How To Call A Pagemethod In A User Control Using Jquery

Mar 21, 2011

I have a user control having a pagemethod. I want to call this pagemethod from my page using jquery's ajax() method?

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Similar Messages:

Trying To Call A PageMethod Using JQuery?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to call a PageMethod using jQuery like this:

public stataic string WebMethod(PostData data)
return "a";

PostData class is as follows:


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Web Forms :: Render User Control In PageMethod?

Nov 9, 2010

I want to render a user control in pagemethod and return the html back to client. But its getting annoying, I tried like many ways but nothing found working. The problem is that, the usercontrol require both HtmlHead and ScriptManager.

I tried this but it doesn't work(raise error : ScriptManger require in page) because ScriptManager must be inside HtmlForm but Page.Form always null.


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Call To PageMethod Blocks Until Complete; Prevents Client Or Server-side Redirect

Jan 22, 2011

I'm calling a static Page method via javascript that takes between 5s and 10 min. I'd like to give my user the choice to either continue waiting for the request to complete or not, and use window.setTimeout() to check back every 30s.

I've tried both location.href = '/newpage.aspx' or firing a button's click handler (which does similar redirect) to redirect the user prior to completion of the page method, to no avail. I can immediately send user to a simple html page, but a redirect to any aspx page involving server-side appears to block. When the page method finally completes, the redirect does succeed.

Is this:

a browser issue? If all modern browsers support at least 2 concurrent requests per domain, why wouldn't this work?

a framework limitation? a desirable design pattern or even possible? I've checked, and after redirecting to an HTML page, the original request continues processing (db updates, no problem).

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Jquery - Set Session In PageMethod?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to set a couple of Session vars by calling a PageMethod using jQuery.

The client side js looks like this:

function setSession(Amount, Item_nr) {
//alert(Amount + " " + Item_nr);
var args = {
amount: Amount, item_nr: Item_nr
type: "POST",
url: "buycredit.aspx/SetSession",
data: JSON.stringify(args),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function () {
error: function () {

and the server side like this:

[System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static void SetSession(int amount, int item_nr)
HttpContext.Current.Session["amount"] = amount;
HttpContext.Current.Session["item_nr"] = item_nr;

only, it seems that the Session vars are not set. When I try to Response.Write out the Session vars, I get nothing. I get no errors, and I can alert out the values passed from the onclick event, to the js function, so they are there.

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JQuery :: Calling PageMethod With Complex Type Parameter?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a page method which take in a complex parameter how can i call this page method using jquery.

This is my page method


and these are my types


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JQuery :: User Control Via Jquery And Control Events ViewState?

Jan 26, 2011

have a page that use JQuery to get markup of user control from a web services. it is successfully giving me what i want the markup etc.Jquery Code:



You can see that user control have a button that have a click event handler. i want this button to trigger on click. but when i click on this button i found server error "The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted."i can imagine what is going on viewstate is not valid for form for obivious can i fix this problem or update viewstate.

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Pass Control To A JQuery Ajax Call?

May 5, 2010

I have the following jQuery event that gets fired every time an anchor is clicked. How can I pass a control (lets say a panel called "pnl_info") as one of the parameters, in addition to the "target" parameter i'm already passing?

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function(event) {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/Click",
data: "{target:'" + + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
success: function(msg) {
return false;

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Use The GridView (server Control) From A Webmethod And Call It Via Jquery?

Nov 26, 2010

I am currently working with ASP.NET and the person who designed the form has used all Server Controls for things like TextBoxes and Dropdowns etc when really they are not providing postbacks.. Some of the dropdowns and textboxes are values that I need only in jQuery so as far as I can see there are no drawbacks to coverting these controls to standard html controls rather than ASP.NET server controls?

I suppose I will need to continue to have my GetDataGrid button as a server control because I will need it to postback (and receive PageLoad events etc - all events) to update the GridView? Or would it be possible to use the GridView (server control) from a Webmethod and call it via Jquery?

Of course in my webmethod I would need to the instance of the gridview to add the datasource - but I don't see how this would be possible without being in the ASP.NET events - or maybe I wrong?

The other thing I thought of was changing the GetGridView button to a standard HTML and calling the javascript postback from the client click event?? This way it would do a real postback and I would end up in Page_load.

Taking everything into effect i don't want to the change the GridView control as it funcions well as an server control but i am unsure how i would do this.

I remember a document being available that said "how to use webforms without server controls" but i can't seem to find it. I suppose using webforms like MVC - but i can't change the project to MVC - its out of my control.

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JQuery :: .Net Custom User Control Buttons (events) Not Firing In Jquery Modal Popup?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a custom control, that has takes some information from user and submit to the database. it is working fine in normal aspx pages. but when i display that custom user control in jQuery modal popup. The events does not fire or lets say the data is not submitted to the database.

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C# - Unable To Call User Control From Another?

Jul 30, 2010

I wish to access a user control's public property from another user control. But, I am not able to access one user control within another. Even after using the namespace 'ASP', I am only able to see the reference to the current user control. However, in a page I am able to refer to all the user controls with the ASP namespace. Am I missing something or it needs to be that way?


Here the exact scenario - I have two user controls A and B. Now both of them are being used on a Page Default.aspx. There is a public proprty on control A which holds the name of the control clicked within A. I wish to access this property in control B to make some decisions. With the suggestions gioven by you, I understand reaching to the control by FindControl method of the container page, but how do I cast it to control A to fetch the property value when I cannot get the reference of the control A in B?

