ADO.NET :: Loop Over All Fields In Record - Linq?

Dec 31, 2010

I try to access to the fields of each single record in the table without writing the specific name of the field,

For example , checking each property of the record whether it's null or not,

something like that:

var myUser = from u in dataContext.Users
select u;
foreach (User item in myUser)
// Here I wand to access to the fields by their ordinal number.

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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: How To Retrieve Record From Linq Using Forech Loop

Jan 3, 2011

DataClasses1DataContext dc = new DataClasses1DataContext();
var q =
from a in dc.GetTable<Order>()
where a.CustomerID.StartsWith("A")
select a;

i have run this query but through using dataGridView1.DataSource = q;

i have get the out put

but i want to select each record through loop because i want to store it in variable

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Data Then Loop On Each Record?

May 17, 2010

i have a website that needs to retrive some records in the database, to be specific, example is their Email Address, its more or less 10 records out of 100 records in a table but that number changes from time to time. upon retriving their Email Address, i need to Email them some messages one email at a time.

So to summarized it all:

1. Retrive data from a table (Email Address)

2. Make a Loop on each Email then send Message one email at a time.

give me a sample codes for the retriving and looping process?

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Nested Loops - Moving To Next Record In While Loop At Any Time?

Mar 25, 2010

Not sure why this is messing with my brain so much today, but I have a SQLDataReader that loops through "Customer" records. In each loop there are MANY other conditions that need to be validated. When a condition fails I want it to move on to the next record in the reader. As you see from my code below, I have simply been exiting the for loop and then checking if I should run other loops all the way down. I want to simply move back to the top of the While Loop for another pass when something like this happens:


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Forms Data Controls :: Get Values From Dynamic Fields In A For Loop - Autopostback And Comparing

Jan 31, 2011

I am dealing with dynamic fields in a for loop and now I need to retrieve the values that are being typed in the dynamic fields, any idea how can I do that? 2)also when I click the submit button, upon postback, the dynamic fields have gone missing, have been trying to slove that, but i did not, anyone knows how to deal with this? kinda urgent :x

3) and How do you compare the 2 dynamic fields? For eg: Im comparing the tbSch[i] to tbSch[i], so that the dates cannot be the same, am using a compare validator, but it throws me error that im comparing the same fields :) even though i change to ("tbSch" + i) for both, sorry Will provide my code snippet as follow :D tbNum is a textbox where user enter numbers and click generate

protected void btnGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(tbNum.Text); i++)
// label and textbox needed
Label lblSch = new Label();
TextBox tbSch = new TextBox();
Label lblWsGrp = new Label();
DropDownList ddlWsGrp = new DropDownList();
CompareValidator cvSame = new CompareValidator();
cvSame.ID = "cvSame" + i;
cvSame.ErrorMessage = "Date cannot be the same";
cvSame.Operator = ValidationCompareOperator.NotEqual;
cvSame.Type = ValidationDataType.Date;
cvSame.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
cvSame.EnableViewState = true;
cvSame.ControlToValidate = (tbSch.ID);<<<<< what should be the value in here?
cvSame.ControlToCompare = (tbSch.ID);<<<<<<<<<< and here?
//schdule date
lblSch.ID = "lblSch" + i;
lblSch.Text = "Session Date : ";
lblSch.EnableViewState = true;
tbSch.ID = "tbSch" + i;
tbSch.Width = 210;
tbSch.Height = 27;
tbSch.EnableViewState = true;
//workshop grp
lblWsGrp.ID = "lblwsgrp" + i;
lblWsGrp.Text = "Workshop Group : ";
lblWsGrp.EnableViewState = true;
ddlWsGrp.ID = "ddlWsGrp" + i;
ddlWsGrp.Height = 27;
ddlWsGrp.Width = 210;
ddlWsGrp.EnableViewState = true;
//table to store data
TableRow trow = new TableRow();
TableRow trow2 = new TableRow();
TableCell tc1 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc2 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc3 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc4 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc5 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc6 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc7 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc8 = new TableCell();
TableCelltc9 = new TableCell();

View 11 Replies

Linq - C# - Loop Through Certain Controls On A Page?

Feb 25, 2011

I am currently looping through all the controls on my page and setting certain types (TextBox, CheckBox, DropDownList, etc.) to Enabled=False under certain conditions. However I notice an obvious page load increase looping like this. Is it possible to only get certain types of controls from the Page.Controls object rather than Loop through them all? Possibly with something like LINQ?

