ADO.NET :: Convert Web Form To MVC2 With ODBC Database?

Jan 4, 2011

I am going to convert a web form web site to MVC 2.0, i m using mySQL Database.

Currently the web form web site is working perfectly.

In Web.config :


But, When i try to create a simple page by using the same DB connection in MVC, i get error message:

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Keyword not supported: 'driver'.Line 17: public SqlProductsRepository(string connectionString)Line 18: {Line 19: productsTable = (new DataContext(connectionString)).GetTable<Product>();Line 20: }Line 21:


In Controller:


i did add & mysql.web.dll to Reference.

i also tried to change the DB configuration at web.config as following, but still not working:


Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Keyword not supported: 'userid'.

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Visual Studio :: MVC2 - How To Connect To ODBC Datasource

Jul 8, 2010

I have built an ASP.NET classic application that references an ODBC connection to a DBISAM database.

When I try to connect to the same database in a MVC2 application I do not see any option to select an ODBC Data Source.

1. I right-click on my Models folder and select Add -> New Item

2. Choose "Data" on the left panel

3. Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model than click "Add"

Options were:

ADO.NET Entity Data Model
LINQ to SQL Classes
SQL Server Database
XML File
XML Schema

4. Select "Generate from database..... click "Next"

5. Here I am presented with a "Choose Your Data Connection" screen. When I click the "New Connection" button I am given a "Choose Data Source" screen.

6. I am only presented with the following options on the "Choose Data Source" screen:

Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5
Microsoft SQL Server Database File

7. This is where I expected to see ODBC as one of my options. What do I need to do to access ODBC?

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Configuration :: Web.config - Odbc For Entity Framework - Odbc Tcpip Parameters In Connection String?

Jan 12, 2011

my webserver is in the DMZ. The Database in the intranet. For connection from webserver to database the following entry is made in the odbc connection "TCPIP BCAST=NO;HOST=Intranet.Firma.local,Intranet_Spiegel.Firma.local,Intranet_Arbiter.Firma.local;PORT=2639}"

how to get this options in the connection strings working, or how i must modify the entitiy framework connection string to use the odbc entry?

<add name="KA_Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.KA_Model.csdl|res://*/Models.KA_Model.ssdl|res://*/Models.KA_Model.msl;provider=iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere;provider connection string="UserID=user;Password=password;DataSourceName=Databasename""
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<add name="KAPortal" connectionString="UserID=user;Password=password;DataSourceName=Databasename" providerName="iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere" />

I tried to use odbcfor the entity framework, but the Wizard always add the right .NET Provider and not the odbc

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SQL Server :: How To Use An ODBC Database

Sep 2, 2010

I have been developing my ASP.NET web pages to access the SQL database locally on my personal computer while using a "SqlConnection", but to access my SQL database on a host server, I must use a "OdbcConnection". I am mostly using LINQ to access data with a DataClassesDataContext, but sometimes I must use ADO with SqlConnection and SqlCommand. What must I do to convert my C# code in order to access data with ODBC 3.51?

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C# - How To Connect A Database Using Odbc

Feb 28, 2011

I have a system DSN.How to connect to the database in using DSN.I wanted the Connection String

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How To Create View Form In MVC2 Application

Feb 10, 2011

am trying to create view form in my MVC2 applicationIn this i have a submit button which is an imagebut when i try to run it shows a normal windows button the image is not shown(the image is a round edged).the code is as below:

<input type="submit" value="Log On" id="login_button_75" />
#login_button_75 {
background:url(images/login_submit_button.png) no-repeat;

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DataSource Controls :: Connecting To Remote Database Using DSN And ODBC?

Mar 25, 2010

In my windows application, i am listing the System DSN's configured on the remote machine in a combobox. Once i select the DSN and click on Connect button, i should be able to connect to the remote database. I am trying to open the connection to the database using ODBC but am getting the below error.

ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

Below is the code sample

string conn = "Provider=MSDASQL;Remote Server=http://BLR1WKD010; Remote Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=" + clsODBC.pDBName + ";UID=" + txtUsername.Text + ";PWD=" + txtPassword.Text;

OdbcConnection odbcConn = new OdbcConnection(conn);


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Parameters In Query The Database Doesn't Update In C# And Mysql Using Odbc

Nov 30, 2010

when i specify values in my update query the query works fine and the database gets updated, but when i use parameters in my query the database does not update here is the code i have written