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Web Forms :: Call MsCaptcha Control In Static WebMethod Jquery Ajax

Dec 1, 2010

I want to call MsCaptcha Control in Static WebMethod,for validating. so,I want to check mscaptcha value in javascript or jquery without refresh the page.I think it is my solution that i use JqueryAjax.

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C# - Passing Page Control From Jscript To Pagemethod In The Codebehind?

Apr 24, 2010

I am looking write a javascript method as such called when a dropdownlist changes value

function GetStuff(sender, destID){
var dest = document.getElementById(destID);
this.PageMethods.GetStuffs(sender, dest, null, null);


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How To Call JavaScript Function In User Control

Jun 19, 2010

simply i take one user control and register it in one page now in this page i write a JavaScript function like this

function sethere()
{document.getElementById('<%=(test1.FindControl("TextBox1")).ClientID %>') = document.getElementById('<%=(test3.FindControl("TextBox1")).ClientID %>').value;

and now how to call it in user control,user control like this;

<ctrltest:test ID="test1" runat="server"/>

i tried this it not working;

<ctrltest:test ID="test1" runat="server" Onkeyup="sethere();"/>

i done only written above.

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How To Call Javascript Function Of Asp.Net User Control

Apr 30, 2010

I have designed one user control, and used on my aspx pages whereever needed. My user control does not have tag. Now I want to call some javascript function onload of this user control. How to achieve?

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Webforms - Best Way To Call A Presenter From Within A User Control?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm new to using the MVP pattern and I just want to make sure on the best way to call a presenter from within a user control.

MyPage.aspx has a presenter MyPresenter

The page contains a user control which accepts MyPage's Presenter via a property which I setup from MyPage

MyUserControl.Presenter = this.Presenter

I'm now trying to call Method1 within the presenter which retrieves some config and sets it on the view from the user control.

Presenter.Method1(); // calls method and sets config to the view

My question is firstly

should I be using the presenter in the user control in this way?

If so, is it valid to be accessing the view value via the user control as shown below.


I just want to make sure I'm not going off down the completely wrong path with this!

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Web Forms :: Call Master Page Function From User Control?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Masterpage and a UserControl inside the MasterPage itself.

I have a public method named PerformDragAndDrop inside the MasterPage and I want to call this method from the userControls's code behind.

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C# - Call An Event Handler In A User Control From Host Page

Dec 9, 2010

I have a dropdownlist in a user control and i want to perform different functions on the basis of the host page that hosts this user control when the selected index of the dropdownlist changes e.g. when the host page is locations i want the event to load locations for the selected item in the dropdown, when the hosting page is services i want to load services for the selected item in the dropdown. What is the best possible way to achieve this scenario.

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Web Forms :: How To Call A Function Of User Control From The Parent Page

Nov 21, 2010

how to call a function of user control from the parent page?

I have a user control inside of default.aspx page, And I have a function in the code behind of user control. I need to call that function from a code behind of default.aspx

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Web Forms :: Call User Control On A Click Event Of A Linkbutton?

Feb 4, 2011

Can i bind and call the user control directly on click event of link button? instead of binding user control in another aspx page and then call it to the masterpage's link button click?

or else can i bind user control in a page lets say default.aspx and then call it in two different master page and show different functionality of it according to the masterpage its getting shown?

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C# - Making An Ajax Call In Umbraco From Inside User Control?

Mar 11, 2011

For an Umbraco project, I am trying to make a simple Ajax call.. I can't use PageMethods because I need to make the call from inside a UserControl.. I tried to do it via web service call like this:

Web service method:

public class MapService : System.Web.Services.WebService


The problem is, "MapService.GetCities" method doesn't get invoked..

What might be the problem here?

Alternatively, what is there any better way to make these kind of Ajax calls in a User Control?

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AJAX :: How To Call Same Event Of User Control On Multiple Aspx.cs Pages

Jul 23, 2010

I have one user control which has 2 gridview first grid has columns (GroupName, Description, chkRemove checkbox) another gridview has columns (GroupName, Description, chkAdd), apart from that i dont have any code on .cs file of usercontrol.

I want to call same user control on 4 aspx pages and datagrid binding, sorting, paging and search functionality i want to do on respective aspx.cs pages not on user control where i am calling this uercontrol because for every aspx page field name is same but when i am binding the data to the grid that logic is different.

For first aspx page i called my usercontrol like this and everything is working fine: -


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Web Forms :: How To Call To Page Gridview Rows Through Web User Control Button

Apr 8, 2010

I have user control. Inside that have some buttons. my page has gridview . I want check grid view rows from user control button. User control is my menu. My grid has column with radio button.

When i click button of user control i want load item page which data which gridview radio button cheked true.

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JQuery :: Enabling Button Control When User Make Checking Or Unchecking In Checkboxlist Control

Mar 31, 2011

I have a checkboxlist control and a button control in a popup forum. The button is diabled initially. I want to enable the button as soon as the user checks or unchecks any of the items for the first time in the checkboxlist.

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBox1" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList>
<asp:Button ID="SaveButton" runat="server" Test="Save" Enabled="false" OnClick="SaveButton_Click"/>

How to achieve this functionality ?

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How To Jquery Call A Other Call Function Other Class Is Not Static

Sep 16, 2010

how to jquery call a other call function other class is not static

public static bool Verify(string username, string password)
//Do your logic with username, password here
//I am just checking with admin/admin credentials

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