Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Binding Without Datasource Controls?

Jan 27, 2011

I m new in I want to use gridview with a custom business object.

Should i have property in my custom there a way to access object fields.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DropdownList In A GridView To A Datasource?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a Dropdownlist in an itemTemplate in a gridview. My gridView binds to dataTable1 (from which the selected value for dropdown comes from) and dropDown binds to dataTable2 (i need to get DataValueField and DataTextField from here).


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DropDownList Datasource In Code Behind For TemplateField In GridView

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to bind the datasource of a ddl which is located inside the EditTemplate of a TemplateField.When is the best time to bind this datasource (after loading grid, before editing, ? (Note: I must do this in code behind).I am currently trying to bind it on the edit command:


The issue is that the list retrieved from the LoadLists method is null when passing to the LoadList method where the datasource is bound.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Stop Gridview / Datasource From Binding On Page Load

Jul 6, 2010

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By default when the page is loaded the datasource and Gridview bind and display. However since the datasource is heavy I want on page load these 2 will not bind.

I want them to bind only on a button click. How to stop the datasource and Gridview from binding on 1st page load ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Specific Number Of Blank Rows After Binding Gridview With Datasource

Jan 29, 2011

i hav a gridview ... now i need to add certain number of rows... say 5 rows .... which would b blank .. the rows consist of itemtemplate of textboxes.. here is the grid ...


now i am binding this gridview with certain data say :


now the problem is if the row contains 2 data originally ... then it alwz shows up with only two rows with binded data... but what i want is 2 (databinded rows ) + 5 (empty rows with textbox ) = 7 grid view rows .... now how to do it ... after i hav binded the textbox with data already....with some empty columns corresponding to the above code ?

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DataSource Controls :: Searching TextBox Data In Sql Database And Binding The Result In Gridview

Oct 28, 2010

I have few textboxes and I want to search the text (partial search is also required) in the database and then show the result in a telerik grid. The grid has to be hidden initially and when I click the search button it should show up and display the results.

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating The Datasource / Mark All The Values In The Binding Column Of Datasource If Checkbox In Headertemplate Is Checked?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a custom gridview control which has a custom CheckBoxTemplateField column (deriving from TemplateField class). This template field column has custom Checkboxheadertemplate (implementing ITemplate) and CheckboxItemTemplate (also implementing ITemplate). In InstantiateIn method of both templates (header as well as Item template), I am adding a checkbox control which has Autopostback = true.

My requirement is:
I want to mark all the values in the binding column of datasource if checkbox in headertemplate is checked. I dont want to mark only rows visible on grid. I WANT TO MARK ALL ROWS IN DATASOURCE. I want to do this in _CheckedChanged event of checkbox in header template.

Problem I am facing: When I check/uncheck the checkbox in header, it postbacks. so in OnCheckedChanged event, gridview's datasource is null. Secondly, in any event of gridview, I could access only those rows of datasource for which corresponding rows are visible in gridview through Gridviewrow.DataItem property. But I want to set it for all rows in datasource.

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DataSource Controls :: Binding GridView With SqlDataSource At Runtime?

Aug 20, 2010

I want to create a generic page which contains a gridview and sqldatasource. I want to put these two controls on .aspx (C#) page but bind them at runtime. It should have selectcommand, updatecommand, deletecommand and insertcommand. Stored procedures are created for that. Help is needed to make it. .

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Add An ObjectDataSource To The Mark Up - Binding Controls

Dec 16, 2010

I have a Gridview in the markup and I add an ObjectDataSource to the mark up which will be the gridviews data source. Is this a redundant way of binding controls? I believe using this method is good for small sites with little customisation etc. but, for large sites (multi lingual, hundreds of pages etc) I have been taught to create the controls in the mark up or code behind, then bind the controls on PreRender in the code behind. My new boss thinks this method is old school and the current way of using an objectdatasource in the mark up is the best way to do it.

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DataSource Controls :: Timeout Expired On Binding Gridview To SQL Table?

Jun 21, 2010

VS2010/C#. I have a gridview bound to a SQL Server table with the default SELECT statement returning only a few rows. This is straight out of the box, so no need to show markup.

Upon a button click event I update the datasource: SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = hdnSQL.Value; Then bind: qlDataSource1.DataBind();

But when I run this, I get this error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled by user code. Message=Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

I am clueless. I have done this many times in the past and NEVER encountered a timeout.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Datetime In Two Controls (GridView)?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a Gridview in which a column is a date, I need the user can edit it for which I want to have two controls, a DatePicker textbox with ajax and a TimePicker, the problem is that I dont know how to do in the aspx that the Datepicker just take the date format "MM / dd / yyyy" and the TimePicker take only datetime.hour, datetime.minute, etc.

