Unable To View .net Pages In Browser?

Jan 14, 2010

i have created a web project and i want to test it.when i click on debug or click on default page to view on browser , ASP.NET Web Development Server Works but nothing appear in my web browser . even i used internal browser of Visual Studio 2008 but it shows this message :

Action canceled

i have to mention that there is no installation of IIS in my computer.

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Similar Messages:

Configuration :: Dev Server Doesn't Turns On Pages Automatically When Debug Or View Pages Of Site In Browser

Sep 13, 2010

When i'm trying to debug or view pages of my site in browser asp.net dev server doesn't turns on pages automatically and when im trying to go by url it throws me an error See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Не удается найти указанный файл
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebServer.WebServerForm_DAL.DoLaunch()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebServer.WebServerForm_DAL.OnLinkClickedHyperlinkLinkLabel(Object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnLinkClicked(LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)............................

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Visual Studio :: Can't View Pages In Browser

Jan 13, 2010

i have created a web project and i want to test it.when i click on debug or click on default page to view on browser , ASP.NET Web Development Server Works but nothing appear in my web browser . even i used internal browser ofVisual Studio 2008 but it shows this message :

Action canceled

View 4 Replies

Visual Studio :: Unable To View The Webpages In The Browser

Aug 17, 2010

While I am running a webpage by doing a right click on it and selecting 'View in Browser' in Visual Studio 2008; it popping up the following error:-


The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: /TestADO2/Default.aspx

The following error was encountered:

Invalid URL Some aspect of the requested URL is incorrect. Possible problems:

Missing or incorrect access protocol (should be `http://'' or similar) Missing hostname Illegal double-escape in the URL-Path Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Generated Tue, 17 Aug 2010 06:23:46 GMT by linux.site (squid/2.5.STABLE5)


1. My system is connected to a LAN which is accessing the internet through a webserver.

2. When we first time open a web browser it asks us to login to access the internet.

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Security :: Unable To View Pages In Https Instead In Http?

Jul 12, 2010

I developed a simple application running in IIS 6 under an http protocol. for the security purposes our company provide a certificate unfortunately my application is not functioning in https. i can still access it in http...

View 8 Replies

Combining CSS And JS In Master Pages And View Pages With SquishIt?

Jul 2, 2010

How do you implement SquishIt to bundle Css/Js across View Pages and Render it in the Master page? I thought I could use a ContentPlaceHolder above the Render portion, but there seems to be some odd behavior where it sometimes adds 3 files (1 in the view page and 2 in the master page) but other times will ignore the file added from the View Page.

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="CssFiles" runat="server">
<% CssHelper.Add("home.css"); %>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="CssFiles" runat="server" />
<% CssHelper.Add("reset.css"); %>
<% CssHelper.Add("master.css"); %>
<%=CssHelper.Render() %>

My current solution is a Static wrapper around SquishIt's static Bundle class that keeps the BundleBuilder in HttpContext.Current.Items.

I'm curious if this has been done successfully and how so.

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Can't Navigate To Other Pages In Site When Doing Preview In Browser

Feb 2, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and IE8.

When I preview a page from my website ("my-site") in a browser, I'd like to be able to click to other pages in the site. But when I try I get


I'm not getting any build errors, but it seems like Visual Web Developer is only building the page being previewed. I tried building and rebuilding the site before previewing, but without solving my problem.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to build the site so I can click around the whole site in a browser on my local machine? Or does Visual Web Developer only build a page at a time?

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Visual Studio Is Rendering Web Pages Twice In Browser?

Oct 14, 2010

my VS is rendering my ASP.NET pages twice in the default IE browser when I press "View in browser" or "Start without debugging" button.

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Unable To Remove Browser Cache Image?

Jan 22, 2011

i am using Jcrop to give users the option to crop there images, i have hit a small caching problem.

if you open an image which is already on the server and crop it. my jcrop works and crops the image fine but when i reload the image the old version is displayed. i have this inside an update panel.

so is there a way of removing the browsers cache before i reload the image?

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Controls :: Unable To Display PDF File In Browser

May 7, 2015

 <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink7" runat="server" Target = "_blank" Text = "Show PDF" NavigateUrl = '~/mypdf.pdf'></asp:HyperLink>

If I use this html code how to make the pdf file open in new tab in browser

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Web Forms :: Creating Browser Like Tabs On Master - Content Pages

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working on master pages. And I would like to create tabs much like firefox tabs sharing sessions which need to navigate on different pages.I tried many solution but all comes into vain.

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Web Forms :: Clear Browser Cache And Stop Pages From Being Cached?

Oct 25, 2013

when i first run my applcation some time its showing the data from cache.i want to avoid it in first time .

i want to cache my all images/css/js file what is the efficient way to do it.

i have lot of images folder /js /css files.

