Projects And Solutions - Rewrite The Same Web Application Again?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a application which is written in the traditional method [SqlConnection. SqlAdapter.. ..] in data access layer, I can see that every time we are making a connection and using adapters. Code is written in a very dirty manner. I have been given the task to re write the application in standard/best practice way.

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How To Rewrite To A Virtual Directory With A Different Application

May 4, 2010

I have a CMS application that manages multiple websites, today whenever i change the codebehind of one of these websites - i have to rebuild the dll for all websites, deploy it - this disconnects all current sessions and is really bad.

The iis is configured to listen to all domain requests, if the request is to one of the websites' domain , the application rewrites it, or example, if someone requests for, and is configured in the application to be website 12, it is rewritten to

This is done for all websites.

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Installation :: [Q] Missing Product: Microsoft Web Application Projects?

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Jun 7, 2010

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UI->>Business Logic->>Data Access

So in other words, BL and DA are deployed as compiled assemblies. BL references DA. UI will reference BL, but I would like to strictly prevent any other project from referencing DA directly.

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How To Place Aspx-files In Separate Web Application Projects In One Solution

Oct 21, 2010

We have been building ASP.Net websites for many years. During this time we gathered a lot of knowledge of ASP.Net. We know what to use, a what not. One problem is still, persistently, bugging us. I hope to solve this for once and for all.

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This is our current work-around (which we do not like)


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Web Forms :: Want To Create A Blog Type Of Web Application - Unable To Rewrite Url's?

Jan 28, 2010

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Jan 24, 2010

I'm a ASP.NET MVC Visual Studio, SQL Server web developer. I would like to switch to equivalent open source solutions.

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Visual Studio :: How To Debug Those Two Solutions As It Where Only One

Apr 14, 2010

I have 2 sollutions (1 CMS, 1 Customer specific with controls). The customer controls are coppied (with xcopy) to the CMS location. In the web.config of the CMS the specific controls are registered.The controls are useing functions from the CMS dll as well.How can I debug those two solutions as it where only one? I tried to start the CMS in debug mode with breakpoints in de CMS and customer controls, in this case only the breakpoints in the CMS are used. If I run the customer controls in debug mode only the braekpoint in this solution are used.The CMS is running on my local IIS 7.

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C# - LinkButton Passing Multivalue Possible Clean Solutions

Dec 9, 2010

I once asked for a way to let a linkbutton pass more than one value in the commandArgument and then I reached the approach where I pass a string of multiple values separated by any character and split it into it's original parts...that didn't work out I don't know what was wrong with the splitting!

Now I tried the only solution I got, which is created a user control of the LinkButton and add properties to accept any values nedeed!...could you please tell me what's wrong with my 2 approaches and which is better ?

The first question can be found here : link text

and this is the code for the user control approach >>

MultivaluedLinkButton.ascx :
<asp:LinkButton ID="LnkBtnSort" runat="server" Text="Sort" OnClick="LnkBtnSort_Clicked"/>
MultivaluedLinkButton.ascx.cs :
public partial class MultivaluedLinkButton : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public event EventHandler Click;
private int _sortingType;
private string _sortingFactor;
private string _text;
public int SortingType
set { _sortingType = value; }
get { return _sortingType; }
public string SortingFactor
set { _sortingFactor = value; }
get { return _sortingFactor.ToString(); }
//public string Text
// set { _text = value; }
// get { return _text.ToString(); }
protected void LnkBtnSort_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if( Click != null )
this.Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Finally, Here's the implementation of my control inside an aspx page:
protected void MultivaluedLinkButton1_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
MultivaluedLinkButton ctrl = (MultivaluedLinkButton)sender;
using (SqlConnection cn1 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["testConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cm1 = new SqlCommand(commandString2, cn1))
cm1.Parameters.Add("@arrange_by_id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
cm1.Parameters["@arrange_by_id"].Value = ctrl.SortingType;
using (SqlDataReader dr1 = cm1.ExecuteReader())
SortBy_rpt.DataSource = dr1;

The item template of the repeater in the implementation page :

<uc1:MultivaluedLinkButton ID="MultivaluedLinkButton1" runat="server" OnClick="MultivaluedLinkButton1_Clicked" SortingType='<%#Eval("arrange_by_id")%>' />

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MVC :: Sharing View Files (master, Partials, Css) Between Solutions?

