Dataset Loaded With Values / Search For A Specific Row And Value?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a database table that has the following: SettingName, Value

So I have loaded (select * from settings) into a dataset

Now I want to know how can I get for example the settingname "Price" and get the value of it?

Here is some sample data in the table

SettingName, Value

Price, $10

Amount, 50

Options, OFF

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Data Controls :: Read Attributes Of XML Loaded In DataSet Using C#

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<AccessNumber name="itfs">
<Features value="8067400680" Status="False" />
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<AccessNumber name="sns">

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Forms Data Controls :: After Search Results Is Populated, Click On The Hyperlink To View Specific Records Tied To It.

Feb 10, 2011

currently I am doing a web application such that after user search for all the contracts,the contract id is a hyperlink in which user can click on it to view the results tied to it. There is 2 pages. One is for the search page and after searching results is populated below. The contract id in the grid view is a hyperlink so that when user clicks on it, they will go to another page and view the specific records tied to it. How shld I do this as I am creating this web application in 3-tier formatting.

This is the search.aspx:


This is the next page that will display the results tied to this particular ID:


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How To Add Values Of Dataset Tables To Typed Dataset Tables

Mar 4, 2011

I am getting Resultset from SQL server2005.It contains 4 tables.

Dataset ds=new Dataset();

ds=BLogiclayer1.TestMethod1(a,b,c,d);. This normal Dataset ds contains Resultset. ( I am working with RDLC reports. I added a Typed dataset to my project. I am using Typed Dataset as report dataset.) I want to add normal Dataset all the table values to Typed Dataset table as rows i. e. only one table in Typed dataset.I am trying like below.

//Typed Dataset name that I have added is salesdata.

salesdata sd=new salesdata();

for(int i=0;i<ds.Tables.Count ; i++)[code]....

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SQL Reporting :: Sum 2 Specific Values From 1group?

Jan 27, 2010

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C# - Removing Same Values From A Dataset

Jul 20, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Retrieve Values From A Dataset

Feb 21, 2011

how to retrieve a value from a typed dataset. I am trying to retrieve a value from a row within a row return from a tabale adapter method. Example:

Dim transAPI As New PN_TransactionBLL()
Dim trans As PN.RetrieveGEmailDataTable = transAPI.getGEmail(itemtId)

The tabeadapter method retrieves 1 row of data and I would like to pull the values retrived such as "trans.rowproperty"(if thats the correct syntax) where "rowproperty" would contain the actual value returned.

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Javascript - Getting Checked Input Values In A Specific Div

Mar 10, 2011

Here is my div that is contained more than once by my page:

<div class="formContainerDiv" style="width:165px">
<td colspan="2">
Assign To<br />
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxListLoginUsers" runat="server">
<br />
Note<br />
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxNote" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="150" ClientIDMode="Static" class="textBoxNote"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<input type="button" class="saveAssignment" value="Save"/>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="formContainerDivClose">Close</a>

And that's my jquery function:

$(".saveAssignment").click(function () {
var div = $(this).parents(".formContainerDiv");

I can select the appropriate formContainerDiv. But I need to get the values of checked checkboxes and the value of TextBoxNote.

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C# - Concatenate Different Values From A Specific Column To A Same Line

Jan 18, 2011

I Have a DataTable with a lot of Rows and Columns.

Some of these Rows have the Same "OrderId", actually these rows are almost the same, but I have a specific value in the "TagList" Column that I have to put in the previous row.

Making a unique Row with all the TagList values inside the TagList Column.

I'll give a example below:

Line 1:
ID: 1
Name: John
OrderId: 1500
TagList: AG75

ID: 2
Name: John
OrderId: 1500
TagList: BG99

I wanna do it:
ID: 1
Name: Mark
OrderId: 1500
TagList: AG75, BG99

ie: Concatenate the TagList's values when they have the same OrderId.

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Web Forms :: Get Specific Values Inside A Text?

Jun 15, 2010

My question could be easy but I cannot search it on the net couse I do not know with wich words I need to search it funny haa !

Here is my problem;

I have a button inside a datalist with command name of 'Command1' and '12.09,13,21,True,Here is a string text' The type of it can be changed. it doesnt matter. What I wanna do only matters here ! when I press this button I wanna get value before comma seperately. E.g. someting like that;

decimal Dec1 = 12.09;
int int01 = 13;
int int02 = 21;
Boolean bool1 = True;

string string01 = "Here is a string text";

After I press it I wanna appoint values to those variables.

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Keep A History Of Values For Specific Properties Of EF Entities?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a requirement to keep a history of values of some fields in an EF4 ASP.NET MVC3 application. This just needs to be a log file of sorts, log the user, datetime, tablename, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue.

Although it would be pretty easy to code this in various save routines, I'm wondering if I can get global coverage by wiring it into some sort of dataannotation, so that I can perhaps declare

public string Surname { get; set; }

in my partial class (I'm using POCO but generated from a T4 template).

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VS 2008 - How To Add Values Together From Dataset (with A Repeater)

Jan 4, 2010

I've figured out how to use a repeater field, now what I want to achieve is a "total" figure for the column, and this figure needs to appear the footer.

Back in ASP 3.0, I would simply create a variable, and on every step as I looped through the recordset, I would add the current to the variable, including its original value. At the end, I'd have the total. Apparently I can't figure out how to do the same thing in ASP.NET.

This is what I'm doing (which doesn't work):


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Web.Config Values To Be Specific To Release Versus Debug

Jul 7, 2010

Is it possible to make some values in my Web.Config file dependent on whether I am building a release or debug based ASP.NET application?

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