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Unable To Create Nest Master Pages?

Mar 7, 2010

I am using VWD 2005 Express and every time I try to create a nested master page, the select master option is not highlighted for selection.

This has never happened before so I wonder what in the world could be going on.

View 12 Replies

Crystal Reports :: Unable To Print All Pages?

Jan 24, 2011

I write some code below in FrmPrescription.aspx.cs file :

protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

this code is for local print,but if crystal report has more than 1 pages in that case it will print just one page!

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JQuery :: Unable To Work In Content Pages

Oct 3, 2010

some sample code to work with jquery in content pages. For example my jquery code for validating username availability works in web form but not in content page.

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Architecture :: Unable To Use Two Master Pages At A Same Time?

Jul 29, 2010

Cant we use two master pages at a same time? for example one for background and another one for menu.. if u know. send me the sample code r link..

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Unable To Open A Text File In Browser Window

Feb 25, 2011

i have an aspx page that loads and displays a text file in a broswer window and it used to work, I made no changes to it and now testing shows additional content appended below the file.

Here is the text file:


Here is what is displayed:


The additional output looks like the aspx page itself, which has only a close button incase the file load fails.

Here is the apsx page:


Here is the code:


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Unable To Debug On Browser/tab Other Than One Launched By Visual Studio?

May 25, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7. On Win XP, I could set breakpoints in an ASP.Net project and those breakpoints would hit from any browser/tab on my machine. Using Windows 7, that doesn't work. The browser that launches when I hit F5 does, but no other instances/tabs
do. If I try to explicitly attach to process to attach to another browser instance, it still doesn't hit.I need to debug this way because an error is occuring only when I enter the application by following an external link.

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Controls :: Unable To Open Large PDF Files In Browser

May 7, 2015

 URL....I can't open large .pdf file with it where is the problem

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Web Forms :: Pages Show White Areas When Resized Or Viewed In Different Browser?

Nov 30, 2010

I have developed a website using ASP.net. The pages use a master page with the background image set to the colour I require. All appears OK until I resize the window - then as I reduce the window size and or change the zoom level - white blank areas appear on the background to the right of the page and textboxes remain the background colour overlaying the white areas. This also happens when view in other browsers.

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Web Forms :: Logout User If Accessing Pages Directly By Pasting URL In Browser

Jun 25, 2013

I have two asp page first is login page. I enter username and password then after submit click goes second page their is a logout option. then thr URL of second page is copy and paste in another browser then it will second page it is not logout,I want to after paste URL it goes Login page.

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Unable To See Master Pages While Adding A Page In The Project

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to add a .aspx page in the project , but while adding the .aspx page i am not getting the option to choose existing master pages. I remember long back i used to get that option to select the master page.

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AJAX :: Unable To Run Aspx Pages With Membership Provider On IIS 6.0?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a website which makes use of Custom Membership/Role Provider, Website used to work fine with my earlier server.

recently we changed our webserver which has IIS 6.0 on Windows server 2003, on this server my site doen't work, i have installed Framework 2.0 and Ajax Extension as well, but only html pages inside this project works but not aspx.

we also have other asp.net websites hosted on this server which runs without any problem but they don't make use of Membership/Role providers

to be precise i do not get any error message aspx jus goes blank, i tried all the options ASP.Net is allowed under Web Service Extensions.

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Visual Studio :: Run In Browser Always Get Warning Saying - Unable To Connect To Server

Jan 7, 2010

I just finished upgrading my vista to 7 and with some problems and one of them is every time I open my file and tried to debug it or run in browser, I always get a warning saying = Unable to connect to the ASP.NET Development Server I thought some problems when I upgrade so I reinstall the software but no luck

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Web Forms :: Unable To Execute Code After Downloading File To A Browser

Jul 30, 2010

I have a web app which displays some data in a GridView. This GridView is populated with a method called BindGrid. The user selectes one or more rows from the grid, then clicks the Process button. What needs to happen is that the selected rows are assembled into a CSV file which is downloaded to the browser, then the database is updated to reflect which rows were selected, and the grid is refreshed so the previously selected rows are no longer displayed. This all sort of works, except...

My code is below, which is very similar to lots of snippets found in this forum.

The problem is that if I uncomment Response.End(), or replace it with ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest, it all works great except none of the code after Response.End() executes, and so the log entry is not made and the grid is not refreshed.

If I comment Response.End(), as in the snippet below, the code following does run, including the log entry and the call to BindGrid. (I know that because log entries inside BindGrid are made.) However, the page does not refresh. If I press F5 to refresh the page, it redraws correctly refreshed.

So the question is, how do I refresh the page after downloading the file?

I have tried calling both Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer after BindGrid

For what it is worth, I am using IE7.



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