OdbcConnection MyConnection = new OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myconn"].ConnectionString);
String MyString = "UPDATE orddetpabak SET jud1=@jud1,jud2=@jud2,jud3=@jud3,adv=@adv where fil_no=@fil_no AND orderdate=@orderdate";
OdbcCommand MyCmd = new OdbcCommand(MyString, MyConnection);
String j1=DropDownList4.SelectedValue;
String j2=DropDownList5.SelectedValue;
String j3=DropDownList6.SelectedValue;
String j4=TextBox4.Text;
String j5 = HiddenField1.Value;
String j6 = TextBox3.Text;
Response.Write(" " + DropDownList5.SelectedValue);
Response.Write(" " + DropDownList6.SelectedValue);
Response.Write(" " + TextBox4.Text);
Response.Write(" " + HiddenField1.Value);
Response.Write(" " + TextBox3.Text);
catch(Exception epp)

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C# - Submit A Form Via AJAX And Return A Partial View - MVC2?

Dec 17, 2010

Seems like there are a lot of ways to solve this problem.

Currently I make a partial view with a form like so:


What are other ways to accomplish the same thing and what are the pros and cons vs what I am doing?

Is Ajax.Form useful?

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Databases :: Mysql Odbc Database - Syntax / Connection Not Close Errors

Aug 18, 2010


I can check whether username exists or not successfully but not for email. any ideas why it isn't working? Error message was that i did not close my connection. using System;

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DataSource Controls :: Appending Data To An SQL Server Database After Pulling From An ODBC?

Jul 15, 2010

I am working on an asp webform that pulls from an ODBC datasource then puts the data in an sql server. Once the data is in the sql server several queries pull data from it to provide information for a report.

This is an example of what I am talking about

void ODBCpdEmployeeAb()
DataTable dt =


The first part gets the data from the ODBC connection and the next part stores it in an sql server table. The problem is I have these methods in the page load event of the webform so everytime it loads it just puts the exact same data in the sql server table which would then provide incorrect information on the report.

Is there a way to append the most recent data from the ODBC table to the sql server ?

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DataSource Controls :: ODBC SQL Connection To Connect A SQL 2005 Database To .NET App In Visual Web Developer Express?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm using an ODBC connection to connect a SQL 2005 database to my ASP.NET app in Visual Web Developer Express. I'm finding that the expected functionality that tutorials review does not work for ODBC connected databases the same way as it does for SQL databases created in the Web Developer. For example, I can't use stored procedures because the option to create one is disabled in the Web Developer, and if I create the stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio Express, it doesn't show up in Web Developer because Web Developer only finds the system stored procedures, not the user-defined ones. I've seen other cases as well where database management options in Web Developer don't work with ODBC databases.

Am I missing something in my setup, or is there an inherent limitation with ODBC connected databases? Or, is this a limitation with using the Express versions of these development tools?

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Show MVC2 Validation Without Database?

Feb 22, 2011

Can we show MVC2 validation without database, just having the Model?

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MVC2 Application's Submit Button Returns URL With An Appended "Form"?

Oct 27, 2010

OK, I'm sorry if the tile of the question was unclear, and if you understand what I mean, please don't hesitate to help me think of a better one.

Anyway, I have a <input type="submit"> element for my form, and I want it to return the same URL as the URL of the page the element is on.

Currently, if I click the button, it takes me from /Calculate/Quadratic to /Calculate/QuadraticForm

In my controller for this view, I have the following code:

public ViewResult Quadratic()
ViewData["Root1"] = "";
ViewData["Root2"] = "";
return View();
public ViewResult Quadratic(QuadCalc boss)
ViewData["Root1"] = x1;
ViewData["Root2"] = x2;
return View();

And here is the markup and code for my Quadratic view page, which includes the form which includes the submit button I've been referring to:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<% using(Html.BeginForm("QuadraticForm", "Calculate")) %>
<% { %>
a: <%= Html.TextBox("quadraticAValue") %>
<br />
b: <%= Html.TextBox("quadraticBValue") %>
<br />
c: <%= Html.TextBox("quadraticCValue") %>
<br />
<input type="submit" id="quadraticSubmitButton" value="Calculate!" />
<br />
<p><%= ViewData["Root1"] %></p>
<p><%= ViewData["Root2"] %></p>
<% } %>

Therefore, all I really want is to have the submit button return the same page, but the HTTP post will aid the application in passing new ViewData. Unless I'm interpreting this all wrong.

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Perform Daily Maintenance On Database Records In MVC2 Project?

Jan 11, 2011

A web application works with the database. Once a day, the database should be scanned and alerts should be sent to users. From what I've seen out there, additional project has to be created which will be installed on the server and will work with the same database. Executable created by this project has to be installed in Windows scheduler to be activated once a day.This seems complicated and inefficient: starting additional executable and working on the same database.