View 3 Replies

C# - Convert Foreach Loop To Linq (in Datagridview)

Jul 21, 2010

foreach (GridViewRow row in gridView.Rows)
{ // Access the CheckBox
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("SuburbSelector");[code]....

I tried the following and got error


var Str = SuburbGridView.Rows.Cast<GridViewRow>().Where(r=>(CheckBox)r.FindControl("SuburbSelector")==checked);


Delegate 'System.Func < System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow,int,bool>' does not take 1 arguments

View 3 Replies

SQL Server :: SQL - Looping Through Fields In Each Record.?

Jan 14, 2011

to loop through each field in a record to test for a value and then set a flag at the end of each record if an instance of this value occurs in any fields?I have a table where some fields values are have a *c* at the beginning of the text eg "*c* value" . What I would like to do is run a select query off the table and at the end of each record have a field called "Change Flag" and a value of "Changed" or "No Change" depending if a *c* has been encountered.

There are a number of tables to run this against all with differening numbers of fields/

View 7 Replies

Clear All Fields After Record Inserted In C#?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a small form of 4 fields, I am using Ajax to save record and give alert to user on same page. all is working fine but I want to clear all 4 fields after record is inserted and don't want user to press again and duplicate,

Right now I am using

this._studentName.text = "";

but is there any easy method to get same result coz I have another form where there are more then 40 fields and don't want write .text = "" 40 times

View 2 Replies

C# - Optimize Code - Linq And Foreach Loop 15k Records?

Sep 6, 2010

this is my code


basically, the InstellingGegevens table gest filled in by some procedure from another server.
the thing i then need to do is check if there are new records in this table, and fill in the new ones in Instellingens.

this code runs for like 4 minutes on 15k records. how do I optimize it? or is the only way a Stored Procedure?

this code runs in a timer, running every 6h. IF a stored procedure is best, how to I use that in a timer?


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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Fields In A Passed Record From Grid?

Apr 17, 2010

I've got a gridview with three fields, the last of which is a template field with an imagebutton in.

The first field is a Date, and the second is a time field (it is however just varchar field as it may differ and will not be programmatically used).

I want the following to happen if I click on the imagebutton (reserve):

Four other fields must be inserted into the record.

Is the best way to launch a detailsview where the row.imagebutton@=ID and just edit the fields like that or should I pass the two fields (and RecordID) along with the query string to a new page where the passed information can be in invisble textbowes and just have the user enter (UPDATE) the four outstanding fields? I feel like doing it this way?

can read on 1. setting up the onrowcommand code for the templatefield 2.

This should be simple as it is only one table with records that has to be partially inserted by an admin person (2 Fields) and then completed by a web user (4 fields).

View 4 Replies

ADO.NET :: LINQ With GridView And Edit Fields

Aug 19, 2010

My project includes a grid view which displays information of inventory items (Assets), data is quried from AssetTable. The GridView has a command field to allow editing, below is a description of the tables and how data is displayed

BuildingTable: (BuildingID, BuildingName)
AssetTable: (BuildingID,..,....,....)
ItemTemplate: Using a LINQ query I join the two table and displays in a label control a string which includes BuildingID and BuildingName (5 North Building)


View 13 Replies

C# - Linq Joined Table Record Delete - How To Delete With Using Linq

Feb 27, 2011

I have a question about linq delete.

I have 2 table in database and they are joined.

First Table: UserID, UserName, UserSurname, UserPhone, CompanyId

Second Table: CompanyId, CompanyName

First Table I have many recods with related second table.

I want to delete one company in second record, But firtly I have to delete users (more than 1)

How can I delete it with using linq?

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Forms Data Controls :: Record Should Not Be Listed In GridView When Two Specific Fields Are Matched?

Feb 1, 2011

I have Two fileds the names are QtyRec and QtyReq in my table when These two are identical(10=10) then corresponding recrod should not listed in Gridview. Can any one provide solution

Gridview Code is
Public Sub retriveDataToDataGrid()
Dim connectionString As String = "Database=pjt;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=prasad123"
Dim query As String = "Select WONumber,paertno,mfgpart,manufacturer,QtyRec,QtyReq,QtyShort,Duedate,Notes from ilist order by WOnumber"
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(query, connection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
If da.Fill(ds) Then
GVIL.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

View 4 Replies

ADO.NET :: Linq To SQL Returns Null For DateTime Fields?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a linq to sql entity class in which I declared some DateTime fileds like this:


And this is how I fetch data form repository:


All non DateTime fields are filled properly but all datetimes are null.[Column(DbType = "smalldatetime")]

View 8 Replies

ADO.NET :: Auto Include All Nested Fields In LINQ ?

