Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Unable To Update The Text In A Row

Jan 7, 2011

i'm unable to update a row in a gridview, Actually everything is fine but when i'm entering some new text in the textbox and if i press update control, it still shows me the previous text, it is not updating and it doesn't write into XML either.

Here is my design:


Here is my Code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TextBox1.Text != "")..........

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Gridview

Jan 20, 2010

I am unable to update the gridview because it is interfering with the footer textboxes. Can I know how to disable the footer when i click on edit button, so that it can update


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Get Cell Text Of Gridview?

Jan 24, 2011

Gridview 's displaying T_ID Field but when I 'll try to get T_ID value in code behind

My variable lineId is empty.....

Here the code


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Row Using Gridview Rowupdating Event

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to update the row using gridview_rowupdating event but I am unable to update. I tried the code like this...

foreach (GridViewRow i in GridView1.Rows)
TextBox sname = i.FindControl("sname") as TextBox;
TextBox fname = i.FindControl("fname") as TextBox;
TextBox sex = i.FindControl("txtsex") as TextBox;
// Label lblpin1 = i.FindControl("lblpin") as Label;
TextBox tpin = i.FindControl("txtpin") as TextBox;
tpin.Enabled = true;
// lblpin1.Enabled = true;
string pinno;
pinno = Convert.ToString(tpin.Text.Trim());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update NRDetails2010 set SNAME='" + sname + "',FNAME='" + fname + "',SEX='" + sex + "' where pin='" + pinno.Trim() + "' and InstCode='" + Session["UId"] + "' and Sem='" + ddlsem.SelectedItem.Text + "' and scheme='"
+ ddlscheme.SelectedItem.Text.Trim() + "' ", conn2);

I am getting error at cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Here I am giving connection globally and opening in this event. In gridview, I am updating 3 fields depending on 4 conditions.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Access The Gridview Header Text?

Jan 6, 2011

I have my data table generated dynamically binded to grid view. (Autogeneratecolumns true)

in my UI its displaying the column headers.

am not able to access it by grdname.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Text

am not able to get the names from the columns also.

since am binding the columns dynamically i am not able to get access to all the columns

and am able to get only 2 columns which i have mentioned in my aspx which are the command buttons edit and delete.

am trying to access all these in Gridview_RowCommand event. need to get the value in the (dynamic) column named Id for the row on which the edit or delete button is clicked. since it doesnt have a header am unable to access it bcoz i dont know the index of the cell too..

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview View Into Hyperlink Onclick Update Label.text ?

May 3, 2010

I have a Gridview looks like this:-


I want to turn 100,200,...600 etc into hyperlinks (I guess I know this part by using hyperlink field), and onclick 100, it will get the point parameters related to the value clicked (in this case, when 100 is clicked it gets US, A, Q1) and url to a new page with datasource parameter based on US,A, Q1

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Text Of A Textbox Placed Inside A Gridview (template) By A Dropdown List

Nov 13, 2010

I have a text box placed inside a gridview(template) . I need to update its value by a dropdown list event (Selected Item Changed event) placed in the same gridVew. But The problem is that , I need to update the text box of the same row the dropdown list (whose textChange Event haas been fired)


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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox Text Inside ItemTemplate In GridView Clears After The Update Button Is Clicked

Nov 10, 2010

I have a GridView with two templatefields, one with a DropDownList and the other with a TextBox, both loose their values once I hit the "update" button. Is it any way I can make the controls keep the values?

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Bit Feild In Mssqlserver Table Using Checkbox Feild In Gridview Control?

Dec 29, 2010


The select and update statements in my stored procedures are as follows:


Update tblNewArticle set Review_Status=@Review


View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: RowUpdating Event - Unable To Update Row

Dec 13, 2010

I am using a gridview and want to update the row.. but i am unable to do it.... pls help me out where i am going wrong.... here is the code for the gridview nd rowupdating event.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Width="514px" AllowPaging="True"

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Add Update And Delete Functionality?

Mar 16, 2011

Unable to add update and delete functionality to any data control using MS Visual Web developer Express and SQL server 2008. The advanced options in the data connection wizard remain disabled. I can display data OK.

I am however able to connect to an Access 2007 DB through the same page and get this functionality to work.

