - is that something you do in JS on the client side and then "unsalt" on the server?

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