ADO.NET :: Retrieve Values From A Dataset

Feb 21, 2011

how to retrieve a value from a typed dataset. I am trying to retrieve a value from a row within a row return from a tabale adapter method. Example:

Dim transAPI As New PN_TransactionBLL()
Dim trans As PN.RetrieveGEmailDataTable = transAPI.getGEmail(itemtId)

The tabeadapter method retrieves 1 row of data and I would like to pull the values retrived such as "trans.rowproperty"(if thats the correct syntax) where "rowproperty" would contain the actual value returned.

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string studentno = "select regno from stu_ref where batch='" + dropbatch.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
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the total no of student=78

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public static DataSet GetSubCategories(int category_id)

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Price, $10

Amount, 50

Options, OFF

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decimal Length = 94;
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