If it were a simple textbox I would do so <% # Bind ("Date")%>, there is a chance to do what I want?

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Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndexChanged Event Does Not Fire When Binding DataSource To ListView

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using VS2008. When a dataset is bound to the DataSource of a ListView, SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire. If I used DataSourceID instead, it has no problem. But SelectedIndexChanging event fires for both.

why and how I can get SelectedIndexChanged event fired when DataSource is used?

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure With Multiple Result Sets - Binding To Gridview?

Feb 3, 2011

I am using a sql stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. By default Sql Datasource is binding the first result set to gridview. I want the second result set to be binded. I browsed all the properties in Sql datasource but could not find one to set this.

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DataSource Controls :: Binding Controls And Retrieving Data?

May 18, 2010

i have a database and binded it to a drop down list to show all the IDs on page_load. This is working fine

i have placed two textboxes and one button on my same form. when i chose a specific ID from my drop down list and click on the button the textboxes should show the respective data(name and gender). But when i click on chose an id and click the button it show datatype error...still it did not


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Forms Data Controls :: Row Not Binding To Gridview

Jan 20, 2011

I have a grid in 1st page and one link in it.If i click that link it should open a popup which has a grid and it should bind data according to the row information.In my grid its displaying columns evrything in popup but data is not displayed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding XML To GridView?

May 11, 2010

I am converting a project to c#. I am trying to bind an xml file to a DataGridView, however DataGridView does not have a DataMember property. How do I set the Datamember in C#?


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Xml To GridView?

Aug 2, 2010

want to achieve this below functionality

I have my code snippet below for the xml shown. I am not able to get this working.


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DataSet And GridView, Apply Bulk Rows Edit And Update On GridView

Dec 10, 2010

I have a set of dataset with different column retrieved from DB. I need to present the datasets in one GridView (or other ListView etc...) without specifying the column_header. It should present automaticly since the GridView is bind to the DataSet.

In additional, I want this GridView to handle multiple rows edit and update the dataset, idealy, show data in textboxs in initially.How could I set the GridView to edit_model without hardcode column_header and textboxs in 'itemtemplate' or filed.

How could I achieve the bulk edit and update, so that I can assign 'mydataview1.table' to the dataset.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Not Binding In Code?

Dec 1, 2010

Gridview not binding in code?



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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Horizontal Binding?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a dataset which I bind to a gridview for display. Normally, the gridview shows the dataset table column name as the column header and the data is bound vertically - i.e. the dataset table rows are created in a vertical/downward fashion. What I would i like do however in my application is to get the GridView to bind in the horizontal direction. So the data that is bound "moves" towards the right. Before suggesting a repearter or datalist, I also have a requirement to not wrap. I have not been successfull getting the repeater/datalist not to wrap unless you know of a setting you can share.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Column And Row In Gridview

Jun 24, 2010

My message application uses a gridview to display user messages. One colunm determines the priority of the message (high, low or no priority assigned) if the message row is empty put nothing in the row else put a ! in the row (to show high priority). Question is don't I need to bind that colunm and row?

'<%#Bind("something")%>' Image="!" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Skip Row When Binding To GridView

Jul 23, 2010

I have a GridView bound to a DataTable. The DataTable has a Deleted column that holds a boolean value describing whether the row is logically deleted; I need the row to physically remain in the table. Is there a way to skip over rows whose Deleted columns are set to true in the GridView's onRowDataBound event? The closest I could get is marking the row's visibility property to false, but this does not help me because it throws off paging and the GridView's alternating row color.

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Binding Xml To GridView?

Jun 8, 2010

Few Issues with below xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Products xmlns="">[code]....

1) How to bind this xml Using DOM Model to GridView from serverside? I don't want to pull xmldatasource and gridview with columns on FRONT end(aspx).

2) How to dynamically bind the nodes DesignDate, columns to Gridview, coz there can be many columns with different column names and I don't to specify by saying: HeaderText="DesignDate". I would like to generate this dynamically from serverside.provided with a code to make this working.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Binding On Page_Load

Jan 8, 2010

I have a GridView that binding on Page_Load, and that is not the intent. Ideally, the GridView only loads on PostBack.



The bindClientDropDownList, by the way, does not call SearchResultsGridView.DataBind() on its own, so that can be ruled out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Gridview After Binding?

Jul 24, 2010

after binding to update gridview contin..

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