Jquery - Set Session In PageMethod?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to set a couple of Session vars by calling a PageMethod using jQuery.

The client side js looks like this:

function setSession(Amount, Item_nr) {
//alert(Amount + " " + Item_nr);
var args = {
amount: Amount, item_nr: Item_nr
type: "POST",
url: "buycredit.aspx/SetSession",
data: JSON.stringify(args),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function () {
error: function () {

and the server side like this:

[System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static void SetSession(int amount, int item_nr)
HttpContext.Current.Session["amount"] = amount;
HttpContext.Current.Session["item_nr"] = item_nr;

only, it seems that the Session vars are not set. When I try to Response.Write out the Session vars, I get nothing. I get no errors, and I can alert out the values passed from the onclick event, to the js function, so they are there.

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C# - Session At The Page Level Blocks The Pagemethod Calls?

Feb 24, 2011

The Situation: When there multiple PageMethod calls in a single page, each of the method call holds a lock on the Session object thus blocking. The PageMethod calls can be made asynchronous only with @Page directive is turned to False|ReadOnly

Findings: When the Page directive is default (read/write) but the session is not used anywhere on the page, the calls are not blocked. Any read or write in to the session at the page level blocks the pagemethod calls.

The Problem: Making EnableSessionState=ReadOnly at the @Page directive is very restrictive and don't want to take that route. Can the pagemethod calls not block? and still access the session? (may be not write but just read)

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public stataic string WebMethod(PostData data)
return "a";

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AJAX :: PageMethod Does Not Respond?

Mar 18, 2010

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for example. Then on the click of my save button I send all the textbox ojects etc to a javascript function which then gets the values to save, and passes them to my pagemethod. I did this so I won't have to have refresh the page each time a user updates the file. ajxaified it in other word. Now whan creating a new record, I pass -1 as the fileNumber in my querystring. I do this so in my code, I will know it is a new record and I will write the required logic. However once the new file is created, I get the its primary key value by using SCOPE_IDENTITY(). then unless I refresh the page from my javascript function the url will remain


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The Response Header states the content type as

"Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8"

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AJAX :: UseHttpGet Causes PageMethod To Fail?

May 30, 2010

I have a PageMethod that works perfectly well when it either (a) running in the VS dev server, or (b) deployed but marked with UseHttpGet=false.

What doesn't work, and is driving me mad, is having UseHttpGet=true and then deploying it to a test server (Vista & IIS7). It fails to call through the proxy with error code 404 coming back. But it works find if I set UseHttpGet=false.

I have gone through all of the basic stuff I can think to check, and as noted it works perfectly well on the dev box. So there must be something particular about full-blown IIS7 and its config that I am missing..

anything to check in the IIS manager that would cause this to fail? I've tried with forms authentication enabled and disabled, as a few posts mentioned issues with that.

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Web Forms :: PageMethod/WebMethod Not Being Executed?

May 13, 2010

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AJAX :: Use A AutoCompleteExtender On A MasterPage With PageMethod?

Jun 28, 2010

I put my ScriptManger on the top level Masterpage with EnablePageMethods set to "true".2. I put a AutoCompleteExtender (AjaxToolkit) on a second level Masterpage which derives from the top level MasterPage. The AutoCompleteExtender is used for search with a TextBox. The PageMethod is defined in the Code Behind of this second level Masterpage.3. I have several Contentpages that derive from the second level Masterpage.Problem: The AutoCompleteExtender does not work and that's probably because the PageMethod is defined in the second level MasterPage in the CodeBehind and not in the Contentpage. Ok, so I'm pretty sure what causes the error,- I do not want to use a WebService, because I don't want the search to become public. And as far as I know you can't define a WebService that is only visible to the Website itself - it's always public.- It would be stupid to put the search on every Contentpage just for the PageMethods sake.

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Jun 29, 2010

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May 6, 2010

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I have verified these responses by using Microsoft Network Monitor,Fiddler and Firebug. Also these entries are present in IIS logs. I tried to implement the same with a script service but that too gives same issues. Our site has lots of ajax features and controls and everything is working fine, only this issue is there.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="smHome" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" AsyncPostBackTimeout="600"> </asp:ScriptManager>
<CustomControls:StyledAutoCompleteExtender runat="server" ID="acAssociateSmartSearch"
TargetControlID="txtSmartSrch" ServiceMethod="GetAssociateSmartSearchList" MinimumPrefixLength="2"
CompletionListCssClass="sscompletionListElement" CompletionListItemCssClass="sslistItem"
CompletionListHighlightedItemCssClass="sshighlightedListItem" CompletionSetCount="10"
CompletionInterval="500" EnableCaching="true">

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Pagemethod Implementation Is Not Working In Chrome Browser?

Nov 30, 2010

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The code below not working in chrome or Safari:

function FetchDataOnTabChange(ucName)
PageMethods.FetchData(ucName, OnSuccessFetchDataOnTabChange, OnErrorFetchDataOnTabChange);
function OnErrorFetchDataOnTabChange(error)
//Do something
function OnSuccessFetchDataOnTabChange(result)
//Do something

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Nov 8, 2010

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Get Session Variable With JQuery?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a function :

$("#LBAvailable").click(function () {
var str = $("#UserName").val();[code]....

But i cannot get the session variable "lang" -> var sess = '<%=Session["lang"]%>'; How can i pass this variable? What is the syntax?

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Passing JSON To A PageMethod That Expects A List<T> Parameter?

Jan 13, 2010

I have an ASP.NET PageMethod with the following signature:

<WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function SaveCodes(ByVal codes As List(Of Code)) As String

I am trying to pass a JSON object to the PageMethod from the client side, but I get an error that the type String cannot be converted to type of List<Code>.

Here is the json that I'm building on the client and sending to the method:


I have been able to pass in simple data types and a single instance of the Code class, but I can't seem to find the magin to pass a List to the server method. Can anyone show me what I'm doing wrong?

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AJAX :: PageMethod And Server Method Failed Error?

Jun 14, 2010

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<TITLE>Gateway Timeout - In read </TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY> [code].....

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C# - Send An Object (byteArray) To An AJAX PageMethod Via Javascript?

Jul 1, 2010

need to send a byte array from javascript into a c# page method. The int and string variables work fine, but when I step through the c# code, the "object" which was the byte array is null, even though I checked to see if it had a value in JS.

var byteArrayObj = GetBinaryDataFromFile(filePath);
var tranAttachmentName = filePath.replace(/^.*\/, '');
PageMethods.AddFileToTran(tranId, tranAttachmentName, byteArrayObj, RefreshPage, onTimeout, onError);


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C# - Passing Page Control From Jscript To Pagemethod In The Codebehind?

Apr 24, 2010

I am looking write a javascript method as such called when a dropdownlist changes value

function GetStuff(sender, destID){
var dest = document.getElementById(destID);
this.PageMethods.GetStuffs(sender, dest, null, null);


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AJAX :: PageMethod Without Success And Failure Event Handlers

Jan 24, 2016

Is it mandatory to pass the Success and Failure method names as parameters while calling server side methods using PageMethods in client script.

I referred to article [URL] ....

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