Jan 2, 2011

I use Visual Studio 2010 and MS SQL Express edition. .NET 4.0

Database model is very simple. I have articles and each articles has a category. Simple relationship 1 category many articles.

So to take all articles I use code:


and it's automatically loads Category reference and all Category references to. So it's looks like it's load all nested fields automatically. How I can deny this?

I was thinking that I should use .Include("Category"), but it seems that it's don't needed.Problem is that when I try to send it it's throw an exception:

The maximum read depth (32) has been exceeded because XML data being read has more levels of nesting than is allowed by the quota.

var tt = from a in PE.Articles

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Access :: Insert A Record The Filing Date And Report Time Fields Are Always Blank In The Database?

Sep 2, 2010

When I try to insert a record the Filing Date and Report Time fields are always blank in the database.

View 5 Replies

ADO.NET :: Can Get All The Fields And All The Field Data From Linq Table And Use It In A Function

Feb 24, 2011

i want to use a function to get all the fields from a LINQ table as ill be using this table alot i thought putting it in a function would be quicker

how can i get all the fields and all the field data from linq table and use it in a function

for example

var address1 = FunctionName.Address1
var postcode = functioname.postcode

or however i can make this work


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ADO.NET :: Updating Record With Linq To Sql?

Dec 29, 2010

i want update record of Photo table with linq to sql so i create a sproc for it

i dispaly records of Photo table into the Gridview untill when user click on the update command

can updating selected row in a set of textbox

how can i fetch Fields value of selected row for put in the textboxs and updating them?

how can i bind DDLCategory(dropdownlist) to CategoryDatasource(LINQdatasource) with coding?

i want when i select cotegory from DDLCategory ,gridview has been changed?


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DataSource Controls :: Linq / ObjectDataSource With Only A Few Database Fields On Formview

Feb 24, 2010

I am working on an application and am attempting to use Linq with and ObjectDataSource but I only want to display/update 50% of the fields that are in the corresponding table. It appears to me that for this to work correctly, I need hidden fields on my form for all of the data fields from the table that the user cannot access. Is this the only way to do this? I have the following in my update method of my ODS:


The problem is, only the fields that appear on the form have data in them.

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ADO.NET :: Make Linq Throw Error When Not Null Fields Are In The Table?

Jan 19, 2011

How to make the linq throw error, when not null columns are there in the table.

Why I am saying, it is. I tried to add to column in the table. Linq throwed error os some sort. I could not understand. it was like some innner table etc.

I had to resort to native sql, which showed the error, as the not null fields are there in the table.

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ADO.NET :: Use Linq To SQL To Get The Primary Key Of A Record Just Inserted?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm inserting data into a database with Linq to SQL and would like to access the primary key of that record WITHOUT doing a query for the values I've already captured.

Here is my insert startment:


There is a value in the table that is an auto increment integer.

Rather than doing a query for the pagetitle, description and content I'd like to just access the primary key that I would have just generated by performing the insert.

Is this possible or would I have to perform the query as I've just mentioned to retrieve it?

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DataSource Controls :: Linq To XML - Get The Next Record?

Jan 28, 2010

I have the following xml:


If I have an ID, I would like to retrieve the next item that also has the same category as the item ID I have. So, for example, if I have ID=2, I would like to return the item with ID=4 (as item ID=3 has a different category).

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ADO.NET :: Linq Getting Data From Field On Record?

Aug 24, 2010

I would assume this is possiable but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I just one the contents of a single field, I don't see why I have to return the how

record to get get that information, here is my current code, how can I make this better without returning the entire record, for just getting contents of one field.

var patternrecord = storedb.Patterns_Table.Single(a => a.Pattern_GUID == id);
PMEDIA.Pattern_Key = patternrecord.Pattern_Key;

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DataSource Controls :: Dynamic Linq To Entities...querying Date Fields?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to use Linq to Entities with the Linq.Dynamic library (via Scott Guthrie) and I'm having some strange issues with querying dates.


This return no results, when it definitely should...

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