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Sharepoint - Simple Web Form That Writes To A Database... Access Web Form Or Custom .NET?

Feb 21, 2011

I am working in a school and we recently installed a new server running WinServer 2008R2. I want to be able to point people to a URL on our intranet and have them fill out a simple registration form and have this data written to a database. It would also be nice to have some data auto-populate (such as their name).

Is it overkill to set up a sharepoint server and try to do this with Access Webforms? Could I use something like dotnetnuke and find a module that works? Or how about options for writing custom forms?

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How To Store And Retriew Xls File Into Sql Database In The Form Form Of Byte[] Using C# In Web Application

Jul 9, 2010

how to store into sql data base and and how to retriew xls file as xls file from database in the form form of byte[] using c# in application.

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Error "[42000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.51-community]" In C# Code (mysql Database Connection)

Dec 21, 2010

My code is to update a record if it already exists in database else insert as a new record. My code is as follows:

protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OdbcConnection MyConnection = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=testcase;User=root;Password=root;Option=3;");
String MyString = "select fil_no,orderdate from temp_save where fil_no=? and orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd = new OdbcCommand(MyString, MyConnection);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
using (OdbcDataReader MyReader4 = MyCmd.ExecuteReader())
if (MyReader4.Read())
String MyString1 = "UPDATE temp_save SET order=? where fil_no=? AND orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd1 = new OdbcCommand(MyString1, MyConnection);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField1.Value);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// set the SQL string
String strSQL = "INSERT INTO temp_save (fil_no,order,orderdate) " +
"VALUES (?,?,?)";
// Create the Command and set its properties
OdbcCommand objCmd = new OdbcCommand(strSQL, MyConnection);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// execute the command

I am getting the error as: ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.51-community]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order,orderdate) VALUES ('04050040272009',' &' at line 1

The datatype for fields in table temp_save are:

fil_no-->INT(15)( to store a 15 digit number)
order-->LONGTEXT(to store contents from HTMLEditor(ajax control))
orderdate-->DATE(to store date)

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Web Forms :: How To Convert Image In My Form To Byte

Apr 2, 2010

i got an image display in my system, note that it is not an uploaded file, it is display in <asp:Image> form

My question is, how do i use that image and convert it to a byte data so that i can save into database?

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Web Forms :: How To Convert From HTML In Aspx Form

Oct 20, 2010

This code works only in HTML format. This means that I can not select standard components: "Inserting an ASP.NET control will convert the HTML form in the page to an ASP.NET form and remove its current properties. Do you want to insert the ASP.NET control?"

When converted following code does not work anymore. I'd like that code works in ASP.NET mode.


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Installing The SSL Certificate To Convert It Form HTTP To HTTPS?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to make my website more secured so want to install SSL certificate, for that I've requested a digital certificate from verisign and installed it succesfully in my server(IIS 5.1).

So everything is ready created the virtual directory and now im trying to access my site but now in the url its coming like http:\ but not https:\

what do we need to do extra other than installing the SSL certificate to convert it form HTTP to HTTPS.

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SQL Server :: Migrate Data Form One Database To Another Database?

Dec 2, 2010

m stuck at one place...i want to tranfer data from one database-1 to another database-2...both databases are for different web application.

Currently i am doing the same using dataset..but the problem is that when Large amount of data is coming in dataset so during the tranfer of data server gives me a Time out Error.

And another thing i am not want to utillise a server memory because there is Lacs of data into the Database for migrate.

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Convert MDF To MySQL Database?

Dec 20, 2010

How to convert ASPNETDB.MDF mssql database to MySql which works with ASp.NET

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MVC :: How To Convert XML Documents To Mysql Database

Oct 6, 2010

Am using searcharoo.NET for ma application. Now i need to store the XML contents in ma database. How can i convert ma XML contents to Mysql Database?

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Convert Access Database To SQL Server?

Dec 3, 2010

I've created an application using ASP.NET with Access DB, now I found who support only SQL Server DBs, so Now I must convert my Access DB to SQL Server DB.

Is there any tool who can do the trick ?

This is some code I'm using in my web application :

Public Shared Function conecter() As OleDbConnection
Dim MyConnexion As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=" & System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "/Learning.mdb")
Return MyConnexion
End Function
Public Shared Function lecture(ByVal requete As String) As OleDbDataReader
Dim Mycommand As OleDbCommand = conecter().CreateCommand()
Mycommand.CommandText = requete
Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader = Mycommand.ExecuteReader()
Return myReader
End Function

In this case, If I convert my database I must change the OleDbConnexion and other things or I can just leave them like that ?

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