Mar 7, 2011

My team is creating several solutions to develop separate branches of the same site. We have some CSS, partials, and master view files that we would like to somehow share between solutions. I have tried linking files but that has to be done for each and every file (cannot link directories, it seems). Does anyone have a tried and true system for doing this sort of thing for larger sites (other than putting everything in one massive solution)?

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Feb 9, 2010

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Architecture :: Configuration Variables To Support Multiple DLL And Web Solutions?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm designing a framework solution DLL with reusable code that I like to use for many different projects,

I want this DLL to be able to load unknown configuration variables dynamically based on the solution its running from.

I like to load my config variables like this: MyConfig.MyVariableX

Hopefully I can also to validate my variables when the web application loads (by type) and make sure it's not missing(otherwise Throw New ApplicationException("Missing..."))

It would also be nice if I can have intellisense on these variables

I want solution A (web application) to have the configuration variables and solution B (DLL) to load the variables from the configuration file in solution A

I'm thinking maybe I should create a database table to hold the variables with types and stuff...

What would be the best way to do it ?

How can I read unknown list of variables names and values from a config file and populate my class with it on runtime ?

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Visual Studio :: Solutions Displayed As Notepad Open Mode?

Feb 23, 2011

My computer's operating system is WIndows 7.I right click a solution file and choose open with notepad by accidently,then after i open my Visual studio 2008 in windows 7,all the solutions are displayed as notepad open mode,i want to change back to normal solution file open mode,How coul i do that?Actually for all the other files,if i right cliked,it will default as notepad,i can not remove this notepad mode.that is odd.

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How To Get Multiple Overlapping Config Files For Multiple Solutions

Mar 30, 2011

I'm very new to, so I'm just figuring this out.First off, I have multiple separate projects that will be hosted on the same server.Second, they must be able to share certain settings (like connection string, configuration options, etc).Third, those shared settings must be configurable for different deployments (test, prod, etc).

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URL Rewrite IIS 2.0?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an URL like that :

I would like to transform it in something like:


In a word I want to "write" that,

eng => languageId=2 and myfolder => FolderId=2 and mycategory.....

I don't know if i make myself clear but


Right Now i have :

<add key = "/en/default" value = "default.aspx?LanguageId=1" />
<add input = " {Rewrite:{REQUEST_URI}}" pattern = "default.aspx?(.+)" />
<action type="rewrite" url="default.aspx?{C:1}" appendQueryString="False" />

But i want Something more global like:

<add key = "/en" value = "LanguageId=1" />
<add input = " {Rewrite:{REQUEST_URI}}" pattern = "(.+)" />
< action type="rewrite" url="default.aspx?{C:1}" appendQueryString="False" />

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MVC :: Sharing A Folder Between Projects?

Jun 22, 2010

I have 2 projects, where they both can upload attachments into a directory.

The problem is how do you get the projects to be able to access each others attachments or even save these attachments in the same folder...

At the moment my ProjectA saves uploads into its "uploads" folder... But when you are running ProjectB it doesnt have the same uploads folder (if that makes sense)


ProjectA uploads folder: localhost:50732uploads
ProjectB uploads folder: localhost:50331uploads

I want these projects to be able to view attachments that the "other" project has uploaded.

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Sharing Bin Folders Between Different Projects?

Jul 16, 2010

it's possible for multiple projects to reference/share the same bin folder?

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MVC :: Share Session In 3 Projects?

Mar 29, 2011

I have created two websites ,such as [URL] and [URL]; The two websites both use SQL Sever Session Mode and they use the same database for sessionstate management.

in [URL],I have a controller as below:

public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to A Site!";
Session["User"] = 123;
return View();

[URL] I have a controller as below:

public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
if (Session["User"] != null)
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to B Site!" + Session["User"].ToString();
return View();
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to B Site!" ;
return View();

if I access [URL] first ,then access [URL], I will get the response :Welcome to B Site!123 if I access [URL] first,then access [URL] then access [URL],I will get the response:Welcome to B Site.

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MVC :: How To Link Two Projects In One Solution

Jan 6, 2011

i have two projects in one solution...

project A

project B

in project A i have page in--->Home/Account(page)

what link i have to use from project B to open the page in project A

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