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 - Unable To Update Label Text

Jul 25, 2014

I'm having problems getting my label to update, it is a asp:label known as LabelFMI - what I am doing is when the user changes the value of certain things update it by either taking away or adding the difference. I've managed to get this to work by having to refresh the page and moving it to out of the function I made for it and into default.aspx's Page_load sub.. However I was hoping to not have to refresh to have it update? is there anyway to achieve this?

Private Sub UpdateLabels(ByVal start As Date, ByVal [end] As Date, ByVal value As Double)
'Import the data for the table
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [event] WHERE NOT (([eventend] <= @start) OR ([eventstart] >= @end))", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("daypilot").ConnectionString)
da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("start", start)


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Access Membership - Unable To Edit/update The Data With Gridview, Datalist Or Others?

Jan 6, 2010

I made a project to use the access membership provider from and it works. But I need to edit my database but when I configure my database, I cannot see the tabel, I can only see the queries in mdb file. when I select the field from query, I am unable to update it. My code is as follows and I hope it is clear. thanks a lot.


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update Access Data Source

Jul 19, 2010

Here is the code for my page:


For some reason I seem to be unable to update my DB through the datasource. Is there anything obvious as to why this wouldn't be working?

I even added static values to the update string to see if this works but it still has an issue.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Update The Data In Nested Data Lists?

Feb 16, 2011

i am unavble to update the data in nested data lists in, if any one have the code

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Set Text Of Label After Rebinding SQLDataSource

Jan 30, 2011

I have a text box in a FormView that I use to display the return value from the stored procedure that I'm using to maintain the data. For assorted reasons, I'm not able to use the built in ability of the FormView to manipulate the data.

I have the following code at the end of the procedure that calls the stored procedure. It is a snippet that omits the bulk of the procedure.


As is, the label text is updated with the message. However, when I uncomment out the code that manipulates the SQL Data Source and rebinds the FormView, the label text is NOT updated. I can't figure out why it craps out.

1) AdvisoryMessageText is declared at the class level for the code behind, so it should be retaining the value across all of the procedures as their caloled.

2) TextBoxAdvisoryMessage is contained within the FormView EditTemplate.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Rows Of Gridview On Click Of Update Button?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" CssClass="BlueButton" runat="server" OnClick="lnkUpdate_Click">Update</asp:LinkButton>


Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update Mode Is Not Ending After Clicking On Edit Then Update?

Mar 23, 2011


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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Row Using The Update Functionality Of Gridview?

Jun 28, 2010

When i try to update a row using the update functionality of Gridview it updates all the rows rather then updating that specific row which is in edit mode.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview SelectedIndex / Unable To Access The Data In The Gridview's Selected Row

Jul 31, 2010

I am unable to access the data in the gridview's selected row. I have done this lots of times but must be forgetting something.

Here is my gridview:


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Forms Data Controls :: Restrict User To Update Data To Some Text Boxes In Detailsview?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a detailsVeiw bounded with the sqldatasource.I want to restirct user to update all data in text boxes.

Or in words if user click Edit then it is required to show some text boxes to update and other should be read only.

How to do this task in

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Access :: Access Membership Provider / Unable To Edit/update The Data With Gridview

Jan 7, 2010

I made a project to use the access membership provider from [URL] and it works. But I need to edit my database but when I configure my database, I cannot see the tabel, I can only see the queries in mdb file. when I select the field from query, I am unable to update it. My code is as follows:


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To See GridView?

Feb 25, 2011

I am working on the project where I have converted GridView to enter values into textboxes. Now I am unable to see it, dont know what exactly is happening.


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Set Value To GridView Cell

Mar 30, 2010

i am having trouble to set a new value to a specific GridView cell.

The value is passed from a javascript to the c# code behind where it should update a specific Gridview cell []:

I am not using editedtemplate.

code c# :


In other hand I am using a JS code that set a GridView cell value.. The new value is set but as soon as i select another row on the GridView ..the Updated cell comes back to its original.

JS code1 :


JS code2 :


What i need is a simple way to set a specific gridview cell with my passed JS variable.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Get The Value Of HyperLinkField From A GridView?

Jan 20, 2010

I mean I have a GridView with a HyperLink field here is it:

<asp:Button id="OKButton" runat="server" text="OK"><br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" Width="100%" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="CatID">
<Columns> [code]...

I want the first column of the selected row be passed to a variable for further processing.

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