Linq - C# - Loop Through Certain Controls On A Page?

Feb 25, 2011

I am currently looping through all the controls on my page and setting certain types (TextBox, CheckBox, DropDownList, etc.) to Enabled=False under certain conditions. However I notice an obvious page load increase looping like this. Is it possible to only get certain types of controls from the Page.Controls object rather than Loop through them all? Possibly with something like LINQ?

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something like that:

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select u;
foreach (User item in myUser)
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{ // Access the CheckBox
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basically, the InstellingGegevens table gest filled in by some procedure from another server.
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//here is my code

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Jul 12, 2010

I wish I could go all the elements of an ASP.Net page (HTML elements) and manipulate its text property / value. How could I do that?

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I'll put an example of code that I'm currently studying and trying adpater for my needs.


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Delaring A String Thats Within A Loop Within Another Loop

Jan 14, 2010

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Dim CompanyDetails As String = ""
Dim CompanyRow As DataRow
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CompanyDetails += CompanyRow(1) & " " & CompanyRow(0) & "<br/>"...

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MVC :: Login Form On Master Page Causing Endless Loop

Nov 15, 2010

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Web Forms :: Insert Values In Textbox On Page Load By Using Loop Or Keys Value?

Jan 31, 2011

Actuall i retrive one row from Database with more than 80 columns on page load. Now i need to fill these data in every control like Text-Box and Combo-Box which i have using on the Page.

My Column Name and My Id of the Textbox or combobox are same. now i need to fill the value in textbox and combobox where coumn name and textbox id are same.


(1) TextBox Id's Name :- txtCustName, txtCustNo, txtAddress, etc(More than 80 Column).

now i will be remove the 'txt" from every id.

so it would be seems like CustName, CustNo, Address, etc.

(2) Column Name :- CustName CustNo Address

Values from (Dataset) :- Xyz 123 Abc.......

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ To DataSet And LINQ To Object

Mar 9, 2010

txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();

Like that I have large number of controls on my form. I have dought, if I assigned like this, db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString(); to every control, then I have set of controls like,

ddlSalutation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Salutation.ToString();
txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();
txtFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).First_Name.ToString();
txtMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Middle_Initial.ToString();
txtAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Address.ToString();
txtCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).City.ToString();
ddlState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).State.ToString();
txtZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Zip_Code.ToString();
txtSSNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtMRNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Mr_No.ToString();
txtDOB.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Birth_Date.ToString();
RBGender.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Gender.ToString();
RBMaritalStatus.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Marital_Status.ToString();
txtHomePhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Phone.ToString();
txtWorkPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).WorkPhone.ToString();
txtCellPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).CellPhone.ToString();
ddlSuffix.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Suffix.ToString();
txtReligion.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Religion.ToString();
txtEmail.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Email.ToString();
txtSSOName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtPatientKin.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Patient_Kin.ToString();
txtRelationWithPatient.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtPhoneNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Phone.ToString();
ddlPreferredPharmacy.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Id_Pharmacy.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Name.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactNumber.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Phone.ToString();
txtRelation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtRace.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Race.ToString();
ddlHowDidPatientFindUs.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).How_Found.ToString();
txtEmployerName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Name.ToString();
txtEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Occupation.ToString();
txtEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Cell_Phone.ToString();
txtEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Address.ToString();
txtEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_City.ToString();
ddlEmployerState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_State.ToString();
txtEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Zip.ToString();
txtRecordsReleasedTo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Records_Released_To.ToString();
txtOtherInfo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Other_Info.ToString();
txtPopupNote.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Popup_e.ToString();
ddlPPlanName.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Insurance_Name.ToString();
txtPGroupNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Group_No.ToString();
txtPIDNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Id_No.ToString();
txtPPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Plan_Phone.ToString();
txtPVerifiedWith.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_With.ToString();
txtPVerifiedPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_Phone.ToString();
txtPEffectiveDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Effective_Date.ToString();
txtPExtDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Ext_Date.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 0)
txtPGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtPGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtPGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtPGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtPGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtPGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtPGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtPGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtPGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtPGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlPGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtPGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtPGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtPGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_AOB.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 1)
txtSGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtSGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtSGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtSGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtSGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtSGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtSGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtSGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtSGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtSGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlSGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtSGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtSGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtSGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_AOB.ToString();

My question is that, for each control the Stored Procedure called or not? If it is yes then it is time consuming and I need to use LINQ to DataSet or LINQ to Object rather than to call SP for each control. What is difference between LINQ to DataSet and LINQ to Object?

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How To Do For Loop With Controls

Mar 9, 2011

For Each Control In Page.Header.Controls How can I do something as above, at the moment getting the error "Control is a Type and Cannot be used as an expression" The Complete Code is as follows Try ' I only do this on my production servers, so I declare those here.'

If Request.ServerVariables("server_name") = [URL] Then
' Allow scripts and css to logged in CMS users'
Dim checkLogin As New Controls.Login
If checkLogin.IsLoggedIn <> True Then
For Each Control In Page.Header.Controls
If Control.GetType.Name = "EktronJsControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronCssControl" Or Control.GetType.Name = "EktronModalCss" Then
' Removes the extra bubble inline style stuff that wasn't put in a CSS.''
Dim litControl As LiteralControl = Control
If litControl.Text = Nothing Then
litControl.Text = ""
End If
' Removing blank.css file'
Dim htmlLink As HtmlLink = Control
If htmlLink.Href = "/css/blank.css" Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try`

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C# - Loop Through All Controls On Webpage

Nov 23, 2010

I need to loop through all the controls in my webpage and do something to the control. In one instance I'm making a giant string out of the page and emailing it to myself, and in another case I'm saving everything to a cookie. The problem is masterpages and items with collections of controls inside them. I want to be able to pass in a Page to the method, then have that method be generic enough to loop through all controls in the inner-most content page and work with them. I've tried doing this with recursion, but my recursion is incomplete. I want to pass a Page object into a method, and have that method loop through all controls in the innermost content page. How can I achieve this?

private static String controlToString(Control control)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String controlID = String.Empty;
Type type = null;
foreach (Control c in control.Controls)
controlID = c.ID.ToString();
if (c is IEditableTextControl)
result.Append(controlID + ": " + ((IEditableTextControl)c).Text);
result.Append("<br />");
else if (c is ICheckBoxControl)
result.Append(controlID + ": " + ((ICheckBoxControl)c).Checked);
result.Append("<br />");
else if (c is ListControl)
result.Append(controlID + ": " + ((ListControl)c).SelectedValue);
result.Append("<br />");
else if (c.HasControls())
//result.Append("<br />");
catch (Exception e)
return result.ToString();
Without Try/catch
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
On line controlID = .....

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