Wrong Place For Float:left Div?

Sep 1, 2010

<div id="nav-main" align="center" style="width: 95%; height: 35px;">
<div style="float:left; height: 29px; width: 260px;">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="select();"


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AJAX :: Combobox List At Wrong Place - How To Fix It

Dec 22, 2010

With the following code I create a combobox in a panel which is in the pane of an accordion panel.


Now when I click on the arrow of the combobox, the list is show somewhere else on the page and not where it should be.

It seems the list is not positioned relative to the textbox.

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User Control Displaying In Wrong Place?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm trying to include a user control in an aspx page, it works fine, but my control does position itself where I want it and always appears at the very top of the page. Could it have something to do with the masterpage? I've tried registering the user control in the master page, but I don't know how to reference it in the content page.

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Title="Home" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
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<asp:Content ID="NewsArea" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentBottomCol" Runat="Server">
<%@ Register Src="/Controls/News.ascx" TagName="HomepageNews" TagPrefix="uc" %>

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State Management :: Data Being Saved To Wrong Table In Wrong Instance Of Sqlserver Of Wrong Database?

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C# - StringBuilder.Append With Float?

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if ( AttributeOrder != 0 )
if ( Result.Length > 0 )


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Web Forms :: Can't Compare Float To Value?

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riw = 3.33;
if(riw == 3.33) // < --- THIS IS EVALUATING FALSE?!?!
// do something
//but this is evaluating true below
if(riw > 3.33)
//do something

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I'm trying to format float from simple 200 to 200,00. How to do it if I want to use attribute in model:



namespace MyExample
public class myList
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")]
public DateTime myDate { get; set; }


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SQL Server :: Float Value Not Getting Rounded?

Sep 14, 2010

When i am trying to update a text box value to data base ,say 3.1 it is getting updated as 3.09999... when iam running the stored procedure in query analyzer it is updating correctly. When i am updating the same from page , it is giving this problem. Iam using sql server 2005.

Iam using float for this

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Submitting And Comparing Float Values?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a problem that I have to enter float values in my database from a textbox. The problem is I want to enter only float values upto two decimal places(like 12.34, 56.78, etc). How do I do this.? Do I need to first convert the values from my textbox (string values) to Int64 before submitting?

My second problem is that I have to compare that float value in my database to a value in another text box. I am using this sort of code:


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Write Out A Float In Specific Format?

Jun 7, 2010

In my repeater I have a float number that is shortened to a one decimal number (like 1,2 or 4,5 etc). It looks like this:


dt being my datatable containing the information shown on the page including my float number.

What's the code to make my label look like it does in the first example, with one decimal?

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ADO.NET :: Incorrect Float Values Being Stored In Database?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a strange problem with some float values that I pass to an Insert Query.

Example : If I pass in float value "1.4", the value stored in the Database is "1.399999976158141". The DataColumn is of type float.

I pass the float values as parameters to the query using "AddwithValue".

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SQL Server :: How To Display Character When Float Data Is Zero

Feb 24, 2011

i have a problem in tsql displaying data.

i tried to use :


it cause error. because it cannot convert '-' or 'error' into FLOAT

but what can i do to display charactor/string when a FLOAT type data is zero?

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C# - Converting A String To A Float Data Type?

Jul 1, 2010

I need to convert the contents of a Textbox (which is currency) to a datatype float.

Would I convert to single?


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Format Float - Data Is 1,454, And Stored As 1454

Oct 24, 2010

Datatype = float

If the data is 1,454, stored as 1454 What am I doing wrong? My code:

Course = Convert.ToDouble (tecaji.ToString ()),

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VS 2005 - Control Alignment - Float Image

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I want :-


I float my small image right.

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Error Converting Data Type Nvarchar To Float / How To Fix It

Nov 30, 2010

Here is the code:


After I try to test the page, I am getting the following error:


[b]Error converting data type nvarchar to float. [/b]


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Web Forms :: Regular Expression For Float Number In A Range

Jan 14, 2011

I want to validate a number by regular expression. Here is the requirement.

1- It should be between 1 and 200
2- maximum 2 floating point (e.g. 24.54 accepted but not 24.546)
3- the radix point can be either Dot or Comma (e.g. 29.45 - 29,45 both accepted)
4- can be intiger in this range also (e.g. 24 or 24.00)

Can anyone post an efficient regular expression for this?

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Validation - Validate Integer And Float Input In Textbox?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using below code to validate interger and float in asp.net but if i not enter decimal than it give me error

<asp:TextBox ID="txtAjaxFloat" runat="server" />
<cc1:FilteredTextBoxExtender ID="FilteredTextBoxExtender1" TargetControlID="txtAjaxFloat" FilterType="Custom, numbers" ValidChars="." runat="server" />

i have this regex also but its giving validation error if i enters only one value after decimal. [URL]

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SQL Server :: Converting 6 Digit Float Type Time To Hr Min Sec

Jan 4, 2011

I had a 14 digit create datetime and resolved datetime in float time format and I could parse the date using following conversion:

CONVERT(datetime, LEFT(CAST(CAST(is_resolved_datetime as BigInt) as varchar(14)),8)+' '+
SUBSTRING(CAST(CAST(is_resolved_datetime as BigInt) as varchar(14)),9,2)+':'+
SUBSTRING(CAST(CAST(is_resolved_datetime as BigInt) as varchar(14)),11,2)+':'+
SUBSTRING(CAST(CAST(is_resolved_datetime as BigInt) as varchar(14)),13,2))

If I were to extract only the time difference of two datetimes in hr:min:sec.

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Crystal Reports :: Change Float Number To Percentage?

Mar 30, 2011

How to change float number such as 0.12 to 12% in CR? I knew how to % but only display 0.12%

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SQL Server :: Pass Textbox Value (date) Into Procedure As Float?

Feb 10, 2011

We have an application we are maintaining, cant make changes to the database, but new form was created and need to pass the values into the table now..

there are 2 columns in the table that are to store the date, but the datatype is set to float.

When i try to pass the values into the procedure in my code behind i get errors that says

"input string was not in a correct format"

my procedure is expecting float, my class method is expecting float, my parameter.add is passing it as float cmd.Parameters.Add("@sdate", System.Data.SqlDbType.Float).Value = sdate;

So im guessing that on my page code behind where im calling the insert method and passing in my textboxes, i need to make some adjustments.. just not sure what they are..

float stDate = System.Convert.ToSingle(txtSdate.Text);

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