Use Multiple MembershipProviders At One Time?

Mar 17, 2010

I've got multiple membership providers in my web.config and in my login control,

I am going to use the provider based on a drop down list with the name of the provider.


<remove clear />
<add name="MyOwnProvider1" .... />
<add name="MyOwnProvider2" .... />

In Login.ascx.cs:

I am selecting the provider based on a drop down list like so:

MembershipProvider provider = Membership.Providers[dropDownList.SelectedItem.Text];

Problem is whenever I hit this line, it always tries to connect to MyOwnProvider1 when in fact MyOwnProvider2 was selected!

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here i have two textboxes and two dropdown list boxes.. this is the fiedlset user is going to enter their information..


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<% using (Html.BeginForm("Update", "home", FormMethod.Post,
new { @id="studentid"}))
{ %>

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public JsonResult Update(StudentBE e)
var UStatus = Generic.UpdateStudent(e.student,"","");
return Json(UStatus.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(ex.ToString());

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Feb 7, 2010

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I am using Oracle and here is my example code it maybe help you to understand what is my problem:

(I bolded important part of code and sorry for bothering so many code and image but THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)

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ow can I display multiple validation summaries at one time? I currently have three different validation groups on a page for different sections of the page. Basically, the first section should be validated by one validation group, the second section should validate both the the first and section section and the third should validate all three.I've got the following javascript which validates properly, but only the last validation summary is visible, the first two don't appear (but the red asterisks next to the controls do appear).

function ValidateSection3() {
var validated = Page_ClientValidate("vgSection1");
if (validated) {


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Jul 8, 2010

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